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Five Ideas to Give Your Business a Boost at Christmas

Ways you can give your marketing a seasonal twist

By MW AdminPublished about a year ago 3 min read

Seasonal holidays can be a great boost for any business, especially if utilised correctly. In fact, 30% of a retailer’s annual revenue can come from holiday shopping alone, so approaching the holidays as a marketing technique could actually be beneficial to your company.

Here, with slush syrup provider, Snowshock, we will explore some ways you can give your marketing a seasonal twist and help your business reap an uplift in sales.

1. Learn from past holidays

Perhaps you attempted a Christmas social media campaign last year which didn’t pay off or maybe some Santa-themed Google ads from a few years ago didn’t drive conversions. Even when things haven’t gone as planned, looking at your company’s historical data can give you a good insight into how to proceed with planning upcoming festive marketing content and product changes.

2. Research your competitors

Your competitors can also be a great source of inspiration during the holiday season. In business, you want to maintain the competitive edge, so understanding what you are up against and how you can utilise their tactics is the best approach for keeping ahead of the market. Some 38% of shoppers start their gift buying in October. So, if your competitors are using Christmas advertising before you, you could be losing out on valuable income – keeping in step with your competitors means you won’t lose customers due to delayed marketing strategies. By looking at both your own historical data and your competitors’, you can set a plan to approach the Christmas holidays correctly – try not to make rash decisions at the last minute, but instead set out a strategy.

3. Season specific content

Whether it is an email sent out to a list of people or a social media post describing the ways in which your products bring the family together, you should make sure your content is Christmas-specific. In the run-up to Christmas, customers will be looking to find ways to celebrate with their families – so mentioning the festive season during your communications can help improve interactions. In fact, 84% of customers look out for seasonal content from brands in anticipation of seasonal sales and discounts. So, using this anticipation can help bring attention to your company’s message.

4. Rebranding packaging

While simple, this can help you get that festive feeling across even your most signature products. By rebranding your packaging, you can bring the festive feeling to your customers without having to change the fundamental design of your products and services. Incorporate colours such as red and green to bring the Christmas theme into your labels or rename products to invoke a seasonal spirit. With the UK planning to spend £25.6 billion on Christmas gifting alone, adjusting your products to reflect this season could see your items being dropped into some stockings by the fireplace this time of year.

You don’t even have to spend the money rebranding every product, but instead, you can use digital designs to show how your brands would look during the Christmas holidays and use this as a way of promoting your products across social media. Seasonal marketing caters to your customers’ feelings and emotions, and doing so can mean your brand awareness increases as more interact with the emotions your company are conveying.

5. Adjust current products

Your business already has a host of products ready for your consumers. Why not consider adjusting them slightly for the Christmas market? For example, if you sell cocktails regularly, why not consider making a variation of them as slushie cocktails during the winter period? These are the perfect example of your standard cocktail recipe being altered slightly to fit in with the season. These can also be highly Instagram-worthy approaches to your products. Adding festive features, such as candy canes during the festive period, could potentially attract more customers.

Or you can adjust your traditional products to have new festive tastes and smell combinations, including cinnamon and gingerbread variations, for example.

Seasonal marketing is important for appealing to your customers. It is based on human emotion and the interactions between your business and its customers. By exploring the tactics of your past holidays, as well as the decisions of your competition, you can identify methods of uplifting your Christmas marketing strategy.

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MW Admin

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