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Health from a philosophical perspective


By iamnjabuloPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
Health from a philosophical perspective
Photo by Marc St on Unsplash

For us to understand the Title we must first understand what health is. We’re told everyday throughout TV commercials that we need to take good care of ourselves to stay healthy. Some commercials use the word ‘Health’ to profit from it for the wrong reasons, some use it for its meaning of which is about making sure that you are always in good condition.

Most people might argue that we are able to detect whether a person is healthy or not base on their appearance. They say if you ‘Look good, you feel good and if you feel good you do good’ but is that always the case, because from this quote it means that the overall health of a person relies on how they look.

I know people that have uncurable diseases, but they look good, so technically a person that has a certain disease doesn’t necessarily mean they unhealthy, they might still live a longer life span compared to a person that does not have any diseases at all, it just depends on how they live.

So how you live will determine whether you will be in good conditions or bad conditions and those conditions are determined by your daily choices and decisions. So, what type of choices or decisions we need to make to be in good conditions because I believe we all want to be in good conditions.

If you look at all the Races in the world in terms of success and wealth, you will find that black people are at the bottom of the barrel and the reason why it is like that is because of history. Black people were enslaved by the Whites for centuries, didn’t have an equal distribution of resources compared to other races so that led to them being in the most unresourceful situation which led to the majority to be in Bad conditions.

The type of decisions you make will determine whether you will be in good conditions or Bad conditions, that is going to have a huge impact on our health and wellbeing. So, the question is, did Black folks make the wrong decisions or choices Since most of them are in Bad Conditions or did the White folks make the right decisions or choices since most of them are in good conditions?

For us to answer these questions we must first find what is that one thing we need to always have as people in general from all races around the world, that thing that keeps us going. We wake up every day to make a living to survive and so that we can get through the day. So, our biggest priority as people is SURVIVAL and our biggest fears as humans, not only humans but all living beings is going through pain and struggles. We will do whatever it takes to survive, that is why there is still constant harm of our environment, eating unhealthy, emission of greenhouse gases to the atmosphere, cutting down of trees, pollution of water from industrial activities.

We know these activities cause severe harm to the health of living beings and even ourselves, but we keep doing them so that we can survive as humans but our acts of survival lead to the deaths of other living species. Imagine if you wake up tomorrow and it turns out that there isn’t a lot of resources for all humans to survive, do you think everybody will still follow the rules and laws that have been placed to govern society? Do you think your neighbors will care about you? The chances of people following the laws put out or your neighbors thinking about you are very slim, people will care more about themselves and their loved ones.

Realizing that survival is our number one priority as humans helps us better understand why most black folks are in bad conditions and why most white folks are in good conditions and that is because of the choices and decisions were made by both races. So, did white folks make the right choices and decisions since they ended up in good conditions? The answer is No, they made realistic decisions and choices and majority of black folks made unrealistic decisions and choices, but the choices and decisions made by black people were the right ones.

I do believe there was a time were black and white folks sat down had discussions on how they were going to coexist with one another and share resources before the conflicts between races occurred, just that white people did not leave up to those agreements which led to the suffering of most black people. In life you need to be realistic, you can’t never be certain whether someone or group of people will live up to their words because at the end of the day people will always put themselves first before they put somebody else.

So how is this linked to health, it is linked to it to show that the reason why a lot of us as black people don’t have access to resources and facilities that could be beneficial to our wellbeing and survival is because we made unrealistic choices and decisions. We believed the decisions and choices we made were the right ones, of which they were right because their overall motive was peace among everybody else unlike for white folks because their choices and decisions led to a whole lot of sorrow, unbalance, and destruction to the world.

So, if you want to live a healthy life like being physically healthy, spiritually healthy, emotionally healthy, psychologically healthy, and financially healthy make realistic decisions and choices but for the right purpose. The world we live in is real and it has so many real expectations that also cause a lot of pain so don’t make decisions based on idealistic ideas and believes.

Majority of white people made realistic choices and decisions, but they were not for the right purpose. Make agreements with people but always have a backup because you can never be certain when it comes to people or even living species where their number one priority is survival. Try to make realistic decisions and choices to stay healthy and staying healthy will always put you in good conditions.


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