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The Rebounder and Its Effects on Your Health (Part 1)

This is “Part 1” of the two-part series of "The Rebounder and Its Effects on Your Health"

By Akash SharmaPublished 5 years ago 3 min read
kid playing on rebounder

The rebounder is a unique form of exercise for your whole body in that it will stimulate your entire system at the basic cellular level. You will be giving your muscles, including your cardiovascular system and your lymphatic system, a workout.

The rebounder has all of the health benefits of cardiovascular exercise as well as strength training, including improving circulation, increasing strength and balance, coordination, mood elevation, and much more.

The rebounder has an effect on every single cell in your body.

We get raised eyebrows and questions all the time because we are so adamant about letting everyone know that they should be using a rebounder.

The general population is in agreement that doing some sort of exercise program is a good idea, but most are not aware of the many health benefits of using a rebounder.

G-force effect is the factor that gives you the many health benefits of rebounding. Your body is subjected to acceleration, deceleration and gravitational force. The emphasis on the rebounder happens during the downward movement, thus increasing the g-forces on every cell in your body. By doing this, each cell structure will begin to get stronger, not just muscle cells, but every cell.

The gentle action of the "Health Bounce" on the rebounder will start to cleanse and flush all your cells. Why will it do this? This is the big question! Because it will stimulate or activate your lymphatic system.

It seems that most of us know something about our muscles, lungs and cardiovascular system, but few of us realize the incredible importance of our lymphatic system in regard to our health.

The lymphatic system is your body's waste removal system. If it is not functioning at peak performance, then all sorts of health problems start to crop up. Your lymphatic system also helps defend against invasion by disease-causing agents such as viruses, bacteria, or fungi.

Some examples of a congested lymphatic system can be:

  • Loss of energy or chronic fatigue
  • Allergies and sinus problems
  • Swelling
  • Fibromyalgia symptoms
  • Lower back pain
  • Heart disease
  • Arthritis
  • Headaches
  • Digestive disorders
  • Balance problems
  • Puffy eyes
  • Skin conditions
  • Obesity
  • Viral and bacterial infections
  • High blood pressure

You should drink a lot of water throughout the day as a preventive measure against a congested lymphatic system. Most of our body consists of water, and water plays a very important role in the removal of waste from our body.

Lots of waste is removed through our urine, which is actually water. Also, our body removes waste through sweat, which is again water. If we do not drink sufficient water, then it can result in hard stool and even constipation.

But drinking more water is not enough, because impure water has its own side effects. The thing is that most of the diseases are spread through impure water. That's why you must drink pure water purified by Aquaguard water purifier.

I have found a very helpful list of the best non electric water purifiers here.

Your lymphatic system is connected to each and every organ in your body. The purpose of this system is to collect and get rid of waste, toxins and excess fluids. Many people think that the bowels, liver and kidneys, skin, (through sweating) and lungs get rid of all the waste and toxins, but your lymphatic system is one of your first lines of defense against invading diseases, toxins, etc. This all-important system is constantly battling to remove these at the cellular level!

When a foreign substance such as a virus, toxin, bacteria or traditional drugs and pharmaceuticals enter your system, the very first thing your body will try to do is to expel it in some way to bring back a healthy balance.


About the Creator

Akash Sharma

Akash Sharma is a blogger from India. He like to write on various topics like parenting, family, health, child care etc.

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