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Falling in Love with Yourself

It's all we really need.

By Crystal NicolePublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Cristi Tohatan on Unsplash

I am a 32-year-old woman. My body feels older than that though. I know how that sounds to people who are older. However, unless you have several different medical issues going against you, you wouldn't know how it feels to be 32 years young and not feel energetic and full of life. You may try several different things to bring back your youth but in reality, there isn't anything that can turn back time. There isn't a magic potion or pill. In life, all we really have is a mirror and photos of the past. Yet, if we dwell on all the negative things that we have had happened in our lives, we become a shell of the person we use to be. That isn't good for anyone.

Sometimes, the best thing we can do for ourselves is to fall in love with who we are. This is something that can be hard for most people, but it is possible. In the past few months, I have fallen in love with myself, more than I ever could have imagined. Falling in love with myself really helped me see that I am an amazing person and that life can be what we make it. I just have to tell myself each day that I am worth more than I let on and that I have friends, family and even myself to love me more than I could ever possibly imagine.

The first thing I fell in love with was my sense of humor. That is something people don’t normally admit to liking about themselves. If you can make yourself laugh, that is amazing! If you are alone more often than not, then learning to laugh at yourself or a joke you made is a key factor in loving your life.

I also fell in love with my personality and although this goes along with loving your sense of humor, it can go many ways. Maybe you love how nice you are or even how stubborn you are. You might also love to learn new things and be eager to show people who you really are. You just have to learn to be honest with yourself. Once you are honest with yourself, you can easily be honest with friends, family, and even strangers.

Recently, I made a decision about being a bit more open with who I am. I am a writer, who not only has an extremely weird and goofy sense of humor, but I also love to write. I feel that writing “erotica” is something I do very well. But at the same time, I was embarrassed for friends and family to see it. I realized my writing wasn’t going where I wanted it to go because I couldn’t be honest about it. So I opened up about it and made it known that this is what I love to do.

Finally, I am learning to accept who I am. I was born with my body. I was born with these medical issues. I didn't do this to myself, it sort of just happened, very slowly. My medical stuff just started to get out of hand and never really stopped. It has made so many things in life difficult, but as long as I am trying to take care of myself, I will be okay. That is a pretty hard thing to do, but I need to if I am going to survive life.

Life is all about learning who we are and growing from it. Sometimes it takes major life decisions and choices to help us see what will truly make us happy. Once we can completely fall in love with ourselves, then we can live a full and eventful life.


About the Creator

Crystal Nicole

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