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What lifestyle should you follow after removal of uterine fibroids?

The lifestyle after the removal of fibroids directly depends on the way in which the operation was performed. There are several techniques. You can remove only the momentous node or the entire uterus. The third is the "bloodless" method. This is uterine artery embolization. In each case, the recovery period proceeds differently.

By ROBINSON JAMES HERBERTPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
What lifestyle should you follow after removal of uterine fibroids?
Photo by Wesley Tingey on Unsplash

After fibroids

What lifestyle should you follow after removal of uterine fibroids?

The lifestyle after the removal of fibroids directly depends on the way in which the operation was performed. There are several techniques. You can remove only the myomatous node or the entire uterus. The third is the "bloodless" method. This is uterine artery embolization. In each case, the recovery period proceeds differently.

Uterus removal

With fibroids, the complete removal of the uterus is considered the most difficult operation. They try to carry it out only to those women who are not planning a pregnancy. Therefore, the average age of such patients is about 43–45 years. General recommendations follow from this.

First days

You need to start from the very beginning - with a recovery period that will last several weeks. Here diet plays the main role - it depends on how quickly the healing process will go. In middle-aged women, it is slowed down. Therefore, it is especially important for them to eat right.

It is imperative to include protein foods in the diet: meat, fish and egg white. In the early days, many do not want to eat at all. However, you need to force yourself to eat at least a little - this is necessary.

Secondly, you can’t get stale. If the operation took place without complications, then getting up and walking is allowed already on the 2-3rd day. Nobody talks about long walks. But walking for 5-7 minutes several times a day is a must.

Do not forget about immunomodulators. They contribute to the early healing of wounds. There are a lot of drugs here, they are prescribed by a doctor. But there are several herbal teas that are suitable for almost everyone. They contain substances that improve cellular immunity.

Decoctions of these herbs should be drunk daily from the first postoperative day. This herbal medicine lasts 4-5 weeks. The only contraindication to it is an allergy to a particular plant.

Forced menopause

After removal of the uterus, many women experience menopause. Characteristic symptoms appear: hot flashes, irritability, pressure rise, weakness, depression. This is why gynecologists prescribe hormone replacement therapy to many of their patients. She normalizes health in a few months. As a rule, the drugs are recommended to be taken for several years after the operation.

Protection against atherosclerosis

Last year, London scientists published the results of their research. According to them, middle-aged women who have undergone the removal of the uterus are at risk for several diseases. Among them, atherosclerosis is in the first place. It begins to develop very quickly, so after the operation, you need to do prophylaxis. Rather, a few months after it, when the body has already recovered.

First of all, you need to follow a special diet: eat as little animal fats as possible. Therefore, it is necessary to exclude fatty meat, sour cream and high-fat cheeses, chicken eggs and, of course, butter from the diet. Instead, you should eat a vegetable that contains a large amount of "useful" fatty acids. They are also found in large quantities in fish. Therefore, she should also regularly appear on the table.

Fitness plus pool

Removal of the uterus, although it affects, but not so dramatically on the lifestyle. A woman can absolutely calmly engage in sports that are habitual for her, go to the fitness room and to the pool.

There are no special restrictions on visiting baths, saunas, beaches and solariums.

Removal of fibroids

If a woman is young and plans to have children in the future, then doctors try to preserve the uterus. In this case, only fibroids are removed. The operation itself is easily tolerated. But there are a lot of postoperative restrictions. Almost all of them are associated with future pregnancy.

Week after

The recovery period after such an operation is quite short. Usually the doctor will let his patient go home after a week. But while she is in the hospital, there are a few rules to follow. The main thing again concerns the diet. It should consist mainly of those products that have a laxative effect. The fact is that after such operations, it is forbidden to push. Otherwise, intra-abdominal pressure will increase, and this is a threat to the stitches left on the uterus.

Therefore, constipation should not be allowed. They are also dangerous because the irregular work of the intestines provokes inflammation in the appendages and uterus.

The diet should not contain foods that inhibit the intestinal function. These include slimy soups and cereals, especially semolina and rice, jelly, pureed food, chocolate, strong tea and coffee, cocoa, cottage cheese, pomegranates. Any products made from "white flour" are also undesirable.

Instead of buns, it is better to eat ordinary rye bread, or rather, crackers from it. In addition, be sure to eat one or two apples a day. Sour milk products, seaweed, stone fruits, bananas and vegetable oil must be included in the diet. Loose porridge and buckwheat, millet, pearl barley also stimulate the intestines well. Meat and fish should be eaten not in crushed form, but in chunks.

With such a diet, problems with stool, as a rule, do not arise. If they do appear, you need to use a laxative. Buckthorn bark is perfect. It is brewed in a 1:10 ratio and drunk two tablespoons in the morning and evening. This remedy has proven itself so well that it has been recognized by official medicine. There is also a drug called ramnil. It is a dry extract of buckthorn. It should be taken 1-2 tablets at night.

At home

Having discharged home, a woman should not rush to take on all household problems. The fact is that physical activity should be limited for several months. It is necessary for the incisions made during the operation to heal well on the uterus. Therefore, you cannot lift weights, stand on your feet for a long time, cooking dinner or cleaning an apartment. You shouldn't be actively involved in sports either. Visits to the fitness room will have to be postponed. But you can't behave too passively either.

In this case, it is best to do exercises with a calm rhythm and breathing exercises. The need for movement can be compensated for by hiking. During the day, you need to walk at a slow pace of about 6-7 kilometers.

Three months later

Three months after the operation, you can slowly return to your normal lifestyle. It is necessary to begin to increase physical activity, gradually approaching the level that was before the operation. You can work with full dedication both at home and at work.

However, some restrictions still remain. Thermal procedures are not recommended for women with removed fibroids: baths, saunas, hot wraps. All this can contribute to the recurrence of the tumor, so it is better to refuse such pleasures.

It is necessary to limit and exposure to the sun. Excessive ultraviolet radiation is also dangerous due to the risk of neoplasms. Therefore, you need to visit the beaches only before 11 in the morning or after 16 in the afternoon. One to one and a half hours spent in the shade is quite enough. If we talk about a solarium, then a weekly dose of artificial sun is equal to 10 minutes.

Preparing for pregnancy

After the operation, an ultrasound of the pelvic organs should be done every six months. This prescription is maintained for two years. Then this study can be done once a year.

It is imperative to do an ultrasound scan before the planned conception. Doctors advise getting pregnant at least a year after uterine surgery.

Embolization of the uterine arteries

This type of operation has appeared recently, so doctors did not have time to accumulate enough information about it. So far, no one can give long-term recommendations. All tips relate to how to properly conduct the postoperative period and several months after it.

With no restrictions

It takes about 4-5 days from the operation to discharge from the hospital. A woman can get up and walk on the first or second day after the intervention. It does not last long: a catheter is inserted into the vessel, through which the uterine artery is “clogged” with “special balls. The blood flow stops, the myoma stops feeding, and it dies.

Hence the conclusion: nothing happens to the uterus. Therefore, there are no particular restrictions on physical activity. Almost immediately after discharge, a woman can move on to her usual lifestyle - work, play sports, and do all the housework. There are no special dietary restrictions: food also remains the same.

Annual ultrasound

The only prescription that a woman must fulfill is to go to an ultrasound scan several times. After 1, 3, 6, 12 months after embolization, an ultrasound examination is performed, with the help of which it is determined by how much the nodes and the uterus have decreased. Then this examination should be carried out every 12 months. And after a year and a half after the operation, you can plan a pregnancy.


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I'm a worshiper of creativity and knowledge. I'm a researcher of many sectors. I like to write my own view on various subjects, and also like to write about techniques and tips. Follow me to get amazing information and tips.

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