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50 Things I do to Maintain a Happy Life

Little things here and there to keep the happy flow

By Tone BreistrandPublished 3 years ago 15 min read
50 Things I do to Maintain a Happy Life
Photo by Jarritos Mexican Soda on Unsplash

I'm quite a happy person, and often get questioned by others on how I do it. Being happy isn't as easy as deciding to be, and I don't think fake positivity and pretending everything's perfect help anyone in the long run. I've found that being consistent and intentional with everything I do and keeping my focus on big and small things makes it a lot easier to stay happy. Here are 50 of the things I try to stick to.

1. Putting myself first

If you're not happy with yourself, doing anything for other people becomes a lot harder. Focus on your own happiness and wellbeing first, and you'll find you'll have a lot more energy to put into helping others.

2. Identifying what's important

Don't waste your energy on stupid little things that don't matter. Identify what's actually worth spending time on, and focus on only allowing those specific elements into your life, and keeping them there.

3. Eating healthily

There's such a huge, noticeable difference in what your body can do for you if you feed it right and if you don't. You and your body are a team, and it deserves to be treated well and given the right "fuel". You'll quickly notice that you'll feel much better if you eat healthy, nutritious food.

4. Trying new things

Take every opportunity you can to try new things. It adds experience to your life, can be a lot of fun and you can learn something in the process. Aim to experience as much as you can.

5. Calling my family every week

Everyone has different family dynamics, but I find that I feel much better when I make an effort to talk to my family on the phone every week. I don't live in the same country as them, so it helps us feel a lot closer.

6. Dancing like nobody's watching

I don't care if you can't dance, it can still make you feel really good. Pop on a song you enjoy, and dance in front of the mirror. It's a great way to start the day and get a productivity boost.

7. Doing activism

Spending time on a cause you really care about is a great way to feel that you have a purpose. Advocating and using your voice to help other people is incredibly meaningful and rewarding, and I'd highly recommend finding time to do something, even if it's only small. You can still make a difference.

8. Keeping the good people

..and discarding the rest. I don't mean literally throwing people in the bin, but eliminating negative or draining people from your life. I only spend my energy on people that make me happy and genuinely care about me, and it's been so rewarding for my social life and overall happiness.

9. Having a creative outlet

I've always loved creating things in different forms, and it's something that makes me very happy and consistently helps me feel good. This usually consists of drawing, painting, writing and filming videos. Find what works for you!

10. Being grateful for what I have

I'm never letting myself forget about the privileged position I'm in and how lucky I am to have certain things. Through my life I've met many people who've never had the things I've taken for granted, and it's really opened up my eyes. Your life might not be perfect, but someone else could literally be dreaming and fantasising about what you have.

11. Saying yes to adventures

Whenever you get the chance to make new memories, do it. You'll gain experience and fun stories to tell people. Seeing new places and trying new things keep your mind and soul stimulated. It doesn't always have to be big things, but try and grab as many opportunities as you can.

12. Only having clothes I love

Life's too short for laundry day clothes. I only keep or add something to my wardrobe if it's something I absolutely love. If it doesn't bring me joy, it doesn't belong there. You should only wear clothing that makes you feel great, as your outfit really can make a difference in how you feel and handle yourself.

13. Only "wasting" time in ways I enjoy

I'm trying to convince myself that it's okay to waste time, and if I'm gonna do it, it might as well be by doing something I enjoy. Instead of mindlessly scrolling through an app or watching drama videos I don't care about, I'll spend the time playing a game I love or watching a show I'm obsessed with.

14. Practicing self-love

It took me a while to realise the importance of self-love, but actually appreciating yourself and what your body does for you has such a big impact on how you feel.

15. Enjoying nature as often as I can

The healing powers of nature are known to many, and I'm definitely a person who benefits from spending time in green spaces. I try to seize every opportunity I get to breathe in some fresh air and feel grass and leaves beneath my feet.

16. Learning new things

Keep learning new things and educating yourself. It could be actions such as watching a documentary, going to a museum or searching on the Internet. Learning new things keeps us stimulated, broadens our perspective and adds to our knowledge.

17. Being nice to strangers

You never know what kind of day someone's having or what they're going through, so a smile, compliment or nice chat can go a long way. If you get the chance to do something nice for someone you don't know, I'm sure they'll appreciate it a lot, and you'll get to feel good about yourself in the process.

18. Appreciate the little things

Something doesn't have to be huge to make you happy. Appreciate all the little things someone does for you or you do for yourself. Allow things such as a nice cup of coffee, a tasty meal or a good night's sleep to bring you the joy it should. If you stop taking things for granted and acknowledge all the small things that keep your life convenient and comfortable, it helps you appreciate everything around you more.

19. Complimenting people

Something I think we should all do a whole lot more is to say all the positive things we see and think out loud. If you think someone looks great or did an amazing job, tell them. Seeing people light up when they hear a compliment is such a good feeling.

20. Being active every day

This doesn't mean that you need to do an intense workout every day, but just move your body in some way that you enjoy, that also benefits your physical health. Activities I love include taking walks, skating, hiking, running, skiing and swimming.

21. Giving myself pats on the back

Whenever I achieve something or manage to perform a challenging task I doubted myself about, I reward myself with a pat on the back. It's important to acknowledge personal achievements of any size, and just like I would with other people, I'll let myself know I did well.

22. Walking instead of using transport

Opting for using my legs to get somewhere rather than hopping on a bus or the underground gives me the chance to enjoy my surroundings, often paired with a great musical soundtrack or an empowering playlist. I love taking in everything that's happening around me, and walking places is a good way to do that.

23. Not comparing myself to others

It's a waste of energy. No one's life is the same, no one's path is the same, no one has the same background or same opportunities, and it's pointless to compare yourself to other people. You're on your own journey, and that's the one you should be focusing on.

24. Sticking to routine

Every day in my life is not the same, but I like having a rough idea of what I can expect from the day when I wake up. I don't have a strict schedule written down, but I do stick to certain daily activities and make sure I get stuff done.

25. Keep pushing myself

I think it's important to always strive to be the best version of yourself. I'm always willing to take into consideration feedback from people, both professionally and privately. If I've made mistakes, I need to work on myself to make sure it doesn't happen again.

26. Eating good food

There's no reason you shouldn't enjoy the food you put in to fuel your body. It's important to me to eat healthy, but I need to feel satisfied with the food I'm eating to continue on that path. It's fully possible to have your food be tasty and delicious whilst also being good for you.

27. Getting enough sleep

This is a common one, but also one I find hard to achieve, along with many others. Unfortunately we're unable to fully control our sleep, but sticking to a schedule and trying to keep life low-stress and stable can help. If anyone finds the magic solution to perfect sleep, please let me know.

28. Consuming content I care about

Consuming meaningful content is great as it helps me learn, it raises my awareness and widens my perspective. I love content creators that focus on things such as disability issues, LGBT+, racism and how vulnerable people are treated in our society, among many other things.

29. Making sure people around me feel appreciated

I want people to always know where they stand with me, that they're important to me and how much they matter. Making people feel safe and secure with me, and letting them know that I really appreciate them is important.

30. Finding a productive balance

I'm a self-proclaimed workaholic who loves being productive a little too much, so for me finding a balance is a constant process. It's important to both feel fulfilled and get enough rest, and it's something I'm constantly working on maintaining.

31. Putting effort into gifts

I love making other people happy. A gift doesn't have to be expensive for someone to love it, for me it's all about the thought behind it. Giving someone a gift that shows that you listen to them and know what they really want or need is really sweet, and makes people feel appreciated.

32. Realising my privilege

I'm in no way under the impression that I'm better than anyone else, but I know that I've had an easier life than a lot of other people. Realising your privilege makes you a better person, as it makes you more aware of the things you have, and more inclined to help other people and fight injustice.

33. Writing realistic to-do lists

When writing to-do lists it's easy to fall into the trap of making it too long for the time period you have to achieve the tasks on the list. Be realistic about how many things you can get done, so you don't overwhelm yourself or end up feeling bad about not getting them all crossed off.

34. Drinking lots of water

I know this is said a lot when it comes to self-care habits, but it really is so important. It's easy to notice the difference in your body and how much better you feel when you keep yourself hydrated, so make it a point to always keep a glass or bottle of water within reach.

35. Eliminating bad energy

I'm not a spiritual person, but I don't keep anything in my life that gives me bad vibes or negative energy. Pay attention to how everything you do and how people around you make you feel, and leave behind the negatives.

36. Not making too many plans

I think most of my friends can confirm that I'm not necessarily the easiest person to make plans with. I'm working on becoming better at taking initiatives to do stuff, as I'm careful to fill my calendar too much. This is to keep a balance between taking the time to see my friends and making sure I don't drain my social energy.

37. Realising my time is precious

Time is the only thing I can't get more of, so it's important to me to make sure I don't spend my time on anything that isn't meaningful to me personally. This means both productivity wise and who I choose to spend my time with.

38. Treating myself

We always hear treat others how you want to be treated, but I also think we should treat ourselves how we treat others. We deserve to be a little spoiled every now and then, and you can totally do it for yourself. Once in a while I'll treat myself to something I really want, which can be an extra nice bit of food or a new vintage piece of clothing.

39. Not caring about how others perceive me

This doesn't mean totally disregarding how I come off to others, because it is important for me to convey the true me to people. What I mean is that I don't need to pretend on social media to be happier or better than I am, or to always try and be perfect and say the right things. I don't need to put that kind of pressure on myself.

40. Listening to my body

I need to do what's right for my body. Pay attention to what your body's telling you and what it needs from you. Don't push yourself too hard or put yourself in situations you'd really rather not be in. If you desperately need an early night and someone calls you boring for not coming out, I'd definitely prioritise what your body needs.

41. Complimenting myself

Learning to be kind to myself has made a huge difference with my self confidence. I love standing in front of the mirror and pointing out what I like about myself, as well as complimenting myself about things I'm proud of and how strong I feel.

42. Respecting my own boundaries

While I think it's important to push ourselves and keep moving forward, our personal boundaries are not there to be broken. If you have something you really don't wanna do or aren't comfortable with, it's fine to keep those certain things off-limits, and you shouldn't let yourself feel bad about it.

43. Surrounding myself with people who challenge me

I love having a diverse friend group, as the variety of people helps bring new perspectives and points of view to my life. I love when people challenge my views and bring in new arguments I hadn't thought of, as this helps raise my own awareness to different topics.

44. Staying physically healthy

Keeping your body as healthy as you can and staying fit is important. This doesn't mean you have to get a personal trainer or spend lots of money on supplements, but just generally keeping in mind what your body needs and taking care of it.

45. Petting animals as often as I can

Animals are such a pure source of joy. I'm not saying go up to strangers' pets and start stroking them, but whenever you get a natural opportunity to comfortably pet an animal, do it.

46. Spending quality time with myself

I'm a person who needs to recharge every now and then, and I also enjoy my own company. It's important to me to make sure I get me time, which can involve doing any kind of activity I like, such as playing video games or watching a Disney movie.

47. Doing work that's meaningful to me

I personally need to feel like I have a purpose and I'm making a difference. This doesn't have to mean literally saving lives, but knowing that what you do reaches out to someone and touches people's lives in different ways is a great feeling.

48. Acknowledging my feelings

I'm too old to push my feelings away. If I feel a certain way or I'm upset, I need to deal with it in order to make myself a better person. I can't stress enough how important it is to validate feelings, including your own, and allow yourself to feel what you're feeling.

49. Avoiding sad movies and music

I know this one is very specific and personal to me, as many people love sad content. I'm a way too emotional person to consume it, as it leaves me sad for a good while afterwards, as it's hard for me to get it out of my head. It's all about knowing yourself and how much you can handle.

50. Keeping photos of my loved ones out

As I live abroad, I'm far away from my family and many of my closest friends. Keeping pictures of them on the fridge and on the wall helps me appreciate how lucky I am to be surrounded by so many great people, as well as feeling closer to them as I can see their faces every day.

Different things work for different people, and I hope that some of my tips can help you have a happier life. Keep working on the little things to build your stable base of happiness, as it makes it a lot easier to deal with any challenges life throws at you.


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About the Creator

Tone Breistrand

Hi there! I am a Norwegian writer living in London. I like to write about love, Disney and finding happiness.

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