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Workout Alternatives

"Readjusting Your Life"

By Pam ZeePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

Do you struggle finding the time to work out? Does it seem like everybody else always has extra time for working out, yet you cannot manage to squeeze in a workout session. If you answered yes, then I know exactly how you feel. 24hrs feels like a century when you are idle, however; when working fulltime, going to school, raising children, or running an independent business. 24hrs seems like it is never quite enough time to plan your day accordingly. While the rest of your peers carry on with their daily routinely scheduled plans, and still have extra time to socialize. Your day forever seems shortened, for it seems nearly impossible to complete even half of your daily tasks. If you are like me; I get frustrated, lose hope, and resort to envying those superhuman peers that effortlessly accomplish their day-to-day activities. I then procrastinate all day trying to justify why I could not find the time to work out. I console myself by concluding that "I'll just do it next time", unfortunately; next time never quite arrive either. After months of recurring perception of not having the time to work out, I finally found an alternative approach that changed my life forever. I began emphasizing some of my hobbies into a workout session. One of my hobbies happens to be reading, and so one day I got on a trend-mill and began reading a chapter from my favorite book unconsciously unaware I was working out in the process. The more the book became cultivating and the climax heighten, the more I increased my jogging speed on the trend-mill. Within due time I started noticing the weight-loss and changes in my body physique. And in return, the more I was thrilled to read more chapters daily (while still on the trend-mill). This became my new favorite thing to do and I looked forward to my sessions daily. Not only did the frustration stop, but I was also able to accomplish my daily tasks and still have idle time by the end of each consecutive day. I took control of my body and health back. The more I worked out while reading, the higher my momentum increased each day. I ultimately even had a new level of excess boost of energy suddenly, which enabled me to complete my daily task fast/efficiently. My eating plan also ultimately changed, I started caring and being aware of what I consumed daily. I also started embracing each day and looking forward to next day, something I previously dreaded. I acquired a new taste for fresh fruits and produce, as well as incorporated home-made smoothies as my go to snacks. I dined out less and cooked often within the comfort of my home. You see when your lifestyle changes, it is inevitable for the habits to follow suit. It has been 2 months since my newfound hobby evolved, and I have since lost 12lbs. I have also since incorporated working-out with all my daily activities. There is never the perfect time, moment, and day to start. Your intuition and will to try is what matters. You too can readjust your life by applying my technique with your daily activities/hobbies. Whether it is working out at the gym, running after your kids outdoors, walking the dog at the park, or simply engaging in a workout session within the comfort of your own house. Working out does not have to be boring, dreadful, time-consuming, or difficult. Take charge of your life now and explore these effective alternatives. Health and fitness may be essential to human life, but Reading is the Fundamental key to success. Why not get the best of both Worlds.


About the Creator

Pam Zee

I am Author/Writer living in TX. I strive to create narratives that resonate deeply with human experience. I hope my stories can bring people together, allowing us to find common ground, and understand the beauty in our diversity

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