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Increase Focus and Improve The Power of Attention

Scientifically Proven Ways

By Judith IsidorePublished 2 years ago 5 min read
Increase Focus and Improve The Power of Attention
Photo by Surface on Unsplash

Concentration and sharpness is the optimal investment in all daily activities. At work it is needed, in school it must be present, and in university it is indispensable. In social communication and various daily relationships and transactions, the mind must be open and alert, not sluggish or sluggish, and in constant alternation. Between awakening and inattention... Inattention and awakening! Therefore, it is necessary to maintain focus, increase the power of attention, and awaken the spark of activity in the mind.

Successive cups of caffeine, whether coffee, tea or other drinks, may benefit in increasing energy and reviving focus in an instant, but there is also an urgent need for a comprehensive general strategy that can be adopted as a daily life approach that is applied constantly and regularly, not just substances and fluids that enter the body, in an attempt Desperate for the illusion of awakening!

Therefore, it was necessary to take a few steps that help improve focus and increase activity and attention to its maximum limits.

1. Allow your mind to wander..sometimes!

Contrary to what is prevalent, exaggerated focus turns on its owner and subsequently afflicts, so allowing from time to time wandering and wandering here and there, improves the general course of concentration and increases productivity later as a result. Especially since the comprehensive focus for long periods may bear fruit in the short-term, but with repetition it causes fatigue and thus a decline in the performance of upcoming tasks and their achievement worse than before.

For this reason, specialists in the psychological field advise the importance of disciplined fugue during the performance of tasks, and to take advantage of rest and break times in a state similar to “daydreaming”, in which the mind relaxes and is freed from the intense fatigue that was imposed on it by focus, and later it can return to work in an active and more effective manner. .

2. Breaks are very important

This paragraph will not need scientific proof because everyone is familiar with it under the authority of common sense and previous experience without the need for scientists and their experiences, but it is necessary to emphasise it again because it is very important in the process of focus we are talking about. Studies indicate that the focus is on the form of circles and not a linear continuity forward. Meaning that the vast majority of people cannot focus for more than 90 minutes without taking a 15-minute break. The process is a cycle of intermittent periods of alternating between concentration and rest.

Scientists point out that the best thing you can do to make use of your rest period is the exact opposite of what you were doing when you were concentrating! Instead of shifting focus to other work during a break or wasting time reading stressful messages, for example, try watering the plants around you, listening to a song, or perhaps taking a few steps where you are.

3. Train your brain to focus

What raises happiness in the soul is that the structure of the brain is flexible, and that if a person suffers from problems related to concentration and attention, this can be solved by training the brain on other positions that can be performed. By doing some attention-enhancing exercises such as strategy games, chess and other activities that build strategies and follow plans, according to one study conducted in 2015, those who spent a quarter of an hour practising these exercises throughout the week were better focused than those who they did not.

There are also some other techniques that help with this, such as practising meditation and mental clarity for a short period that allows the brain to arrange itself and thus reflect on the results that it produces later.

4. It is necessary to exercise

A healthy brain is in a healthy body, and the relationship between the physical, physical and mental aspects is very close, so if you want to get better focus and continuous attention, you must monitor the body and the physical inputs that you do daily and throughout the week, if laxity and heaviness is the title of the stage, then it must From changing this pattern and seriously engaging in sports of all kinds, from walking to those extreme sports that require strenuous physical activity.

Continuous improvement in focus isn't just for young adults. One study found that older adults who exercised for about 75 minutes a week had better focus and attention.

5. A desk without distractions!

To increase focus, it is sufficient for a person to do just the opposite, that is, to end the distraction factors that hinder focus, and not just focus on improving focus itself! When these distractions are reduced, it becomes easier to focus attention on the material you want to work on. Perhaps the most prominent distractions to be removed are those things on tables and desks, which are often untidy and scattered here and there. Reducing these distractions is important. Thus, we have cut off the brain's way - as a proactive burnout - from looking at what is around the desk from the TV or other accessories, to limit the focus to a specific and more precise field.

6. Get enough sleep

To complete the paragraph of a healthy mind in a healthy body, we must ask what are the things that make the mind healthy and what do not make it so. If we want the first; We found that adequate and good sleep for an estimated period of 8 hours every day is one of the most important factors of brain safety. As for those that harm the brain; Deprivation of sleep or limiting it to a few hours, will damage the brain and distract attention and focus, and even if you drink tons of coffee every day, the brain will reach the stage of collapse at any moment, because it did not get the sufficient amount of sleep it needs.

In addition, studies indicate that napping during the day helps to improve the work of the brain, as it improves attention and restores vitality and activity.

self help

About the Creator

Judith Isidore

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