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Healing Energy & Breathing

Hatha Yoga Lessons

By Lez Michelle Published 3 years ago 7 min read

The Healing Energy of Life

This information I have learned and experienced as a Metaphysician, Holistic Psychic, and Yogi. The information is beyond our complete understanding and logic, amazingly “universal”, with many terms and content. Imagine; God is our one source, in all religions and spiritual practice. When we speak of the “Divine Being within”, that also means “God within.” This Divine Being is your Lamp, energy, and guiding light to shine for you and all to see. It is amazing, many individuals in New Age, Wicca, Metaphysics, and Yoga, will tell you the same comments, we all are connected and beliefs are similar. Once you explore another religions or Yoga paths, you will begin to see the signs and connecting pieces.

One connecting piece is “energy.” Our bodies and environment is made up of energy and all of its creations. Yoga teaches us about the healing internal energy called “Prana.” Yogins teach of prana being a force and gift used to heal ourselves and other individuals, similar to psychics, reiki, the laying of hands, and body work. How do we invoke this cosmic force and inner power? Any breathing work, movement, thought, words, and affirmation are wonderful ways of using the healing gift of prana.

Another concept of viewing this “life force” prana energy is by understanding the Chakra Energy Centers and Aura Shield. This is done in the field of Metaphysics, Psychic Science, and “Originally” Yoga Health and Science. We are taught, there are hundreds of chakras all over the body, this includes your hands, fingers, feet, every inch of you and your being. The popular chakras are the ones aligned down your spine, your seven chakras, and eight including the aura shield. Any Number beyond eight, is really optional and up to the channelor, The Yogins and New Age Practitioners, will make things simplistic and stay within seven or eight chakras. If you are guided to perceive more than eight chakras, number twelve or more, go with that, your angels, spirit guides, or family member, is trying to help you with a specific issue, learning topic, or environment concern. Keep in mind we have hundreds, so this is not unusual.

Most new students will feel they are crazy or strange. Never doubt your connection, Psychic awareness, or intuition, based on text book or class information. You could be clear, accurate, and learning through your spirit guides, they already know this information from beautiful heaven library. I am sure there are heavenly books, we have yet to discover through our chakras and ClairCognizance channel. Colleges, workshops, and class courses, are only tools to assist us and intellect builders. I remember the days, of intuiting beyond logic and current book shelf information, I would automatically doubt myself; as if this was complete nonsense to imagine. I pass on to you, as the yoga student; never doubt your abilities and also someone else you know. We all have the same inner power. We can choose different ways of perceiving this information and learning methods.

Example: Imagine one group of Five Girls, receiving the same heavenly message through different perceptions and intuitions. This group includes; Christians, Yogins, Metaphysicians, Wicca, and Psychics, all five girls can channel the same message but different vocabulary, terms, power, and Universal gifts. This is based on each girl’s background, family upbringing, education levels, and religion preference. Also, Keep in mind; there is no limit to how you learn, you can be apart of all spiritual perceptions...

Cleansing Effects of deep Breathing-Detoxification

If you have a toxin problem and ill health, then Yoga has your Prescription, guaranteed. This Holistic Prescription includes Yoga Asanas, Meditation, and of course, Deep breathing exercises. When beginning exercises or meditation practice, one method of achieving high relaxation and toxin cleansing, is how deep your breaths are. In yoga class, the instructor will introduce to you an amazing detail; most individuals actually do not use any breathing from their diaphragm. Only individuals who specialize in; Fitness Exercise, Yoga, or Professional Singers of Classical training; will learn how to use their diaphragm. This is because; using diaphragm exercises will aid many career, health, and channeling purposes.

In Yoga Health and Science, we are taught how to cleanse, heal, and de-stress ourselves, when using breathing exercises, a little different from Music Instructors. Each teacher has a different purpose and ending result; the Yoga instructor’s goal is to help student’s mind, body, and soul wellness. Some Yoga breathing exercises taught in; Kriya, Kundalini, and Hatha Paths is the “Rapid Fire Breathing” “Breath of Fire” or “Bellow’s Breath.” This is a favorite exercise of mine I learned in Hatha training for a couple of years in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

Breath of Fire is a breathing exercise where you inhale and exhale rapidly through the nose (never the mouth) without pausing, and pumping the navel point while using the abdomen as a bellows. Any Yogi can practice this at their home of office area to eliminate the waste from the bottom of the lungs, a natural form of detox and abdominal exercise all in one sitting. If you are not trained or cannot imagine how to master this exercise without having a problem, then I strongly recommend not try to too many times, rely on an expert. Always practice yoga at your comfort level and own space (including the breath exercises). Any discomfort and pain, means you must stop, Yoga should not be painful.

Other breathing yoga exercises include:

1. The Complete Breath= Exhale fully and slowly. Inhale for a count of

sixteen or to your full capacity without stress and strain. Slow exhale the

exact same count as your inhale. Again, breathe only through your

nostrils not your mouth. Try to use your diaphragm and stomach not

shallow breathing. You can practice this exercise for as many repetitions

as desired. Three to seven repetitions is recommended for the

“Complete breath.”

2. Alternative Nostril Breathing=This is an excellent exercise. From

personal experience, after regular practice, the yogi will begin to feel

the cleansing effects and higher vibration of this detox. During times of

high stress at work I always, did my Alternative Nostril Breathing

exercises as a Student trainee. This may take some practice, but will

become habit after awhile. To prevent confusion; This exercise is best

done with an instructor in a private or group class setting for clear

direction, the student takes turns closing one nostril, and breathing

through the other one. A series of repetitions is done for 5 to 6 rounds of

exhalations and inhalations. The breath is to flow deeply through each

nostril to cleanse, relax, and detox stress. In some instructions, they will

instruct Yogins to breathe with no sound, smooth breath, however; if

your sinus is clogged, blocked nasal passage, and with Fire Breathing you

will hear a slight sound, so no worries. Practice makes perfect. In the

beginning with (Beginner and intermediate) Yogi Students, we must

experience a better diet, daily asanas, and extensive meditation

practice to achieve high results in any classroom or advanced yoga


Lesson Source:

2007-08: Hatha Lecture 1

Level: Beginner - Intermediate

Yoga Styles: Hatha, Chakra, Intuition, Therapy

Book Lessons and VR Art- ©Love and Divinity In Motion (LDM) ©Yoga University, (HQ) ©LDM Mia Chapel, (HQ) ©LDM Mia Corp, Metro Det, MI USA - ©By (Rev Dr) Leslie M Moore, Metaphysician, Life Coach, Yoga ND.

About Us:

Where Experience meets (3D) Virtual Reality. Bio: Yoga Blogger Influencer, Former Podcast Radio, Digital/Game Artist, Expanding Studio.

Partial-Lockdown status.

Please take care of yourselves; Mind-Body-Spirit.

Copyright Disclaimer 2007-2021: These lessons are not to be copied or revised without the Author’s permission. These Lessons are designed by (Rev) Dr Moore to instruct and guide students on the path to holistic health and wellness. Our Hatha Yoga was written in years 2007-2008. A time where Yoga was partially accepted and torn into million pieces by Churches. My Goals are universal and spiritual integrations.

Some Yoga Prerequisites:

- A working knowledge of mind, body, and spirit,

- Must have Ongoing Yoga practice/experience or beginner awareness.

- Yoga training or studio experience a plus but not required.

- Meditation awareness will be homework.

- Chakras and Intuition are helpful to understand, not required.

- Feng shui and chi are mentioned, optional knowledge

- Science is featured as well also optional.

- You must be adjusted or familiar with Self Learning and Self pace. We only provide you with the adult EDU to get you started. Very differ from traditional, commute, or live on campus lifestyles.

Yoga Benefits: Yoga similar to the arts and fitness can be very healing and therapeutic. The poses, breathing, meditations, and psychology, all contribute to healing many illness aiding remission over time.

“Medical yoga is a type of yoga practice which combines traditional Hatha yoga with medical diagnosis and therapeutic techniques to address illness and disease. It is sometimes also referred to as Medical Yoga Therapy” - Yogapedia


About the Creator

Lez Michelle

- Where Experience meets (3D) Virtual Reality. Bio: Yoga Blogger Influencer, Former Podcast Radio, Digital/Game Artist, Expanding Studio.

Brand ©LDM Yoga, | ©LDM Mia Corp, Our Media by ©Mia J. Resorts |♥ ♥ ♥

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