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What are the pros and cons of this technology? What should be considered for patients planning dental implants?

Instant implantation is a technology in which prosthetics are done immediately after tooth extraction. On the same day. In this case, the implant an artificial titanium root is immersed in a fresh socket in the gum.

By ROBINSON JAMES HERBERTPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
What are the pros and cons of this technology? What should be considered for patients planning dental implants?
Photo by v2osk on Unsplash

Fast implantation

What are the pros and cons of this technology? What should be considered for patients planning dental implants?

Instant implantation is a technology in which prosthetics are done immediately after tooth extraction. On the same day. In this case, the implant - an artificial titanium root - is immersed in a fresh socket in the gum. It is implanted into the jaw bone. And immediately they load it - they put on a crown on top, which reproduces the outer part of the tooth.

It would seem that it is fast and convenient, especially in our age of speeds.

The fact is that after tooth extraction, there may be inflammation in the wound. Even if the doctor does not see it, it may be present. And, of course, its engraftment in the jaw at least slows down, and as a maximum, the implant is rejected. As a result, the patient, wishing to gain time, on the contrary, may lose it fighting the infection.

It is important to understand that these risks depend not on the qualifications of the doctor, not on the quality of materials, but on the characteristics of human physiology. Any wound takes time to heal.

Therefore, it is much calmer and more correct to perform a two-stage implantation. In this case, the implant is inserted after the gums have completely healed. In 2-3-4 months, depending on the brand of the implant, the artificial root takes root reliably, growing together with the patient's own bone. And on this firmly formed structure, you can confidently place a crown. This process is called osseointegration and is the basis of implantation.

Virtual Models

However, in some cases, we go to meet patients and still perform instant implantation. For example, if you are sure that a person has good, hard bone in his mouth. If he is generally in excellent health. All this information is given to us by a special study - 3D tomography of the oral cavity.

A new generation device - a 3D tomograph creates a three-dimensional tissue model. Only on it, and not on a regular X-ray, you can clearly see the thickness and density of bone tissue. If the tomogram shows that there is not enough bone, it must be augmented.

With the help of 3D modeling, the dental surgeon clearly calculates the sequence of his actions. It is important to position the titanium root at the right angle in the jaw. So that it does not touch the trigeminal nerve or the maxillary sinus.

In addition, with instant implantation, we use another tactical move. We place a temporary crown on the implant instead of a permanent one. And only after two months, when the gum is completely healed, we change it to a permanent one.

Once and for all

With careful observance of all technological subtleties, the installed implants serve a person all his life. We work with the best manufacturer of dental implants - the Swiss company "Strawman". Practice has shown that its products are the most reliable and durable. It is no coincidence that the company gives the doctor a lifetime warranty on its implants.

By the way, these implants can be installed at any age, even at a very advanced age. The main thing is not how old the patient is, but what his health is. What is the ability of tissues to heal. It is known that the healing process of wounds and damaged bones can be slowed down in diabetes, autoimmune diseases, after chemotherapy and radiation therapy. However, in such situations, implantation is possible. It's just that its stages can be more extended in time. For such cases, the Strawman line of implants includes a group of implants with accelerated and enhanced osseointegration.

The implant placement procedure is completely painless. Under local anesthesia, the doctor makes a small hole in the gum and fixes the implant in the bone, following the protocol. In terms of the scale of intervention, this manipulation is even more modest than tooth extraction. After it, you can safely go to work. No serious activity restrictions are required.


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