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Life Choices

You only get one life to live.

By Natasha DosterPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

You only get one life to live. I believe it's important to become the best version of yourself. No one is perfect but you should want to try to be a good person. I have been having a hard time lately trying to find this version of myself. My journey has been a long road but I refuse to give up.

I believe in my heart I have a lot of love to share with this world. I need to surround myself with more positive people. I have this optimistic view about my life. No matter what, I try to keep hope alive. I like to push through the bad things happen to try to find a meaning or reason for this purpose in my life.

In your life, each life experience serves a purpose in your journey of life. I believe God wants you to learn from these experiences to help shape yourself into a better person. If you don’t share the value of god or at least have some spirituality, you should think of life as, "treat people how you want to be treated."

It so important to make a wise life choice. Your actions and words react with your environment and relationship with others. It is a consequence for your actions. If will affect those around you when you decide to make a poor life decision. It will be a time you will make mistakes and poor decisions. The best thing to do is make amends or actions to correct your actions.

I believe the world can become better if people took more time to do an act of kindness for each other. It only takes a sec to be kind but It takes a lot of time and effort to be rude to someone. You get to live longer lives when you find positivity and love in your heart. It took me 31 years of life to figure out how important my actions are in my journey. Each day I take my time to pray and meditation daily. I like to find a space to be calm and relaxed. It helps me to find positivity and happiness.

A year ago, I was working a job based on how much I could make instead of doing things that make me happy. I found out through my health crisis how important it is to put first my health and family. No matter what happens in life, we have a bond with our family. Friends and lovers come and go but family is forever.

Your relationship with your family will have ups and downs in dynamics. One thing that is true and sure is that my family knows me like no one else. They always find a way to return into my life. I learn through my family the art of forgiving people in your heart. I also learn to do the things that make you happy. I will no longer sacrifice my happiness for material things. One day, I will pass away. Those material things can't go with me and no longer matter anymore.

I have learned to let go of things that are a want, but not necessarily a need, in life. I want to shift my focus to helping people and inspiring others to do great things in life. I find when I help other people that I find a joy like nothing else. I love inspiring people because I believe that we all connect in some way in life. When you put someone down or purposefully make someone fail, you are failing yourself, too. You never want to burn too many bridges. The bridges might later have an important connection to your own path.

I want to take my different life experiences to spread a message. I believe small, great things can happen through words. I want to continue my journey inspiring others. I want to keep hope alive because I’m still optimistic about life. Life will give you lemons but you've got to find a way to make lemonade or even lemon pie. You will cross some dark paths along the way but what defines you is the choice you decide to make. I have few tips that help me be a better version of myself.


  1. Be kind and compliment people.
  2. Offer to help people when you can.
  3. Appreciate your family, friends, and love ones.
  4. Think positivity and believe in yourself.
  5. You determine your happiness.
  6. Focus on your goals.
  7. Find your passion in life.
  8. Learn from your mistakes and make amends.
  9. Learn to forgive others.
  10. Laughter can heal your heart and soul.
  11. The most important thing is keeping love in your heart.

In conclusion, everything takes time and effort to work out. Life is full of obstacles but you've got to be willing to jump over it. I realize how far I have come in my journey. I will not give up so easily. I have great faith, love in my heart, and passion in life. I thrive with success when things get heated. Life is full of pressure that I find for some reason. Life pushes me hard to be the best version of myself. I will continue to help others and inspire others. I will love all people because hate can destroy us all. I feel like I have found growth as a person, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. You only have one life to live. I'm going to live the best life that I can live.

self help

About the Creator

Natasha Doster

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