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9 Signs the Law of Attraction Is Working for You

Are your manifestations becoming your reality or is it just 'wishful thinking'?

By Kristin WilsonPublished 6 years ago 4 min read
"You have power over your mind- not outside events. Realize this and you will find strength." -Marcus Aurelius (Roman Emperor)

Have you been attempting manifestation and seeing no results? You think the positive thoughts, you dream the big dreams, but you're still stuck in the normality of your reality. The Law of Attraction quite simply tells us that our thoughts, words, and actions attract energy in the same frequency field that we are projecting. So if you are thinking, "I want to manifest more money" but in the back of your mind you begin to think about how uncomfortable it is to lack money, payloads of bills, or to go without necessities, you've actually begun to manifest the negative as well. This is the work in consciousness. Being conscious of your thoughts, feelings, and reactions takes practice that is immensely powerful. Self-discipline by keeping your energy positive reaps immeasurable benefits and kicks your desires and manifestations into overdrive. Here are some signs that will reassure you that Law of Attraction is working in your favor.

1. You begin to see synchronicity everywhere.

Numbers are one of the universe's favorite ways to communicate with us. If you begin seeing 11:11 repeatedly, you can be assured you are heading in the right direction. You may have just been thinking of a song and it comes on next on the radio or you may even have a driver pull out in front of you with a number sequence familiar to you on the license plate. These things are not just coincidences, these are evidence of your power to manifest.

2. You are not as emotionally affected by setbacks.

At some point you've absorbed the information that your power is in your reactions. It is important to protect your energy at all times, because you can only manifest the things that match your individual energy. Overreacting to things you can not control will only put resistance on your flow of abundance, thus only hurting yourself.

3. You 'feel' the increased creative energy around you.

You can't explain it but there is a feeling inside you that is a sense of knowing. You know you are exactly where you need to be, you know exactly what you dream of going, and all of a sudden you just know that you're going to get there. Remember: action + intention = magic.

4. Opportunities begin to present themselves from seemingly nowhere.

You have decided what it is you want to pursue and you have begun to put out your own creative energy into the universe. You may have a thought in the back of your mind that you are only one person and no one will hear you. Understand that The Ripple Effect is a very powerful thing, and whatever you put out will ripple throughout your entire reality so stay consistent.

5. You suddenly feel a lot happier.

It's as if the way you handle things has completely changed for you. You have a deep trust in the universe because you realize that you have always received the basic essentials (or else you wouldn't be here) so there is no logical need to worry about these things, they always come. This frees up your mind to focus on your true desires, what really makes you happy, and ,in turn, you start to manifest those things. "Where attention goes, energy flows."

6. You may also begin to notice unforeseen obstacles appear.

Don't forget that these are just testing your reactions. Once it is seen that you've learned to be in control of your reactions you will start to see more and more positive energy flow into your life. These obstacles won't even seem much like obstacles anymore once you discipline yourself to control your thoughts and actions. It becomes clear that these are just temptations and you do not let it effect you anymore.

7. Animal guides are more attracted to you.

You may find that you have some strange run ins with particular animals that have significance to you. They may just suddenly show up and linger around you or you may see them repeatedly throughout the day. This is a very promising sign that manifestation is near.

8. You have renewed focus and clarity.

You may have had a habit of starting projects and never finishing them or not following through with plans that were important to you for the fear of being unsuccessful. Suddenly you are bombarded with ideas, dreams, and goals and you are coincidentally hit with opportunities to fulfill these things. This newfound calmness and clarity will make it seem much easier to follow through with your creations and ideas.

9. Your dreams have been deeper.

You are able to remember more of your dreams and they have more meaning to you than you realized before. You sleep has also been more restful and consistent.

Your mind is the most powerful tool you have. You can literally create your own reality with it. If you want to have a happy and abundant life, then begin to live it in your mind. The universe will only respond by giving you what you intend on, so make sure you have set intentions on your dreams and transmute all of your negative energy or reactions into something that will benefit you as opposed to restricting you.


About the Creator

Kristin Wilson

Just a spiritual being having a human experience ☀️💜🔮🧿🧬💎🌞

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