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It's time to be real

Let go of being fake

By Rita HurryPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

We live in a world currently ruled by image. If you are not following the crowd or looking like the latest doll, you feel that you are not accepted by the world.


As a woman in her mid-40s, I have seen such a huge change in how people are giving in to the pressure of what is expected of them and it is very sad to see. It’s no longer just women, it’s men too.

The media is full of women with lip fillers and men with plucked and shaped eyebrows and everywhere you go, that's all you see. Nail parlours and eyebrow beauty places are opening up all over the place and so many are striving to save up their money for lifts and tucks that just don't even look human anymore.

It’s no longer cool to be an original…although many think they are, but following the latest trend is not being an original folks! Being yourself and not being like the latest reality star is what is called ‘an original’.

Where are all the ‘real people’ gone? These are the ones you can trust to do business with, the ones who are not copying others and trying to be like others or following a plan to use certain words in their content to draw potential buyers in.

I feel it’s time that the copycats, the fake ones stop playing this game and just be themselves. You will find that life is a hell of a lot easier and you’ll attract so much more happiness and abundance to your life by being true to yourself.

Why spend so much money being like everyone else, when you can save a lot more just being yourself and experience the good things in life instead.

By following the latest trends you are setting yourself up for a fall. As soon as it all changes, you'll be having to pull the money together, to change everything you've done to yourself again just to keep up.

It's happening in business as well as fashion and beauty. Follow, follow, follow! Boy that is tiring!

When it comes to branding our own company, entrepreneurs are trying to appeal to the masses and often get themselves in a panic, trying to decide what colour theme to use on their Instagram account and whether the content follows a nice pattern and has a similar theme running through it!

Where is the reality in that! You are being to watchful over your presentation instead of showing potential customers and clients, who you really are regardless of what your Instagram feed looks like.

People are not going to hire you because your feed looks pretty, they are going to hire you if you can do the job they want and can get them the result they are paying you for. They are paying you to be you!

We were never created to be like everyone else. We were not created to be afraid to be who we truly are. Each one of us has a voice and that voice should not be a copy of everyone else.

It's like having only one song created by an music artist and that song does exceptionally well and because of that, every single music artist only copies that song over and over again, so all we are left with in this world is this one song! How crazy that would be and boring for those that have only that one song to listen to!

But this is what we are doing when we are afraid to step out and just do our own thing. We are just creating more of the same that is already out there.

We were created to love ourselves for who we are, love others and enjoy the experiences of life that we have truly been blessed with. That’s what is the true meaning of being a ‘Reality Star’.

So my message to everyone who is reading this today – be your own reality star. Take off the fakeness of trying to be someone else or live up to others’ expectations and just embrace all that you are and enjoy this gift of life that you have been blessed with.

self help

About the Creator

Rita Hurry

Coach Rita is an Arts, Media and Film Coach. She has been coaching for over 17 years and is an Award-Winning Law Of Attraction Coach.

Coach Rita's clients include Casting Agents, Actors, Musicians, Singers, Writers and many more.

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