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Defending the Idea of Her Against the Zombie Apocalypse

thoughts by Lady Headlamp from the Unfinished Chamber

By Lady HeadlampPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
In this dimension, you fly freely, without having to fight dirty

With Regards to That Dream About Defending the Idea of Her Against the Zombie Apocalypse . . .

I'm sorry you had a terrible night and terrible dream.

You say that in your dream you had to defend a boat you owned with your ex who left you against people who were trying to steal it. You said you “had to kill a bunch of people” to defend it. You characterized the dream as terrible.

Here are my thoughts, my Love:

Something may have taken you back to times when it seemed you had to do something wrong in order to keep something you loved. Then, on top of being in that position, you lost that thing you loved anyway, or it was never really there, and the illusion was lifted, which just left shame from your actions and loneliness and self-questioning due to the way the person treated you.

I asked questions to try to pull out the essence of your experience of the dream. And it seems that part of it is, in some ways, quite parallel to the reasons I sometimes feel shame, so I understand.

You indicated that killing people did not feel good to you. So, therefore doing wrong, whether for the right reasons or the wrong reasons, is out of character for you. You are a warrior of light, and more evil will never be a natural defense against evil for you. You will never feel comfortable with that defense, even if it feels justified.

I think the dream indicates that you would like to keep the “boat” (whatever it symbolizes), but you would prefer to keep it and be a provider by different means. You said you had to kill them, which suggest compulsory rather than choice. It seemed like the only way to defend what you love in this dream reality.

As for the boat, maybe you are wanting an escape these days because you are torn in many directions and the job is taking a toll on you. Your ex could represent unresolved feelings toward her, but also, she does, in many ways, represent ESCAPE, because it was with her that you did drugs and sometimes did things that didn't quite show being in touch with reality, including thinking of her as reliable.

The escape is somewhat of a fantasy then - if in the end, she left, despite your efforts and you being willing go outside of yourself for her. so, whatever the whole dream represents, it wasn't worth fighting for at the cost of a guilty conscience or losing your sense of self.

This is why I said, that:


here on earth,

in this dimension,

on your current path,

you will not be compelled or inspired to do something that violates your values in order to defend good and/or what you need and love, unless it's her, because I can't speak to that.

But I think you just need


and confidence

that you have been extracted from being in that uncomfortable position

because You and Your Source, Your child,

Myself,and the Universe

have chosen THIS version of you

and THIS dimension,

where you are honored

for who you are

and you do not have to fight dirty

or do things you don't want to

in order to keep what you have.

The current circumstances you are in CHOSE YOU

because of your virtue

and because of all that you are.

And I believe that as you stay the course

and only defend and provide in ways that are in line with your values,

your circumstances will be faithful to you.

For example, your child will never turn his back on you for the virtuous way you are working to meet his needs. You are doing a great job and you are staying in line with your values for him.

The rest of the things you love, I think,

are just as innocent and childlike and pure as your son is,

and thus, they will also abide by you.

If you slip out of the light,

but throw yourself back in,

they will still stick with you.

You are staying the course

and the beautiful things along that course

are rooted in this specific dimension,

where you are the virtuous man you want to be, the man that the innocent light keepers love deeply.

Don’t change anything.


About the Creator

Lady Headlamp

Tornadoes learn how to spin from Mother Wind

Nobody knows how the lady learned to spin.

She spins so hard, so gracefully, her colors swirl.

One day, a headlamp broke through the skin on her forehead

throwing her off balance - or so she thought.

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