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Doing Life

The Art Of

By Tawana AnnPublished 4 years ago 2 min read
There are messes here, but I see beauty.

When it comes to life, none of us have an instruction manual. We just kind of live and learn. We know some basics, and maybe a little more from our upbringing; but aside from that, everything is trial by error. We have our own individual experiences, our own set of tools from the knowledge passed on to us from family members, friends, and others. It's incredible how the mind works. When it comes to life, those little bits of information that didn't seem very useful at the time we heard it or saw it, just comes into play one day. It conjures up from the depths of somewhere in our brain that we stashed it long ago, and all of a sudden is very useful in a particular moment, and actually helps us. Life seems like a series of paths, not just one. Like chapters in a book. If you think back to your childhood years, then teen years, and so on; it's like our lives morph or shift into something completely new, over and over again.

The interesting aspect of this is that we are never really at a standstill, or stuck. We've all had those times in our lives where we feel 'stuck'. Like life is going nowhere, things aren't happening fast enough, or we don't have exactly what we want, when we want it. Those all seem to be illusions, because no matter how we feel or what we think during those times, life is still going. Our lives are still in this forward motion of change. Dealing with change in life can be nerve wracking and exciting all at once. Change for all of us can be scary because we don't know how things are going to work out or how we're going to feel with the new now, but we all get through it; and I believe most of the time we are happy with the change. Even if we're not, we either adapt, or change again. It's a beautiful circle. The point is that life is an art. We are the painters, and life is our canvas. We make choices everyday to gear us toward the next new. Our canvases are never really blank. We just layer over what's already there and start fresh, linking the colors and shapes, to become what we have now.

It's amazing to think of the experiences we have. How they mold us, and shape us. We're still us, but we change. For the better, because learning changes people. Just think of how we were when we had that first job as a teenager. Probably shy, and maybe not very confident; but as we moved forward and learned more and more, that changed. We changed. We became more confident with the knowledge we were gaining. We knew we would be golden with our next job because we had some experience, and that made us feel more confident in the next job. Or even in relationships, we all learn things no matter how good or bad the relationship was. We learn from our mistakes most of the time. We learn what we want and maybe what we don't want in our next relationship. Life is an art. It's not perfect, it's wonderfully imperfect, and so is art. It's just a matter of how we look at things. Perspective is everything. Is it a big deal that the milk just spilled all over the floor, or is it not a big deal because it can be cleaned up? Messes are not permanent. We are never really stuck.

self help

About the Creator

Tawana Ann

I'm a 38 year old mother of one. I was born, raised, and have lived in South Florida my entire life. My passion is getting my thoughts out in print. It can be messy in this head of mine, writing helps me organize it and clear it out. Enjoy!

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