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How to Buy an Ice Cream Truck

(Or whatever other big dream you're dreaming)

By Dorothea OlsonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
How to Buy an Ice Cream Truck
Photo by karl muscat on Unsplash

So, you've got a huge dream. A dream that you spend your nights staring at your ceiling pondering. A dream that you play out in your mind while you're on those long drives to your relative's house. A dream that's so big you're a little afraid to tell your friends because they might think you're crazy.

Trust me, I have a lot of those big dreams. All the time. I'm an enneagram 7. Those big dreams get me through the day. But how do you go from having those big dreams, to actually living out those big dreams. For starters, everyone's different. My approach might not be your approach. Maybe you'll spend more time on a certain step than I do. You do you.

Step 1: What's your big dream?

Seems simple enough. Figure out your dream. What I mean by this isn't just "I want to run my own business". Figure it out. What kind of business do you want to start. Get a few more details. Do you want it be a small town shop or a big time business with thousands of employees? What do you want to do? You don't have to hash out all the details, but a few would be good. A lot of people will get stuck trying to hash out all the details and stop themselves from every moving out of step 1. Don't be that person. Move to step 2.

Step 2: Why?

Why is that your big dream? Example. I wanted to start an ice cream truck business. If I present just that to my friends and family, do you know what they would immediately say. "Cool...why?" People will generally be more on board with what you're doing if they can get behind the "why" of what you want to do. I love the joy that an ice cream truck jingle brings. That was my why. What's your why? Make it personal. Don't get too stuck here either. Onwards to step 3.

Step 3: Hear the Feedback

This part is always hardest for me. This is where some of my crazier ideas come to die. Which for me, is a really good thing because it leaves room for better ideas. Tell your friends and family the what and the why. And then, just listen. Listen to their feedback. Listen to their questions. Maybe write some of their concerns down. But don't let this be the end of your dream. This is only the step where we let things simmer for a little bit. Unless you've got everything pieced together and your family and friends love everything you said then move ahead to step 5. But actually don't. Step 4 is vital.

Step 4: Start Planning

I have a tendency to not spend enough time in this zone. I also have friends who spend ALL of their time here. Remember all those questions and concerns that your peers brought to your attention. Here's where you figure out the answers to those. How long should you save? How much time do you need to give this dream? What do you need to learn first? This isn't where you kill your dreams because you can't afford it or don't have the time for it or you don't feel qualified. This is where you make a plan to make this dream come to life. You budget your money, your time, your life. Don't get trapped here either. You'll never be fully ready or prepared. BUT you're going to figure this out and make this dream happen!

Step 5: First Steps

You're kinda ready. A little prepared. A whole lot nervous. But hey, you made it farther than a lot of other people. Because most people will never start on moving towards their big dreams. But not you! Because you have a dream. You have a reason. You have support. You have a plan. Now you just need to START. Just one foot forward. Take more step at a time towards your dream. Maybe that's $10 towards saving. Maybe that's spending an hour on it every day. I don't care. It's a step. And if you're stepping towards your dream, then that step better be the happiest, bounciest step you ever take.

how to

About the Creator

Dorothea Olson

I'm an Enneagram 7w8. I run an ice cream truck. Am renovating a 100 year old farmhouse. Sell on Poshmark. Want to learn macrame and how to play the banjo. Whatever seems fun and exciting. Here for it!

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