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Judge me all you want because you don't seem to realize that I don't care.

By Theresa EvansPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Girl with red hat on Unsplash

I used to be the one who always put others first before myself, and I thought for years that this was normal when in reality, it was not expected. I had to learn to cut my hearing aid off when certain people were talking to me because I had noticed a pattern with them, and it starts with their actions do not match their words. Once I see that you have some inconsistencies, I will not listen to you because your word is not valid.

No matter what you do, someone will always talk about you.

I only speak on things that I know are a fact about someone. Even in my everyday life, I am always focused on who I can be of service to today in a positive way. However, I still have people who want to continuously try to dim my light, which I am not having. I will still laugh, love, smile, and pour into others as much positivity as I can, and for those of you who think that you can control my inner beauty, you are fighting a losing battle with me on this.

Someone will always question your judgments.

I have realized that there will always be someone who questions your judgments because they see that you are the type of person that has morals, values, and standards for yourself, and so because you have these jewels already inside you, there will be haters that have so much to say but at the same time smile in your face.

The funny thing about this is that the very people that are questioning your judgments are the very ones that keep giving fucked up advice, and then they look at you like you are the one with the problem when, in reality, they are the ones with the problem and what makes this example even worse is that they don't even wont to take accountability for their actions. I try my best to stay away from these kinds of people because they have so much to say about others' situations, and they are not even in the situation. They just have to have their nose in everything,

Someone will always doubt you.

There will always be that one person who will doubt you, and the funny thing about this is that you know that you haven't given the other person a reason to doubt you. They just do. Now here is how I try to handle a person that is doubtful of me, and this is so simple that it is scary. The solution is I stop talking and just start moving. In other words, I can show you better than I can tell you. I live by this statement because it is so true for me and anyone that wants to break the mental bull shit that this world tends to dump on us every day.

There is a saying that you should treat others as you would want to be treated, but the problem with this is that some people pretend to be a good loyal friend or coworker only to find out later that they are the very ones judging and doubting you all at the same time. The way I handle this is also simple, I choose to move in silence around many people because I know that everyone can talk a good game, but the truth always shows itself with the person's actions.

So just smile and make choices you can live with.

As you get older in life, you start to realize that you are the only one you are responsible for. This statement does not include children under 21 and grandchildren under 21; this includes grown-ass human beings. Not a part-time human like you will work but a whole human. The moment that you decide to choose your happiness and learn to love yourself first and more often, you will see that your life is lovely so just sit back and smile because you are at a place in your life where you can live with the choices you have made I know I can.


About the Creator

Theresa Evans

I am a woman on fire for the love of life and being able to reach one life at a time through my words. If I can reach one then I can teach one the art of healing one's self from the inside out all mentaly

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