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Walter Buncom

By Walter BPublished 4 years ago 3 min read
Photo by Manan Chhabra on Unsplash

Habits can be good or bad depending on the outcome of these habits. The difficult part about breaking habits is not knowing that you are doing these habits. Like waking up every morning but cannot fully function unless you drink your coffee to start your day. An unnoticeable habit after a while starts to become a part of us and our life. Noticing something as easy as this can become a start to finding out your habit, Creating a new one and Ensuring Consistency.

There are good and bad habits, not all bad habits are bad. You have to figure out if theses habits are bringing success into your life or not. Some bad habits can actually be unhealthy and cause harm to your body. There are others that can be distracting away from your goals and nothing but procrastination. You have to take notice what habits do you contain as a part of your everyday life.

You have to decide rather or not these habits are helping you get towards your goal. Some habits go unnoticed for years, they were embedded since you were a kid. Take some time to look at what you are doing every day and writing it down. If you haven’t noticed that you watch tv too much but want to complete what’s on your agenda, this will be something worth writing down. After noticing these habits that were attached to you, you can then decide which ones you think are providing help and which is distracting leaving you to procrastinate.

To Combat this Habit is to start a new positive habit, to promote for a healthy mindset. To form positivity there should be a positive habit to support it. Waking up, listening to motivational video’s on YouTube, Reading a book, and/or meditating creating a positive transition. Anything that you decide to replace the old bad habit with a new positive habit can, create a new focus, give innovation to new ideas or create an opportunity. Feeding into the new habit will push out the old.

A Mentor can be helpful to keep an accountability. You can have a friend that you trust and ask if they are willing. To keep up with what goal you are trying to achieve. You can make a deal with your friend, make a payment to your friend if you don’t achieve your goal by a certain date and time.

I don’t want to make this to complex, but your environment can create habits that make you a close person. For Instance, You grow up and your Parent/Parents are visual learners, seeing a task and understanding it, works better for you. Friends can also form a habit, say you have a friend who always suggest something, you know the day will not go well if they do not get there way, so you go with theres. Letting him/her take the lead at everything will create for you to hold back at what you want to do because we want another friend to be happy. While reading may not bring much excitement to a visual learner.

This may be something that can open you up to gaining more knowledge and start a new open-minded learning to reading a book. Some Families are unaware of the habits they are creating leaving most to figure out why they are not successful yet or where they want to be at life. If you want to be able to make decisions and put yourself in lead, then changing your environment can help. Make the start to put yourself in a position to leadership position.

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