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Free Your Mind and See What Happens

Following the Law of Attraction could be just what you need in your life

By Susana ShadowsPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Life can be hard, and sometimes we make it even harder than it has to be. Wouldn't it be great if there was a way to help make the world a little nicer place to live in, and make your own life easier while we're at it?

Recently, while browsing through the gazillions of interesting videos on YouTube, I found myself jumping down the Law of Attraction rabbit hole. You know how it goes, you find one video that captures your interest and before you know it, you have ate up several hours of your day.

This happened to me with the Law of Attraction subject. I found it very interesting to hear just how many people believe and practice these laws.

However, I am also aware that many who want nothing to do with such subjects and want to steer clear of such ideas. That being said, it was found that the Laws of Attraction are pretty much just a few simple ideas to live a more positive and happy environment.

It starts off telling you that you can bring into your life what you desire by believing fully that you can and deserve what your heart desires. It starts by telling you, "Like attracts Like," so if you are a happy, kind, positive person, you will find your life as such.

The Law of Attraction claims that you just need to ask the universe for what you want and your energetic vibrations will bring your hearts desire to you.

Sound too good to be true? Well, hold up, nothing comes this easy. There is also a lot of work required by you. First off, you need to be 1,000 percent positive and grateful with your life and what you already have. This is something that deep down, we all know we could all use a little, or a lot, more of these days.

If you think positive, you will get positive outcome, and vice versa. It’s basically the synonymous of “You are what you think,” "You reap what you sow," and so forth. Now, I know some of you are going to believe that there is something a bit off on this subject, and to each his own. But, just perhaps there is the slightest chance that by being extra positive and kind, which is how life is intended to be anyway, it would help make yours a little better, wouldn't it be worth just a few moments of your time to investigate?

Could this maybe, by chance, be exactly what you, or someone you know; heck, everyone you know; could use in their lives right about now. The world is tough enough as is, so what harm could come from adding more positivity, kindness, and gratitude to the atmosphere?

Many people are practicing the Law of Attraction to bring more money, love, better health, and just live a happier life. What have you got to lose? If you free your mind, dedicate yourself to being good, and living well, the possibilities could be endless as to what you may achieve. Start with something small and work our Law of Attraction plan into your daily routine and see what happens.

One of the most important things to remember, however, is to always show your gratitude to the universe for whatever joy you receive. Once you decide if the Law of Attraction practices are something that you would be interested in trying, head over to YouTube and check out all the informative videos.

A word of caution before hitting up YouTube, make sure you have plenty of free time to invest, and maybe the next day off work. Happy attracting!


About the Creator

Susana Shadows

A woman of the world who feels like she has already lived many lifetimes and adventures in just a handful of decades.

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