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What is the difference in symptoms between chronic hepatitis, liver cirrhosis and liver cancer?

Chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer

By Ethan L. AdenPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

After the incidence of liver disease has continued to rise, people have begun to pay attention to their liver health. People who have liver disease themselves are afraid to think of ways to raise their livers.

Nowadays, liver diseases with a high incidence include hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer. There are also many types of hepatitis, including chronic hepatitis, acute hepatitis, and viral hepatitis. For these types of conditions, there will always be many People are confused. If you want to prevent it in a targeted manner, or catch liver disease early, you will be prone to mistakes. Therefore, you want to know what is the difference between chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer in terms of symptoms?

What are the main symptoms of chronic hepatitis?

Abnormal digestive tract reaction

There are mainly several manifestations. The desire to eat food will be reduced. Even in the face of the food that you love, the desire to eat is not high, and sometimes even nausea, nausea, and bloating may occur. Some patients with chronic hepatitis will experience dull pain in the abdomen.

Abnormal urine

Normal people's urine color is clear and transparent or slightly yellowish. If within a period of time, you find that your urine color has become like a strong tea color, accompanied by oliguria, you should pay attention to it. Chronic hepatitis may be at work.

What is the manifestation of liver cirrhosis?

Strange moles appear on the body

After the liver begins to harden, the related abilities of the liver will also be affected. The liver has an inactivation effect on estrogen. If the liver becomes hard, this inactivation ability will decrease, which will also lead to an imbalance of estrogen levels in the body and blood vessels Expansion, spider moles will form slowly. If you find that there are more spider moles on your body, and it can't disappear for a long time, and pregnancy and puberty are also ruled out, you must consider liver cirrhosis.

Gastrointestinal reaction becomes heavier

When you have chronic hepatitis, you will only feel nausea and vomiting. In severe cases, you will feel faint pain in your abdomen. In the stage of liver cirrhosis, the abnormal reaction of the digestive tract will become stronger, not only nausea and vomiting, but also vomiting blood. , The stool condition is not very good, and it is easy to have black stool.

When there is cancer in the liver, what will happen to the body?

Repeated fever problems

Fever is a very common problem. When you catch a cold or cough every day, you will be prone to fever. In addition, inflammation in the body can also cause fever. However, the fever in these cases can be treated by medication or other conditions. If the fever is always recurrent, and most of the symptoms are low-grade fever, you should pay attention to it. It may be that there is cancer in the liver.

Body weight loss is obvious

Without any weight-loss measures, the weight suddenly drops severely, and the whole person looks listless, so pay more attention to it. Sudden weight loss is not a good thing. It is very likely that there is a serious problem in the liver, which affects the digestion of the liver. And the ability to detoxify, it also affects other organs of the digestive system, which leads to a significant decrease in body fat.

Obviously feel the mass on the abdomen

In the stage of chronic hepatitis, you will feel faint pain in the abdomen, which many people may ignore, but when the liver cancer develops, the pain will become more obvious, and you can feel a mass in the abdomen, and the abdomen is also swollen. , The main reason is that the symptoms of liver ascites appear, the liver capsule is involved, it will naturally produce a strong pain, and the formation of the mass will also oppress the peripheral nerves.

Judging from the above answers, the symptoms of chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis and liver cancer can be analyzed from three points:

First of all, the reaction of the digestive tract is different. In the period of chronic hepatitis, the abnormal manifestations of the digestive tract are not serious, but when the liver is cirrhosis, it becomes serious, hematemesis will occur, and the stool will turn black. When cirrhosis reaches the stage of liver cancer, it becomes more serious, and it is prone to gastrointestinal bleeding.

Secondly, the abdominal pain is different. The abdominal pain caused by chronic hepatitis is dull, and the abdominal pain caused by cirrhosis is mostly colic. The most unbearable is the abdominal pain caused by liver cancer. Although it is paroxysmal, it is painful. It will become more intense, especially for patients with advanced liver cancer, the pain will be stronger.

Finally, other symptoms are different. The prominent manifestation of chronic hepatitis is abnormal urine. Other symptoms of liver cirrhosis are liver palms and spider veins. The abnormal manifestations caused by liver cancer are more abnormal, such as sudden body weight loss, fever, and edema. .

From the above three points, it can be seen that the corresponding symptoms of liver disease are different at different stages. In fact, as long as you can observe carefully, you can find the disease early. If you can find the problem in the chronic hepatitis period, and proceed in time Treatment may be able to avoid the later two liver diseases. Of course, errors can easily occur in judging diseases based on symptoms alone. For the sake of health, after discovering problems, you can go to the hospital for related examinations to help troubleshoot specific causes.


About the Creator

Ethan L. Aden

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