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The Scientific Facts of Mindfulness Meditation That Will Improve Your Life

Discover the many ways that meditation can improve your life! As well as three step-by-step videos to guide you.

By Silena Le BeauPublished 6 years ago 9 min read

Stress reduction is one of the highest most common reasons that people learn meditation. Mental, emotional and physical stress causes increased levels of the stress hormone we know as cortisol.

Known worldwide as the worlds best free medication, meditation is extremely effective and powerful with proven healing properties.

Nowadays people are exploring meditation, spirituality, and so much more as a reflection of a collective evolution.

People who meditate are more positive, happier, healthier, and more successful than those who don’t.

It's quintessentially important to be added as a vital part in everyone's life to experience optimal mental health and wellness with effortless ease.

The Basics of Meditation

What is meditation? Meditation is the practice of focusing on the breath. Nothing more, nothing less.

It is an influential process where you habitually train your mind to focus and redirect your thoughts for a centered more grounded feeling.

Over time, you experience less stress, more focus and better sleep which are just a few benefits of meditation and mindfulness.

This is truly the essence of mindfulness. You are fully present in right now. You are incessantly engaged in whatever it is that you are doing.

You experience any and all worries and distractions simply falling away.

Mindfulness ends suffering because the present moment is perfect (even when it’s not what you think you want).

The daily practice of mindfulness, through meditation, breathing, or any of the various ways you can practice presence, (yoga, karate) will make you a more centered, content, and joyful person, even in the midst of your chaotic world.

It is a beautiful feeling when you are no longer using your thoughts to dwell in the past or fret about the future.

Using thoughts to worry is the main cause of anxiety. In doing meditation, anxiety does not exist!

Once you dive deeper and learn that it's really all about energy and vibrations you will see how its effects are so monumental in changing or rewiring your brain to be at peace.

Let's talk about it.

Here's a little history for you to understand the benefits and importance on a deeper level.

Meditation is derived from the Latin word meditatio, from a verb meditari, meaning "to think, contemplate, devise, or ponder."

So as you can see it means to focus your mind on something, in other words, to ponder.

Yet, we live amongst a society that demonizes things that are good for you. Whenever there is something that will give you a great outcome that produced better results than what's being shoved down our minds through mainstream programming they teach to go against it and instead force us to try their option, but only for their benefit or profit.

For example, they say, "don't meditate, take these manmade pills with 100 side effects, that will give you another side affect or illness, just don't breathe (meditate) to experience inner healing."

You can ask someone, "Do you meditate?" and they'll look at you like you have ten heads. Meanwhile they'll reply, "I don't know how to meditate."

This answer irks me to my core because it shows how ignorant we have allowed our minds to become by behaving so shallow and not thinking for ourselves as we play follow the leader.

If we knew that meditation simply means "breathing," then we'd understand that we do it EVERY SINGLE DAY AND NIGHT!

We must breathe to live right?!

The act of meditating is nothing more than focused deep breathing.

That's when you must ask yourself, "why are we being talked out of something that's free for us to access at any time of the day, throughout our existence?"

What is the actual harm in breathing if any? We all took our first breath the second we came outside of the womb and have been breathing every day since then. We all do it every single day and even while we sleep, so to create falsified lies when they know the benefits is insanely ridiculous and absurd.

Our ancestors have been meditating for centuries upon centuries and there were never any problems with anxiety and depression because they weren't attached to things as we are. The elders were always calm natured and didn't let things affect them.

We must stop believing all of society's concocted lies, and learn to see the truth behind the agenda.

The Essence of Negative Energy

As we breathe deeply we raise our vibrations. Anything that vibrates low will affect you.

So for instance if you're around someone who is angry you will experience a headache because you're vibrating low and you'll take on their negative "energy" without intentionally intending to do so. When you raise you're vibration it will not be able to affect you because you vibrate higher than the negative energy being emitted.

Remember—like attracts like so if you're on two separate playing fields anything outside of you does not stand a chance in affecting you in any negative type of way which is why depression cannot exist in this type of vibration.

We all have this innate power within us that we have forgotten about. It's up to you to love yourself enough to tap into it and end suffering because it's truly not necessary to suffer on any mental level when you were built with the very essence to eradicate it.

Benefits of Daily Meditation

  • Meditation reduces stress.
  • It controls anxiety.
  • It encourages a healthy lifestyle.
  • It increases happiness.
  • It improves concentration.
  • The practice increases self-awareness.
  • Meditation increases acceptance.
  • It slows aging.
  • Meditation promotes emotional health.
  • Enhances Self-Awareness.
  • Lengthens attention span
  • The practice benefits cardiovascular and immune health.
  • May reduce age-related memory loss

Breakdown of Meditation Benefits

Some forms of meditation enhance self-awareness and help you develop a stronger understanding of yourself, helping you grow into your best self.

Other forms can teach you to recognize the thoughts that may be harmful or self-defeating that "create and shape" your reality.

The idea is for you to gain greater awareness of your thought habits, so that you can steer them toward more constructive patterns.

Meditation also promotes emotional health since it leads to an improved self-image and more positive outlook and perspective on life.

It can also be used to increase awareness of yourself and your surroundings. Many people think of it as a way to reduce stress and develop better concentration.

Meditation is known for its outstanding ability to control anxiety. When anxiety is lessened it translates to less stress.

Two studies of mindfulness meditation found that anxiety and depression decreased in over 3,500 adults.

A great example, for eight weeks, a group of people participated in a study of mindfulness meditation helped stating that it helped to reduce their anxiety levels by over 54 percent in such a short span of time.

They also reported that it reduced symptoms of anxiety disorders, such as social anxiety, phobias, paranoid thoughts, obsessive-compulsive behaviors (O.C.D.) as well as panic attacks.

Another study was conducted as a follow-up with 568 volunteers three years after they had completed the eight-week meditation program. 97.1 percent of the volunteers continued to practice regular meditation and maintained lower anxiety levels over the long term.

A larger study of 2,490 participants also showed that a variety of different meditation strategies reduced anxiety levels significantly.

Meditation assists in fighting addictions. It has shown that it helped people learn how to reset their mind. It allows us to redirect our attention, increase our willpower, control our emotions and impulses and increase understanding of the causes behind addictive behaviors.

By increasing your self-control and awareness of any such triggers for addictive behaviors through meditation, the mental discipline you develop may help you break dependencies.

Meditation lengthens attention span which is awesome for those with ADD, ADHD, OCD, and social anxiety.

Meditation can even reverse patterns within the brain that contribute to mind-wandering, poor attention and worrying.

Focused-attention meditation is like weight lifting for your attention span. It helps increase the strength and endurance of your attention. Another reason that makes one ponder on why meditation is drowned upon by the higher ups who are in control.

For example, a study looked at the effects of those who took part in a 60-day mindfulness meditation assessment and found that it improved participants' ability to reorient and maintain their attention.

It is also a great pain reliever as it reduces pain astoundingly especially cramps, migraines and fibromyalgia.

Meditation literally removes the perception of pain in the brain. This practice serves to help treat chronic pain when used as a supplement to medical care or physical therapy.

In meditating patients, it showed increased activity in the brain centers that are known to control pain. They also reported less sensitivity to pain as a result.

This article breaks down simple step by step instructions for meditation.

Other Forms of Meditative Techniques

Meditative techniques are forms of meditation but on a lower level.

A variety of meditation techniques can help you relax and control the "runaway" thoughts that can interfere with sleep. This can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep and increase sleep quality.

Like meditation, yoga and karate are other forms of meditative techniques. Anything that allows you to focus on the breath will give you results.

Look at meditation as the highest form of meditative technique. This is because you are not doing any thing else as in the other forms you're focused on actually doing a certain task or exercise. In meditation, you just be. You're focused on nothing, which is why meditation produces results at a faster speed.

For example, yoga has been shown to help people reduce anxiety. This is likely due to benefits from both meditative practice and the combination of physical activity,

Meditation has also been used to help control job-related anxiety especially in high-pressure work environments where people work on a one on one basis or face to face (hospitals, schools, nursing homes, restaurants, super stores). One study proclaimed that the meditation program conducted reduced anxiety in a group of nurses.

The study showed that workers who regularly practiced mindfulness meditation were able to stay focused on a task much longer.

These workers also remembered more minor details of their tasks better than their peers who did not participate in practicing meditation.

People from all walks of life practice many different forms of meditation, most of which don't require any specialized equipment or space. You can practice with just a few minutes daily.

The best part besides it being free is that you can meditate anywhere.

The Bottom Line

Meditation is something everyone can do to improve their mental and emotional health.

You can do it anywhere, without special equipment or memberships.

Nonetheless, meditation courses and support groups are widely available and even online too.

There's a great variety of styles too, each with different strengths and benefits.

Trying out a style of meditation most comfortably suited to fit your goals is a great way to improve your quality of life, even if you only have a few minutes to do it each day.

However, if you're interested in incorporating meditation into your routine, try a few different styles and consider guided meditation exercises to get started.

Alternatively, consider setting your alarm a few minutes early to take advantage of quiet time in the morning. This may help you develop a consistent habit and allow you to start the day positively.

If your regular work and home space do not allow for consistent, quiet alone time, consider going out in nature, or participating in a class. This will also improve your chances of success by providing a supportive community.

Here are three videos to get you started!


About the Creator

Silena Le Beau

She expresses her gift of writing through each piece. She studied writing in college and has been inspiring people for 20 years. She gives back to the community & enriches them with enlightenment. Philanthropist, Empath and Nature lover.

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