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How to Stay Motivated

How to stay (or become) motivated

By Stephi DurandPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

Finding motivation to get stuff done is something I've been struggling to do a lot recently. It both stresses me out and makes me feel guilty when I really need to be getting things done.

Would you believe me if I told you that I started this post, wrote the title and header, then lost all motivation to continue? Well, it's true. But I got my butt into gear, and motivated myself to get this done!

So why don't we talk about some ways to start getting motivated again?

Keep Your Goals In Sight

A note on your phone, a list, a printed version stuck on your wall. Keep your goals where you can see them, and remind yourself why you're doing what you're choosing to do.

Find Something Which Keeps/Makes You Inspired

Vision boards, Pinterest, Quotes, there are many ways to find inspiration. Depending on what inspiration I'm looking for, I'll head to Pinterest to find images and quotes, and those I like and find inspiring, I'll save to a board.

You don't even need to find just one inspiration. Find as many as you want. In as many forms as you want.


I understand that this may not be for everybody, and that is perfectly okay! You can take what you want from this, what you think will work for you.

For those of you who may not know, an affirmation is to state something true. So, for example, if I wanted to have more confidence in myself, I would say something like: 'I am confident', 'I am courageous', or 'I am far more capable than I believe'.

I say these with meaning, I believe them to be true because they are/will be true.

If you're stuck for ideas, you can simply google 'affirmations' or 'affirmations for [blank]' (obviously, filling in the [blank] with what you're specifically looking for).

You can say them aloud, quietly, in your mind, write it down, whatever suits you best.

Watch Videos of Your Interest or Goal

Do you have access to the internet? Awesome! Then you can head over to YouTube to search for videos relating to your goal.

I have an interest in the entrepreneurial world, there are some YouTubers who I enjoy watching, and find get me inspired and motivated to learn more, to work both harder and smarter to reach my goals.

I'm also someone who just enjoys learning overall, and learning from home is less anxiety-inducing for myself. So going to YouTube and watching tutorials, advice videos, and even people's reviews and experiences, I find I'm learning a lot more, becoming more interested, and wanting to do more! All from the comfort of my home.

Connect With People

Go out, or search on social media (Twitter is a great one for this I find!) to find people who are either on the same, or similar path to you or people who are uplifting and motivating.

If you go this route, don't forget to give back what you want. Motivate those you connect with, uplift them, give them the encouragement and advice (where possible), and find yourself becoming more likely to receive this support.

Don't Over Do It

Breaks are important. The workaholic mindset is an awful mindset to have. It'll cause a higher risk of burnout, leaving you feeling far worse about yourself, and getting to your goals than you ever could have made yourself feel as you were working yourself to exhaustion.

Take breaks. Again, they are important.

Allow yourself to rest. To take a breather. A day off here and there will not kill you, I promise.

If you're the type of person who needs to be productive and can't just sit around watching Netflix without doing something, find yourself an activity to focus on that is in no way related to your goals, but is still something enjoyable. Take your time working on it while you're on the sofa or in/on your bed, listening to the TV, music, audiobooks, podcasts, the choice is yours.

Honestly? Staying motivated can be difficult at times. Don't forget to take breaks and rest, relax, and re-energize yourself, so you're ready to get back to working on your goals again. Keep your goals in sight, and always remind yourself that you are beyond capable. You can do this.

And I fully believe in you.

self help

About the Creator

Stephi Durand

Indie Author | Content Creator

'Look Up' is available to purchase at all online book retailers in Paperback and eBook.

Writing here, writing there, writing everywhere...

Instagram: @stevie_dd

Twitter: @StephiDurand

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