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Don McDougle, quotes


By Don McDouglePublished 3 years ago 6 min read
Into the silence

Beyond words, stars, planets, possessions and all the things you can see, touch, hear, taste or smell, there is a world. In it you are connected with the eternal that never changes. It is who you really are. There are no more questions for all is revealed as you need it. You can return to the physical world and occupy your body. It is as a costume so you will be a presence there. It may get older, but will not die until you have served your purpose.

There are only a few people who are willing to do what it takes to Awaken. Some have a few spiritual awakening experiences and believe they have made it. They don’t know what they are missing. Some teachers think they are Awakened when they have only had several spiritual awakening experiences. You can tell them apart from those who are fully Awakened by what they say to their followers.

I don’t want blind followers or devotees. I want those that follow me to fully Awaken and to begin to help others to Awaken also. As more Awaken, the world is given the opportunity to Awaken also. You can find me on Facebook, LinkedIn, and youtube. I hope to meet you sometime in your life journey.

'When all you see is Truth, the I Am in everything, even a trash pile, then everything is beautiful and fascinating, the perfection even in what seems chaos.'

"The human eyes see the form, the I Am eyes see only the I Am"

“Everything necessary to accomplish the purpose we showed up in these bodies to fulfill is always provided. Sometimes it seems as if we have something to do with it, but not Really. Are you ready to take the


It will be another leap into the Abyss!”

“Awakening to the Truth is a questioning of all that you have held to be real and True.

Only the TRUTH can withstand such an inquiry.

And when the pain of living the lie is more uncomfortable than facing the fear, you have no choice but to step off the mountain again. Sweet Surrender! Free falling into the abyss!”

"How does one know they have taken the first step? I liken it to stepping from an airplane without a parachute. You can not go back. You can struggle, or scream or flap your arms, or grab for a passing bird or cloud, but it is to no avail. You are falling and the wind is flowing passed you. All of your delusion of control is stripped from you. As you let go of any hope in your own ability to save yourself, deep surrender settles in, then all fear is released. This is a state of Isness. There is no resistance, nothing to fall into. And peace overtakes your humanness. All is well!"

“Once a caterpillar has entered the cocoon, it goes through a dying process. It is completely undone. Nothing of the caterpillar remains. It is a total transformation. It can never return to its previous state.

It is such when we have Awakened. We can not again be ourselves. We may try and we will never be satisfied with the illusion again.”

“It seems like most are satisfied with a better dream. Nothing in the illusion ever remains constant. There is no guarantee that the better dream will not take a twist and become another nightmare.”

"NOW is a state of being! It is not a moment in time, rather IT is beyond time. The human mind ( ego) can not enter it. Only by undoing the personal identity to time, can NOW be experienced. Once there in the timeless state of being, can one re-enter the time/space continuum and be "in the world, but not of it".

“The journey to self discovery is before you, and it will lead you to the Eternal Truth of who you really are. Now you see your self as a little person separate from other persons, you see your self as a body in a world of conflict. These seem to be true, yet they are only an illusion that hides the Truth.”

"Ignorance is the easy part. Ignorance of ignorance is where they really getcha."

"The more of 'self', the ego, that is undone(contracting) the more of the Allness we become(expanding). Just as our breath is a metaphor of this, as we breathe today, let us beware of the letting go of the 'self', the story we have told ourselves we are, and allow the true life essence fully join in the the Allness."

"Let us join our true essence and step beyond the dual reality. The gateless gate seems so high and fortified, yet on the other side when we look back there is no gate. Again this morning, I envision everything I think is dear and true, and threw it in the fire of Truth. Everything false is consumed, and only the TRUTH remains. As I step through the vale, it seems as if I am stepping into the darkness(the unknown), yet as I proceed, It is only the LIGHT. Join me there! Love wins!"

"There is a dream scape that seems real, yet it is just an illusion. Awakening is the end of the illusion. Nothing in this world is real. Wake up fully and be free of the unreal world."

"In the Awakened state, one does not become "emotionless", rather the emotions are not seen as something good nor bad. They are just to navigate in the Dream. Fear is just like the heat from a flame that shows you to not go further in the direction you are going. Anger can warn you that the things you are experiencing are not to be resisted. Sadness helps connect with others in the pain without taking it on. And there is a constant sense of contentment and underlying joy regardless of what is happening in the Dream."

"Healing in duality is about problems in the body, or the mind. and the solution is repairing that which is in dis-ease. From an Awakened view, it is caused by false beliefs. Truth(the Divine) uses discomfort to motivate those asleep to find a better way. when one refuses to "listen", the discomfort is intensified. those that stay in a circle of dysfunction, usually experience similar scenarios over and over and the severity increases each time. the way to Divine Health, is to let go of all the false beliefs."

"The Love you seek is already within you! You will never see it outside you, till you see it within> It is the Love that the illusions of the unreal world blocks from your vision."

"Surrender is the key to unlock the prison we have built. We only surrender when it becomes necessary. The Truth seems to have a way of backing us into a corner, so that we become willing to take the next step. Eventually we are excited when asked to take the next step, and surrender is as easy as breathing. Relinquish the delusion of control. "There remains a rest for the children of God".

I hope you enjoy these quotes. I am now in Ponte Delgada Azores. Come visit. We will be building a Intentional Community and retreat center.


About the Creator

Don McDougle


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