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How do we make our lives more enjoyable?

A list of things you should consider as rules for your everyday life

By Sharad GuptaPublished 3 years ago 15 min read
How do we make our lives more enjoyable?
Photo by Aziz Acharki on Unsplash

There is an unfortunate explanation why happiness is so difficult to find because our brains are not built for it. Instead, our brains have developed to help us survive, defend ourselves, and stay healthy. People experience joy at times and periods of contentment and bliss at others. However, many of us are afflicted by constant negative feelings and are trapped in the "blahs." It takes practice to cultivate lasting satisfaction, just like everything else. In specific ways, we need to re-establish our baseline. It won't happen overnight, but here are the top 30 things you can do every day to unlock happiness's secrets. The essence and intent of life, the entire goal, and the end of human existence is happiness.

What are the rules you should follow in everyday life?

Is your daily routine filled with tension and chaos? Life now runs pretty smoothly, even though you have a lot on your mind. Happiness is the most coveted goal in existence, but it seems to be elusive for many. It is all too quick to convince ourselves that we will be satisfied if we have that lovely house and new car. Happiness, on the other hand, is open to all of us right now. A large home or a new car will not make you happy; true happiness is found in the simple pleasures of life.

1. Be confident in yourself and know your worth

You are not acceptable, and you cannot do anything on your own. Do keep things in perspective. Do not put yourself under so much stress that you can't move; trust yourself to get the job done, but still be willing to give yourself some leeway. When you make a mistake, you should own up to it. Set objectives and take pleasure in the journey.

There are many rules that we must obey in life. We must follow the rules, the norms of the places where we live, and a slew of other clearly defined rules. Aside from these, there are specific social laws that are believed rather than explicitly specified. These unwritten rules are always required of you, whether it is filling up someone's tank after they let you borrow their car or simply knowing what to do while splitting the check at dinner.

2. Maintain your sense of perspective

Some days when you feel nothing goes your way, you will spend the whole day fighting fights, fixing issues, and mitigating harm. We all have had those days when we feel low, and it is all too easy to get engrossed in the drama. Gather your wits and believe in this, too, shall pass.

3. Don’t take tension

It would be best if you treated others as you would like to be handled. If you try to treat people the way you want to be held instead of how they want to be treated, you may get into trouble. For example, if you are not a phone person, you may avoid calling your friend because you believe they share your feelings, which may not be the case. Try not to pass judgment. Be generous; daily, strive to do something good for others.

4. First and foremost, you should consider your family.

How important is spending time with your family? Are you making sure that your job doesn't get in the way of that? You do not have to avoid living your life with your family, but prioritizing and making time for them can help you feel less guilty. That is not to say that my job is not essential; it simply means that you need to work in a way that is convenient for my family and me. Life is short, and you should know the importance of your family and spend time with them as much as you can.

5. Simplify and declutter

A thousand items are vying for your attention. You have to clean the kids' rooms again, do the dishes and laundry, and deal with the never-ending household chores. You must arrange your schedule to make room for further appointments, set aside time to socialize, assist your children with their homework, and run a gazillion school runs. Do not even begin to think about what needs to be done at work, but start to do the job, and you will end up with that soon.

6. Possess a Positive Attitude

All-day long, you are what you think. If all you have are pessimistic thoughts running through your mind, that is precisely what you will get, so try to adopt a more optimistic outlook on life. You will be shocked to see how quickly everything you've wished for begins to manifest in your setting. It would be best to retrain the brain from a negative to a positive mentality to achieve long-term happiness. You can look for positives in your life for one to two minutes. After 45 days of doing this three times a day, your brain will automatically begin doing it.

7. Know that no one is perfect

It is time to figure out what little stuff you are doing that makes others think you're rude so you do not get on anyone's wrong side. If everybody followed a few basic rules in life, the world would be a better place. Most people learn these types of laws but promptly seem to forget the minute. You should choose a meaningful mantra to repeat to yourself during the day, such as "Today is perfect" or "I am thankful for what I have." Take a moment to try to see things in bright light when things go wrong. Never overlook the value of looking for the silver linings of life.

8. Never stop learning in life.

People interested in life and never lose their "beginner's mind" are the most fascinating. They seek out new experiences and continue to grow personally and professionally. Be a lifelong student. You don't have to wait until you're old to become wise. You can read strong books with meaningful messages. Every day, try to learn something new. Take classes in topics you're interested in.

9. Be clear in your thoughts.

Are you trying to find a quiet moment throughout the day to kick your feet up and relax? Are you pressed for time, stressed out, and ready to give up? The answer is straightforward, simplifying your life.

You won't achieve much until you gain some of the clarity that comes from making space in your life, relationships, and atmosphere. Only by reducing, cutting back, and simplifying would you be able to avoid feeling stressed and hurried. Donate something you have not used in the last three years. You should make a plan and start to execute it.

10. Have a strong desire for something

Some people have so much passion and vitality that others are attracted to them and feel compelled to listen to them. If you ask a passionate home chef, aspiring interior designer, gourmet chocolate connoisseur, or antique dealer a question about their passion, they will talk your ear off. Have one meaningful hobby that motivates you to pursue your passion, and you will look forward to something special every day.

11. Know that everything matters

Consider what happened to your thoughts of doom and gloom after you have done this. It is hard not to feel uplifted when thinking of all the beautiful things you have in your life. Always be thankful, and make room for more happiness. You may have it all, but not all at once. Nothing could be further from the truth. It is impossible to have them all at the same time.

12. Make your day most productive.

You have 24 hours in a day and must prioritize your relationships, jobs, and spiritual well-being. The emphasis can change on any given day. Your children must attend after-school care on certain days because you have an important meeting, while work must take a back seat on some days due to a sick child with a high fever.

You need to relax with your family and friends now and then because it is a long time since you last took a break. Life doesn't have to be difficult, and you don't have to do it all at once.

13. Believe in simple living.

You all know that setting boundaries is crucial. We all need to know our limits and ask others to respect them, but did you know that setting boundaries with yourself is just as important? Setting personal boundaries entails creating your own set of rules for living.

You would be shocked how much such contemplation can change your life.

14. Fix a mealtime

Mealtime can also be simplified to make life simpler. There are numerous systems available, ranging from meal planning and preparation to meal delivery services and even the easy eating method.

When you think about where you would rather be, it is easy to lose sight of what you have. Practicing appreciation will help you shift your attention and appreciate all of the good things in your life, which will improve your overall happiness.

15. Audit your lifestyle on regular basis

It is essential to analyze your life. What is it that is causing you to be stressed? It could be everything from minor inconveniences you cannot seem to locate your keys, or your phone is still dead to major obstacles like you struggle with grocery shopping because you have three kids at home.

16. Look for things that you can repeat.

For some reason, we overestimate our need for variety in life, to our detriment. We are still looking for fresh recipes, wardrobe inspiration, and more, but why make it so complicated? Why not make it simpler by searching for things you can replicate daily, rather than constantly reinventing the wheel. You can wear the same clothes over again if you have a capsule wardrobe. Answer commonly asked questions with canned responses. You should think outside the box and avoid putting yourself to ongoing work, and old issues don't necessarily need new solutions.

17. Take a good sleep

What makes life easier for you? Is it possible not to be tired? You should try to take enough sleep is essential for your health and well-being, but I understand that for most people, sleeping eight hours a night regularly is just not possible. Having eight hours of sleep at least once a week is doable if you make a conscious effort. Make it a priority in your life; order pizza that night or allow yourself to leave the dishes in the sink if necessary. Make every effort to get to bed early.

18. Clean your house

There is less to clean and care for when you have fewer things in your house. This frees up time, attention, and even money, all of which are scarce resources for most of us. This certainly makes life more straightforward, but it's just the tip of the iceberg; minimalism can transform your life in various ways. Do not let tension take away your right to happiness. You have a right to happiness, and it would be wrong to let the pressure get in the way. Meditation, for example, will help you better handle stress and feel better.

19. Divide the problematic tasks into small one's

Some days you might feel low, but you should not lose hope. However, rather than moaning about tough jobs, you will make life simpler by searching for ways to transform them. For example, no one enjoys a long drive, but if it is inevitable, look for ways to make it more pleasant.

Play good music, listen to a podcast, or catch up with friends! Use your imagination and dance when doing the dishes or putting on a face mask while cleaning the toilet. After all, if you are going to do anything unpleasant in the first place, you should make it as enjoyable as possible.

20. Make personal goals .regularly

Try asking yourself, “What do you need to have a good day today?” every morning before setting your daily intentions. For many reasons, this is a decisive issue.

First and foremost, it aids in the identification of your to-do list goals. Instead of criticizing yourself for not getting anything done, you should concentrate on what matters most. This is important for a productive day. Finally, accepting gradual change is a simple way to make life simpler. Stop putting yourself down, let go of your unreasonable aspirations, and learn to appreciate the ride.

21. Don't overburden yourself.

Never forget that there is only so much you can do in a single day. No matter how hard we hustle," we all have limits, but the only question is whether you will give yourself the blessing of going slowly or chastise yourself for not doing enough. The net performance, in my experience, is essentially the same.

The only real distinction is your attitude toward yourself. I implore you to rejoice in small victories and to take it easy on yourself. Mindfulness is described as being present, conscious, and curious. Accepting our circumstances reduces tension and allows us to see things for what they are. We will find harmony and affirmation in ourselves by practicing mindfulness.

22. Have some routine

Looking for ways to build flow in your schedule is another way to make your life easier. You are probably still doing something along these lines. You might have other errands that you frequently pair together, but this is just one example of how you can make your schedule flow. Another option is to match your energy levels to your to-do list.

23. Do what you want to do?

Please find time to pursue your passions, whether it's baseball, poetry, or teaching children to swim. When you are doing something you like, you will find that you are filled with happiness.

We often feel hollow inside after achieving our personal goals because we haven't made a significant contribution to someone else's life. It feels nice to be of support to others when we volunteer or assist others. The effect we have feels rewarding, and it has the potential to be a significant source of satisfaction for us.

24. Workout Regularly

Playing games, whether kicking a soccer ball or shooting hoops, is an excellent way to exercise. A life coach will assist you in evaluating your life and determining why you are unhappy in it. Perhaps you're unaware that you are keeping restricting convictions or experiencing an emotional barrier. You can learn why you're sad and what you can do to feel better by consulting with a life coach.

25. Spend some quality time with your special one's

There is no substitute for spending quality time with family and friends. And if you are an introvert or a loner, we're social creatures. People enjoy spending time with their friends and family because it allows them to connect, talk, and laugh.

You are well aware that negative thoughts can depress you. You don't always have to send expensive gifts; a poem, a short message, or a thoughtful email will make someone's day, as well as yours. Give to all the beautiful people in your life everything you can.

26. Always be grateful in life.

When you consider all of the things for which you have reason to be thankful, you know how fortunate you are. We take our basic needs for granted without even realizing it as a roof over our heads and plenty of food to eat. You will start to feel better about your life if you start appreciating what you already have.

We feel happier when we share our emotions, our time, and our abilities with others. It is possible to become lonely if you do not share your life. When you communicate with others, they will feel good about you and will assist you in feeling more joy in your own life.

27. Always smile in life.

Increase the smile frequency and observe how it affects you and those around you. Even if you have owned a fake smile, it will make you feel better. When you are ill, it is much more difficult to be genuinely satisfied. However, eating well makes you feel better both physically and mentally. You will also prevent the unpleasant sensation of having overindulged in fast food.

You should make a list of all the things you are grateful for. You can write down five things you are thankful for and add five more items to the list each day. Simple necessities such as a roof over your head, clothing on your back, and food to eat can be added to your list. Then move on to more personal events from your day, such as sipping a cup of tea, catching up with an old friend, or admiring a gorgeous sunset.

28. Forgiveness and Forgetting should be a part of life

Grudges only hurt you more than they hurt the person you are keeping them against. You should pay attention to how you feel after letting go of your frustration for a few seconds. Instead, concentrate on the promising future ahead of you, and you will feel much better.

Spending time in nature can be very refreshing and renewing, especially if you live in a human-made, artificial world. Having some fresh air and walking in your local woods or park will help you appreciate the natural world's beauty.

29. It would be best if you celebrated small wins.

Life is full of ups and downs, but small wins go unnoticed in between. Did you finish anything on your to-do list that you have been putting off? That is fantastic! By taking your consciousness and focus to the present moment, mindfulness meditation works. It is just about being nonjudgmental and loving yourself as you are.

Everyone's definition of happiness is different. Maybe it is at ease with who you are for you. Or the ability to follow your deepest desires. Live a happier, more fulfilled life is possible, regardless of the definition of true happiness. A few changes to your daily routine will help you get there. Habits are essential. Healthy habits, too, are deeply ingrained.

Life passes fast, and it is easy to lose sight of the things that make you and your life successful as bad things pile up. To achieve a greater sense of satisfaction with your life, you should change your focus, improve your attitude, and improve your social life.


About the Creator

Sharad Gupta

I am a passionate writer.

My interest include fashion, relationship, health , life , make money, dating , digital marketing , education , career, parenting , Investment and many more .

My aim is Read , Write and Help.

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