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Take your prescribed aspirin to prevent heart attack and stroke

This miracle drug from the bark of a willow tree truly can keep you from experiencing serious illness and death.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 4 min read
Willow tree

A few years ago I read an online story about a man whose doctor had prescribed 2 daily 81 mg of aspirin. He said he missed one bedtime dose and the next day he had a heart attack. Not long ago I visited a stroke patient in the hospital and his first words to me were, "I should have kept taking my aspirin." My grandmother lived to age 91 and never had a heart attack. She had a mini stroke at age 88, but never lost consciousness or had to do any therapy. Her speech slurred one night and her right hand curled up. Those were the only symptoms she ever had. My grandma faithfully took her low dose aspirin as prescribed.

My mother in law also made sure to take her aspirin every night. She passed away at age 82 from unrelated issues and never had a heart attack or a stroke. These four testimonies should open the eyes of all whose medical providers have told them to take 2 baby aspirin each night before bedtime. This wonder drug thins the blood and prevents it from forming clots which can kill. Please do not do this on your own, but consult with your health care provider to see if this is appropriate for your personal situation.

If you are aspirin-sensitive you can try coated 81 mg aspirin. Baeyer and St. Joseph's are two well-known name brands that sell low-dose aspirin that comes in a small, easy-to-swallow tablet. There is a safety coating, (enteric) so the micro-sized tablet can pass through the stomach before it releases the contents into the small intestine. This helps to protect the gastric lining from the potentially irritating effects of the aspirin which can cause upset stomach or ulcers. You can also find store brands of this product for as low as $1.00. There are also chewable "baby aspirin" available.

Low dose aspirin

Webmd says the most common low dose of aspirin prescribed is one 81mg tablet but I know several people who say their doctors told them to take 2 each night before bed. Your personal care provider will let you know what is the best dosage for you if necessary. Researchers indicate that the majority of heart attacks happen during late night and early morning. By taking the aspirin prior to bedtime, it will allow the medicine to flow throough body during the time of night most likely to cause distress.

Aspirin is in the family of NSAIDs or Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This wonder drug is a gift from the Creator because it was found in the bark of the willow tree.The word "aspirin" comes from Spiraea, which is a biological genus of shrubs that includes natural components salicylic acid which is the drug's main ingredient. Salicylic acid, can also be found in peas, jasmine, clover, beans, and certain other trees and grasses.

Diarmuid Jeffreys, author of "Aspirin: The Remarkable Story of a Wonder Drug." said that ancient Egyptians were fond of willow bark and utilized it as a remedy for aches and pains. Jeffreys added that the Egyptian people were not aware that the salicylic acid is what was reducing the inflammation as well as their body temperature. The Greek physician Hippocrates, who lived from about 460 to 377 B.C. wrote about how the willow leaves and the bark relieved fever and pain. The key ingredient in aspirin began to be when 18th century clergyman, Edward Stone wrote report regarding how the powder from the willow bark seemed to benefit 50 patients who were dealing with ague and other illnesses.

Medical writer Clarence Berton Roueché, Jr. said that during the 1800s, researchers across Europe began exploring salicylic acid. In 1829, the drug was isolated by French pharmacist Henri Lerou. Roueche reveals that it was Hermann Kolbe who discovered synthetic salicylic acid in 1874. Trial and error prevailed because when it was administered in large doses, the patients experienced nausea and vomiting. Some of them even became comatose so a buffer was needed to ease the effects of this acid when it went into the stomach.

The aspirin as we know it today came into existence in the late 1890s in the form of acetylsalicylic acid. This happened when German Bayer chemist Felix Hoffmann used it to alleviate his father's rheumatism. In 1899, Bayer distributed a powder that included this ingredient to physicians to give to their patients. This drug became popular in 1915, it was first sold as an over-the-counter product in tablet form. If you are on a an aspirin regimine and are not taking the coated version, doctors recommend drinking glass of water before and after in order to ease the effects on the stomach. Please keep in mind that aspirin can only be combined with Tylenol. Motrin, Alieve, and Advil are also in the family of NSAIDS and should not be tken with aspirin or each other.

This article is for imformation purposes only and is not to diagnose, treat or cure any illness. As stated earlier, please check with your personal health care provider before embarking on aspirin as a preventative measure.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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