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Finding a Focal Point

gaining focus in your life

By Destiny SmallsPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Finding a focal point.

What does this even mean? Well, it could mean whatever you want it to mean. When it comes to fashion or interior design it is what you want people to focus on when it comes to the style. That can also work if you write or if you are creative in the arts.

But when it comes to life, this could mean when you focus on the good or what you need to work on or fix in your life. I can help you understand what this really means and how to apply it to yourself.

Finding happiness in your life regardless of everything that is going on. Life is hectic and can be like you are trying to navigate through a labyrinth or a personal hell. But there is a goodness that you can focus on. Whether that is if you are creative or you like to read or you exercise or gaining self confidence. No matter what it is, use it to get through that hour, day, that month, your life. Use that to help you keep going and not give up.

Choose what you will or will not get upset over. Not everything is worthy of ruining your day. Yes, little things may ruin your day like spilling your coffee or running a few minutes late to work. But those things are momentary, they are not worth you having a full bad day over. Most things are not worth being in a pissy mood all day for. Everything is about choices and you have the ability to pick and choose on the kind of mood you are in regardless of what happens.

There is beauty in literally everything. You just have to find it and it is not that hard to do. Take time to sit with yourself and your surroundings, you will definitely see it. Even if it is something you see every day and just never noticed how beautiful it is. You might even begin to recognize the beauty with yourself that you have never seen before and become more yourself than you ever have been.

Take your time, not everything is a rush. You know that saying, ¨life is a marathon, not a race.¨ Well, that is very true. Go at your own pace, what is for you will always find its way to you. This doesn't mean procrastinating everything in your life and just waiting for everything to happen for you. It means do not base your life off of someone else. Social media is so awful when it comes to wanting to one up someone and show off. Just because someone posts a picture or a video does not mean they were living that life. Worry about your own front porch, your life is good and everything's falling into place.

You are the focal point and main character of your own life. NO ONE is the main star in your life except you. ´The eyes´ are following you, watching what is happening to you, are you going to make it or flop, are you going to get back up. Being the focal point means taking care of you. Whatever that means to you, you make sure you do it as often as you need to make sure that the main star of YOUR MOVIE is going to make and be successful and happy. Be kind to yourself, love yourself, and respect yourself.

Okay people, these are just a few things I recognize and do when I need to be reminded of a focal point and to be honest I have no idea if this is going to work for you. But it definitely does not hurt to try.

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