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Believe in the Process

Even if you feel life is smacking you.

By BuBzPublished 6 years ago 2 min read

“Maybe the journey isn’t about becoming anything. Maybe it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t you. Be who you are meant to be.”

In all honesty I probably would have never seen this if I wasn’t scrolling through my time feed during a time where I was feeling defeated. It's funny how when you forget to remind yourself who you are, life, in the most subtle ways, will always show you; and sometimes life is just going to want to collide with you just to give you that extra push in really getting to the you that you need to truly be.

I read that quote and I thought to myself why is this so true in relevance to myself? I then thought that it relates because every time I did things as the person I’ve BECOME over the years, life was smooth, but as I now am trying to be who I really AM, it’s a struggle because I was doing the wrong things, in the wrong way and as the wrong version of ME.

Crazy when you really think about it how true it really is though. Throughout most of my life I have changed myself in so many ways that I had truly forgotten who I ever really was; and I walked across OCEANS for people who never even had a thought of crossing over a PUDDLE for me…. Ever.

Yeah life was less stressful for me because I always felt I could always change back to the person I truly am, because why not; but as with everything else in life…… getting to where our heart truly wants to be is never as easy as 1..2..3 and that is just a simple fact. In a sense you think the more I do things the wrong and deceitful way, things will go smoother, but the second the Universe feels you trying to go down the right path, it's going to keep punching you in the gut until you feel the need to reverse back to your old ways.

When we go through struggles we tend to forget that if we are faced with it we can always get through it….. it’s truly all in the mind and lately, with what has been going on personally, I have never felt more tested in my life. I was completely and utterly diminished….. and it became so incredible to me as to why. I was just feeling it all at once, and there were days where I knew I was going have to rebuild myself, regardless the obstacle, because truly, how can we really rebuild if we are still at a toxic high?

When we are young, let's be real, we tend to change and do things for people we always thought would be there….. We lose who we truly are meant to be in the process. We have to fall in order to just rebuild an us that was always meant to be, flaws and all, and right after I read the quote above I just knew that that is exactly what needed to be done in order for things to really be in its order of peace within me.

All in all…… don’t take the fact that you FEEL like you’re falling apart as a loss; take it as a new way of getting you back to you and to rebuild an ever bigger, happier peace and happiness within the you that you KNOW you are meant to be.


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Healing Soul

Lover of Reading and laughing

Lover of making people laugh and read ❤️❤️

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