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How to Live Your Best Day, Every Day!

Simple Tricks to Live a Great Life

By Osana WasutPublished 5 years ago 5 min read

First off, I made a youtube video about this, which you can check out here!

So basically, in this post, I want to share with you some ideas on how you can live your best day, every day!

It's really not that hard, and it's certainly not impossible to enjoy each and every day of your life. It's easier than you might think, at least this is what I discovered along my journey.

A few years ago, I did an exercise called the perfect day exercise, and this is something that I have now done a few times, I include it in my meditations each morning, and I get my clients to do the same thing.

The perfect day exercise is to write out what your ideal most perfect day would look like for you, from the moment you wake up, until the moment you go to bed. What would you like your day to look like?

Go through each hour of the day, and write down what it is you would want to do in that hour. Then when you are all done, you might be surprised to realize, that most of the things you wrote down, you can already start doing, you don't need to wait for tomorrow to start doing certain things.

For example, my perfect day years ago was, something like this:

Wake up naturally around 8 AM- Do some yoga/ meditation, enjoy my morning coffee, go out for a walk around 10AM, come home and do a few hours of work, have lunch, go back out to the park for a bit in the afternoon to enjoy the sun, read or write, come home and do a couple more hours of work before making a nice dinner, spend an hour making a great meal from seven to eight, do some light yoga/ stretching at the end of my day, wind down for bed and do some journalling, do a short gratitude prayer for the day, before going to bed around 11PM.

That was it, and I realized once I was done, that my perfect day had nothing to do with how much money was in my bank or anything dependent on external things. I could start doing most if not all of those things already, and so I did!

I can't remember the last non-perfect day that I had, I really cant. I've been living great days for the last couple of years now, not even realizing I was, until I found my old journal where I had written this perfect day out a few years ago, and I had just slowly changed my life accordingly.

So anyway, once you write out your own perfect day, you can look at it and start seeing things that you don't need to wait to start doing, you can do it right now with wherever you are in life. Maybe you really want to start doing yoga, and that's included in your perfect day. So then you can start right now, in your living room, doing yoga. You don't need to wait for anyone or anything to allow you to start doing the things you truly want to do.

Living a great life is not reserved for the rich and successful, this is a very limiting belief one might have, for everyone is worthy of living a great life, we all just need to get out of our own way, and just start.

I feel like one of the biggest weaknesses we have is self-deprecation, and that means selling oneself short. We tend to be so critical of ourselves, and we don't feel ourselves to be worthy or good enough to live an amazing life.

Well, let me tell you that you are worthy and good enough! You need to start believing in yourself, and believing that it is possible, because you are an amazing human being, and you are capable of so much more than you might have been told. Hiding our light under a bush never helps anyone, and I suspect if you are reading this then you are already on the path of personal transformation, so congratulations to you!

You've already taken the hardest step, which is the first one, the one where you decided to take control of your life and stop giving your beautiful days away to others who don't appreciate you. Self-love is one of the greatest things you can ever do for yourself, and when you love yourself, you begin to put your happiness and joy in life as a priority, and that makes room for you to start living your best day, every day!

You don't need anyone's approval to actually enjoy your life. Being miserable and having bad days every second day is not serving anyone, and certainly not serving yourself. You have to love yourself enough to put your happiness and healing first. Take care of and love yourself, and the rest will certainly follow!

Alright, that's all I wanted to share today, if you enjoyed this, go check out some of my other work on my website.

It's my newest site at the moment of writing this (April 23rd, 2019), but I will be adding so much amazing content on it in the months and years to come! It's off to a great start though!

I truly love my life and all that I am creating, and now I have helped my own self enough that I can turn around and help others along their journey of transformation!

Hope you enjoyed, and until next time, keep on shining that light of yours!

With Love and Light

Lindsay @ World Dreamerz


About the Creator

Osana Wasut

Sharing my stories with the world. Writing has been a great tool for transformation, and I feel like I am only starting to dive deep into the self. Life is a wonderful gift, live to the fullest!

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