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F*ck Finding Yourself

It's worth it.

By Amanda NicolePublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 3 min read
F*ck Finding Yourself
Photo by Glenn Turner on Unsplash

Finding yourself seems like the most daunting thing in the world. But you have to do it. The journey might be long and difficult but when you do it will be worth it. What could drive someone to find themselves? Well a lot of things. Maybe you just went through a beyond terrible breakup and you feel about 7,000 years old. Maybe you're just going through the motion of life and you feel like you're going nowhere. Maybe you just don't know who you are anymore. All of these things could drive you to want to find yourself. How would you do this? Well there are so many things you can do. You could plan an epic solo trip, you could write a book, you could get help from a trained professional. You could go back to your hometown and really take time to go back to your roots as a person. You could move somewhere new and really lay down roots and start over. Maybe you need a fresh start. Maybe you need to shed your old self and get to know the new version of you that is coming through.

Finding yourself will be challenging at times but it will be worth it. You may want to give up at times and that's normal. There is something you may have to do in order to find yourself. It may be uncomfortable. But when it could be worth it. You have to forgive yourself, forgive yourself for all the mistakes you made in the past, forgive yourself for the tears and all the pain. Forgive yourself for falling for people you shouldn't have and making choices that weren't wise. You also need to forgive those around you who've wronged you. I'm not saying invite them back into your life. But sometimes part of finding yourself means forgiving the past and moving on. Sometimes it means letting go of anger towards people and realizing that in that moment they thought they were doing the best they could.

Deep huh? Well that's the point. You have to get deep with yourself. In order to move on. And finding yourself might mean some deep soul searching. What can you do to soul search? Maybe read a self help book, meditate, go to therapy. So many things. When is the right time to soul search? Honestly there is no right or wrong time. What do I mean by that? I mean whenever is right for you! There is no prescribed time to find yourself. You have to decide when to do it for yourself. Trusting the universe is big in this one because it will lead you in the right direction.

How will you feel when you finally get past all the bullshit and find yourself? I would imagine you'll feel great! You'll feel at peace. But you'll appreciate the long journey it took to get there. Sometimes the journey has to be long and difficult so the lesson is clearer. You have to understand that. If you're anything like me and impatient AF. You'll be asking yourself why you can't just skip all the bullshit and get to peace and harmony. And that's a fair question. But unfortnately we have to go through hard times to get to the good parts. We wouldn't appreciate it if it was just handed to us. Does that make sense? I'd like to point out that we're all different and our journey's are as well. In closing: I'd like to mention that I'm still finding myself and I'm so pissed that I haven't yet. I feel like the obvious answer is right in front of me and i'm to stupid to see it.

self help

About the Creator

Amanda Nicole

Hey I'm Amanda! I'm a writer, Podcaster and a pet sitter. I'm much more then that! Read my stories to find out :)

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