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Why it is Needed to Win

By Valerie DicksonPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

Commitment. It is defined as the state or quality of being dedicated to a person, thing, cause, or activity. It is a moral act and it sounds simple enough, yet so many fail at fulfilling it. Why? There are myriad reasons, but this is not our topic of conversation today. Today I am speaking from the standpoint of why commitment is necessary to win—in marriage, in relationships, in life.

The simplest things in life require a certain level of commitment in order to win in whatever the thing may be. Let's take something as simple as wearing a pair of tennis shoes. You must commit to tie them up every time you wear them because if you don't at some point while wearing them you are going to trip over your own shoelaces and fall. This is not a winning situation. Doing a homework assignment for school requires commitment. You must commit to sit down and do whatever is required to complete the homework assignment. Failure to complete it gives you an F. This is not a win.

Let's talk about the infamous New Year's resolution diet. I'm sure at least 80% of my readers can relate to this one, if not more. That first week we start off great. We're hyped up, we're determined, we're committed. We're still going strong week 2, week 3, but then comes week 4. You're getting ready to roll over into February and Valentine's Day is coming up. Surely you and your special someone are going to want to celebrate with an intimate dinner at your favorite restaurant. Ok, one night is not going to hurt. I'll get back on track after that. Slowly you find your enthusiasm in staying on track with this diet fading. You're tired of being restricted and confined to eat only certain things. You want to be free to eat what you want to eat. Another failed commitment. No win.

There are very few things you can win at without making a commitment to them. If you don't commit to a marriage it ends in divorce. If you don't commit to raising your children the child suffers for it in a variety of different ways. If you don't commit to keeping your eyes on the road while driving you end up in an accident. The list goes on and on.

To be successful in your life's goal or desire, you must commit to it. Entrepreneurship takes commitment to a whole new level. This is a commitment you will not see an early return from. Working long hours for no pay, hitting roadblocks, being rejected, fear, and doubt all play key roles in this endeavor. Marketing yourself to establish your brand takes work. Then marketing your product is another commitment in itself. Building relationships takes effort. You will encounter lovely people and not so lovely people. You might lose friends along the way. Commitment takes work and you cannot be thin-skinned. You must be up for the challenge or you will find yourself on the losing end every time.

Commitment sometimes requires developing a plan. For instance, writers must develop a plan for writing a book. You need to set a deadline for when you want the book completed and stick with it. That means writing when you don't feel like writing. That means doing research when you would rather be watching television or a movie. That means sometimes saying no to fun events that would get in the way of what you've already committed to for that day. Commitment is the price we pay to achieve success.

It's a hard task, but it brings with it great rewards. Stop and reflect on how committed you've been to the things in your life. It might be just what you need to get on the fast track to commitment and develop a determination to stay there.

self help

About the Creator

Valerie Dickson

Author of Total Wellness: Healing for the Mind, Body, and Soul 50 Days of Healing Promises.

Divine health is available to all who desire to walk in it - if Jesus is Lord of your life.

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