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How to Feel More Attractive and Confident

10 Ways to Make Yourself Look and Feel More Attractive

By Berina KaricPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Not many of us can say we walk around feeling attractive all day. We all feel insecure at times, even when it comes to weight issues. If there are people who are constantly putting you down, being rude to you, or are just bad influences on your self-esteem, do your best to cut those people out of your life or spend less time with them.

More importantly, prioritize the people who spend their time supporting you and building you up. This can instantly boost your confidence.

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But know this: you are doing your best with what you have! And if you really want to feel more confident, then keep on reading.

Here are 10 ways to help you do just that:

1. Stop comparing yourself to others. This is probably the biggest confidence killer out there. Just because someone has a different body type or wears different clothes doesn’t mean you are any less attractive than them!

2. Fake it until you make it. If you act confident, you will start to feel more confident. Stand up straight, make eye contact and smile.

3. Dress for success. Wear clothes that make you feel good about yourself. If you feel attractive in what you’re wearing, it will show.

4. Exercise regularly. Exercise releases endorphins, which make you feel happy and confident.

5. Get plenty of sleep. When you’re well-rested, you feel good about yourself and your appearance.

6. Eat healthy food. Eating nutritious foods will make you feel better both physically and mentally.

7. Avoid negative people. Spend time with positive people who will build up your confidence, not tear it down.

8. Set realistic goals. Don’t set yourself up for disappointment by trying to do too much. Start with one or two goals and work your way up.

9. Take some time for yourself. Relax and do something that you enjoy, without stress or pressure.

10. Put yourself out there. Step out of your comfort zone and try new things. The more you do this, the more confident you will feel.

I would add that if you keep your promise to yourself and work hard in reaching your goals, not only will it give you a lot of confidence but also give you an opportunity to enjoy life in general!

Confidence is key to feeling attractive. If you don't feel confident, it will be difficult for you to feel your best. Most people will admit that they don't feel 100% at all times. Even the most beautiful and successful people have off days, but if you're feeling bad about yourself more than you feel good, you might need a shift in perspective.

Despite common thinking, feeling more attractive and desirable may have little to do with your outward appearance. It has more to do with your internal state and the way you feel about yourself. You can take steps to feeling more confident and attractive, but it starts with accepting yourself for who you are. Once you can do that, everything else becomes easier.

The easiest way to make yourself feel confident? Act like you already are.

When you challenge yourself to feel good about yourself, it will show and others will take notice. Try out some of the tips in this article and see how they work for you. It's time to start feeling better about yourself, so you can put your best foot forward and enjoy life more!


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