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It's Out of my Hands

What he said, what he didn’t say, it’s out of my hands.

By Melissa SteussyPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
It's Out of my Hands
Photo by dusan jovic on Unsplash

It’s out of my hands.

I can no longer worry about what people do or don’t do, it’s out of my hands.

When something goes lost and I worry myself crazy, I have to just learn to say It’s out of my hands.

When I feel a lump or a bump or hear a creak and feel pain, it’s out of my hands.

There are some things I can control, like my reactions, but I have to trust that my life will unfold as it is supposed to.

I will take care of my body the best way I know how. I will eat the right foods and get enough rest. I will move my arms and legs and take care of myself, but the rest is out of my hands.

Other people unfortunately are out of my hands. My children, as much as I want to contort and control them are out of my hands. I can guide them, but one day they will be their own people and I have to know it’s out of my hands.

The weather and natural disasters, even pandemics are out of my hands. Car incidents and thieves are out of my hands. A wild deer running in front of my car is out of my hands.

What can I do? What do I even have control over? This tiny bubble around myself, that’s what.

I can’t worry about what others are up to. I have to learn to stay in my lane. I can try my best, but the outcome is out of my hands. What people think about me is out of my hands.

My writing, my future is truly out of my hands.

Sometimes they say even if we planned out every detail of our lives that we would sell ourselves short. I am going to work on surrender so that I can expect the most wildly beautiful things to happen.

By Nathan Dumlao on Unsplash

Other people’s opinions are out of my hands. Other people’s timelines are not in my hands. I can learn to let go and worry about myself. Loving the people around me to the best of my ability, helping others where and when I can, and taking care of me and my own personal boundaries-those are things I can do today.

Many times the timelines of others are out of my hands. I wait and begin to lose patience. I try to control the outcome, but no more.

How many lives do we have to live? Multiple? I don't know, but most people think it's one. Some people believe we keep coming back until we get it right. But, what is right? Until we are fully evolved? Until our feathers never ruffle? Until we've broken all of the cycles and found peace in our minds and hearts? Until this world is finally healed? Until Jesus comes back?

I don't know about you, but I want to enjoy my life. I gave a lot of emotional energy away while worrying about what others thought of me and replaying conversations in my mind, but I am just not willing to play that game anymore. I am ready to let go, not to play dead, but to live. To fully live unencumbered by what others are doing or not doing.

I mean seriously, the amount of energy in our brains we give to the past, re-hashing and overthinking.

What if instead of worrying we planned and instead of being obsessed with others we became obsessed with loving our F***ing selves.

Not in an egotistical way, but in a self-love, finally seeing our inner badass warrior queen selves and just accepting ourselves, finally.

I know for a fact that loving and taking care of myself is in my hands. In fact that is one thing that is not in anyone else's hands.

I set out today to do just that and I invite you to do the same.


About the Creator

Melissa Steussy

Author of Let Your Privates Breathe-Breaking the Cycle of Addiction and Family Dysfunction. Available at The Black Hat Press:

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