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10 Tips on Creating New Year 's Resolutions (That You Can Actually Stick To)

What if we actually managed to accomplished them all?

By Amra BeganovicPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Everyone is familiar with the yearly tradition of New Year's resolutions. You decide to change something about yourself or your life, and you hope that this time next year, you'll be living a new way - a better way. And who could turn down improving themselves as a New Year's resolution?

But as all too often happens, these resolutions don't last past January 2nd. By the end of January, most people have completely forgotten what they resolved to do in the first place, and by February it isn't even enough of a priority to try to remember anymore. Here are some easy tips on creating a New Year 's resolution that will actually stick:

1) Make sure it's really important for YOU . This means no resolving to lose weight because your friend said she was going to, or swearing you'll get a B in that class when you know you can do better. You need to be able to justify the resolution in your own mind and heart - it has to be important enough for YOU , because no one else will care if you don't.

2) Make a list of things that would help you accomplish your goal. This becomes something concrete for you to refer back to when times get tough during the next year, so having everything written down makes it much easier on yourself. Also, keep this list updated as new ideas come up!

3) Write out your plan of action . What helps most is if you have small steps you can take every week that will be progressively more difficult to accomplish, but that should add up to the result you want.

4) Celebrate little victories! If you were maybe resolving to read a book every month this year, and you only get through three in January instead of all 12, don't give up - make sure you mark it as a success in some way. Write yourself a note saying how proud of yourself you are for sticking with your resolution even when there were bumps along the road. Making these mini-celebrations part of your plan can help keep you from feeling overwhelmed when things get really tough during the next year.

5) Ask yourself if this is something that could realistically last another year. This is VERY important - trying to do anything that isn't going to last is just going to fail. It doesn't matter how self-important you feel about your resolution, if it's something that can realistically be accomplished in a year, then you're better off setting a more realistic goal for yourself.

6) Keep the list somewhere easy to get to . This could mean putting it on your wall where you'll see it everyday or writing out post-it notes and sticking them everywhere you look (phone book, bathroom mirror, front door). The idea of having these resolutions all around you at all times will make them seem like part of your life instead of something temporary while they'll help keep you motivated without feeling overwhelmed by the pressure of trying to accomplish everything right away.

7) Make a commitment to at least TRY . You don't have to succeed in every single thing you set out to do, but if you can stick with your resolutions even when it gets tough, this will be a valuable lesson for the future.

8) Treat yourself! When you reach a milestone or accomplish a goal, make sure you treat yourself somehow - buy a new outfit, go out with some friends, take some time off from work. This is especially great because it gives you something positive coming from your resolution instead of just more pressure on yourself!

9) Don't forget to tell people about your plans. It's always easier having someone else help keep you accountable. If they know about your goals and what you're doing to accomplish them, they can remind you of your goals when you feel like giving up.

10) Relax! Resolutions are about making yourself a better person. If you don't succeed in everything immediately, that's okay - just keep trying and practicing the tips listed above so next year will be easier than this one!

To read more about my work, feel free to check out my Instagram or visit my website, Top Influencer Marketing Agency. Happy New Year!


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