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Conscious: What Does It Actually Mean?

Reggae music has always promoted the idea of conscious lyrics.

By S A MillerPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Levi XU on Unsplash“People will do anything, no matter how absurd, in order to avoid facing their own souls. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”- Carl Jung, Psychology and Alchemy

"Enlightenment" "mindfulness" "consciousness" "awareness"... These are all terms that seem to be on-trend at the moment. Whilst there is definitely a shift in general awareness, there is also a large number of people that use these buzz words as a means to fit in or be one of the cool ones but in reality, what does it actually mean to be a conscious individual?

The Cambridge University dictionary gives three definitions of the word conscious. These are:

  1. to notice that a particular thing or person exists or is present
  2. awake, thinking, and knowing what is happening around you
  3. determined and intentional

So in order to be a conscious individual, it would not be beyond the realms of imagination to expect an embodiment of these particular outlooks. Let's delve a little deeper by breaking these sections down.

To Notice that a particular thing or person exists or is present

Photo by Bud Helisson on Unsplash

It is natural to be selfish. In fact from our childhood we learn that it is just "I" that is important as we only think of ourselves. As we grow we come to realise that the world is much bigger that that small patch of land on which our feet occupy. We then have a choice to either keep noticing the world around us or to be self absorbed and focus on ourselves only. Being a conscious individual comes with a level of humility as we come to understand that we (the individual) are only a small cog in the massive machine. We notice that everyone else is also here to fulfill their little role and we appreciate them in that role for who they are and the things that they bring to us on our journey. To be a conscious individual is to notice not only the people around us but also nature, injustices, things/people as they present themselves to the world and knowing that they all exist for a reason and in their season.

Awake, thinking, and knowing what is happening around you

Photo by Mathew Schwartz on Unsplash

The literal definition of being conscious means being awake. To be awake in the sense of being a conscious being means to be aware of not only your immediate surroundings but also to be aware of what you consume (what you feed your body and what you feed your mind) being able to process this in a healthy and balanced way. Not to over analyse and invent alternative realities in your mind and then getting stuck in that place. Knowing and understanding that the collective consciousness has an impact on the individual, that following 'trends' is just the collective consciousness dictating which direction we should all go and these are largely driven by our understanding of self and purpose. For example, if we all understand that our collective purpose is to spread love then the types of videos that go viral on the internet would reflect that. To know what is happening around you largely translates to having the emotional maturity to be able to process the world around you. There is no individual that is on the road to enlightenment or practising mindful living that is emotionally immature.

“The world as we have created it is a process of our thinking. It cannot be changed without changing our thinking.” ― Albert Einstein

Determined and intentional

Photo by STIL on Unsplash

To be a conscious individual living your most authentic life means being determined to not be swayed by other peoples' opinions of what they think you should be, should present yourself or should conduct your life. It means being intentional in every decision, being present in every moment and most of all being kind to yourself and in turn, this will filter to those around you.

Perhaps you have heard the talk or seen the switch in some celebrity's way of life (Russell Brand is a great example) and have been curious about this shift but don't really understand the way he speaks sometimes or how he got to this place. Or perhaps you are just fed up of being fed up? It may be time to look into mindfulness courses in your local area and take the step towards living a more conscious and fulfilling life.

"Folks are usually about as happy as they make their minds up to be." — Abraham Lincoln

About the Creator

S A Miller

tragically human, perfectly flawed, unapologetically authentically me!

Lover not a fighter.

Pretend writer and real life woman.

[email protected]

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