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A Day in the Life

It Ain't Easy Bein' Green

By Pamela DirrPublished 5 years ago 3 min read

No, I am not Kermit the frog. I am just trying to make it in this world as a single female. I feel that I am faced with many inequalities and struggles. I feel like I am constantly trying to prove myself to men. No female should ever have to feel like that. I can do anything that a man can do….. And I have proven that to men time and time again. I have taken on every challenge that men have given me. And I have succeeded. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. I should not HAVE to prove myself to ANYONE except for myself. But, I do love seeing the looks on men’s faces when they did not think I could do something.

Here is an example. A few years ago, I was helping to clean up after a carnival. We were cleaning up chairs and bringing them back inside. I started carrying the chairs two by two from outside to where they belonged. I noticed a couple of the men carrying three chairs at a time. So I started carrying three at a time. The men then carried four at a time (so as to not be outdone by a woman). So I started four at a time. Then we did five at a time. They said they were impressed because I am female. I told them to not ever underestimate a woman. Even I will admit that men are GENERALLY stronger than women; however, that does not mean that it should be assumed that they cannot do what men can do.

I get very discouraged and frustrated (and even insulted) when people assume that I am unable to do something based on my gender. I am all about equality for women. I will try any “man” task at least once. So what if I am unable to accomplish it? I bet there are men who aren’t capable of doing some “man” tasks as well.

I consider myself a realist. I HATE having to prove myself just to show that I am just as good as anyone else. But I also know that this is the type of society that we now live in. Everyone is so competitive and always has to be “better” that everyone else. There really is not a “better” than anyone else. We all need to learn how to do things that make us happy with ourselves and not care what anyone else thinks. I know it seems like I am contradicting myself. And maybe I am. But I know me. And I definitely do not like to be insulted by anyone. I do not like being made to feel like I am not good enough based on my gender. If there is something that someone thinks I can’t do; I’m definitely going to try it.

Everyone needs to be given a fair chance at everything in life. We should never try to hold anyone back. I am a firm believer of “shooting for the stars” and never giving up on yourself. We need to learn to do that more. If there is a goal that you want to accomplish, then go for it. Don’t ever think you’re incapable of doing something just because society has trained you to think that way. Have faith that you can accomplish anything you want. If there is a goal that you have in life—go for it. If you have to take baby steps to achieve it, then so be it. I keep learning that more and more every day. Try not to worry so much about what other think of you or say about you. It just means that they are jealous because they’re not doing what you do. Always remember that you are amazing.


About the Creator

Pamela Dirr

I like to write based on my personal experiences. It helps me clear my mind. We all go through things in life. Good things. Not so good things. My experiences might also help other people with things that they might be going through.

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