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How to Make Your New Year Resolution Successful In 2021

Why We Fail to Continue Our New Year Resolution

By Saurabh AdhanePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
How to Make Your New Year Resolution Successful In 2021
Photo by Annie Spratt on Unsplash

Last year, I made my new year resolution list with 3 major goals and failed within a week. I never realized why we make resolutions on the new year. Is it something new or fancy in doing this?

My cousin never believes in new year resolution, he says they don’t exist. It’s all bullshit according to him. He advised me not to mess my new year life with resolution kind of stuff.

I never got succeed by applying new year resolution in my life. It has something to do with our brain. Our brain always looks for temporary happiness.

We are still thinking like hunter-gatherers, and we should accept it.

We Upgraded our environment and living using brain. Funny fact is our brain still works like a hunter-gatherer. We still think and act like old humans. New resolutions will not work with the brain which we carry!

It’s always difficult to cultivate good habits. Cultivating good habits requires passions and practice. Practice makes us perfect. A new year doesn’t boost your will power, which can lead you to implement good habits.

An old saying tells us it takes 10 years for a tree to grow and how we can change ourselves in one day. They tell us to keep our expectation low. Expectations kill happiness.

We expect to run with great speed from day one of the new years. Is it possible? We’re not a ussain bolt or robot to do as they are programmed. We made with.

  • Emotions
  • Feelings
  • Procrastination
  • Excitement
  • Brain with full neurons

We rely on our feelings and experiences and trends, hence we left our new year resolution before we make some progress.

1. Start from tomorrow

Don’t wait till New Year's day to start your resolution, start it from tomorrow or today. All days are special. Our brain doesn’t know what new year is! It will work the same in next year. Habits take time to implement.

If you really want to lose weight or write 1 blog post per day starting now. Waiting for a new year is like waiting for a plane at the airport.

2. Start with small

When I started my new year resolution, I tried to run 5 km per day. On 1 January, I did it. On the second day, I didn’t go for a run. It happened because I set a big target.

All you need is to set up a small target. It can be anything like,

  1. Starting a day with 20 pushup
  2. Drinking 2 glass warm water waking up in the morning
  3. Sleeping early at night
  4. Limiting your mobile screen time
  5. Small changes make big differences in life.

Start with small, eventually, you will hit bigger. If you want to build writing habit starts with 200 words on day one. Don’t punch yourself to write 1 blog post in a single day. Sure, It will not work.

3. Keep yourself motivated

Once you start the engine, it needs fuel to run the vehicle. Same, you must apply it to your new year resolution. Try to keep your motivation until it becomes a habit.

The best way is to set yourself to autopilot mode, where you don’t need the motivation to perform tasks. Our brain works best when he becomes habitual to certain patterns.

You can read or watch motivational stuff at starting, to continue with your new year resolution. Consistency is key here.

Start your New Year's resolution to improve your life and to make a better version of yourself. Let us wind up here.

To make your new year resolution successful you can

  1. Start with a small goal
  2. Start from Now
  3. Keep yourself motivated

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About the Creator

Saurabh Adhane

I am software Engineer and writer. Write about writing and self developement.

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