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Fresh Air and Sunshine are Nature's antibiotic

Florence Nightengale's free method for healing might benefit patients more than prescription medications.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 4 years ago Updated 2 years ago 4 min read

Fresh air and sunshine

We have heard all of our lives of the importance of fresh air and sunshine being healthy. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic has many people sequestered inside of airtight walls. The health benefits of fresh air and sunshine which are considered as nature's antibiotics might be more important now than ever.

A phrase to consider from Live Healthy website is: “The First Wealth is Health,” Are you prepared for the next disaster or storm? " Prior to the coronavirus, my husband and I would take our three grandchildren to various local parks. While they played on the swings, slides, and merry go round we would walk. We would spend at least an hour two or three times a week in the park and always felt good when we returned home.

Dr. Anthony Fauci and other experts on the pandemic have all agreed that the virus thrives in dark closed-in spaces. For this reason, it is important to crack windows in our homes and vehicles. The weather is changing so it may not be possible to go outside to walk in the park or play in your yard. There will be no need to cut grass or rake leaves. Shoveling snow can be dangerous so proceed with caution. If however there are mild days in your neck of the woods please take advantage of them. Sit on a porch or walk through your yard whenever possible. Make sure to get direct sunlight on your face and arms as often as you can.

Oxygen is key

The experts say that every system in our bodies is dependent on oxygen. The best way to get this is through fresh air. If you live near trees this is a bonus because the trees exude much-needed oxygen. Fresh air and sunshine are some of the oldest, health-supporting concepts in medicine. They are considered to essentially be free antibiotics. During the Crimean War, Florence Nightingale slashed hospital death rates with a host of hygiene improvements which included opening windows. Prior to this the soldiers were more likely to die from being in the “hospital” and getting infections than they were from their battle wounds.

Florence Nightengale

Natural ventilation

The World Health Organization recently published a report that urges all healthcare settings to begin using natural ventilation as much as is possible. The recommendation actually referenced Florence Nightingale's methods. Hospitals are now finding a larger percentage of patient recovery rates when they are put in rooms that feature an abundance of sunlight. This is especially true for rooms that allow fresh air to circulate. The fresh air was said to stem the flow of infections because back then people were walking around with blood and pus on their clothing.

Fresh air is a necessity

This was not healthy and caused infections to increase. Today, even though there has been a greater emphasis on keeping environments sterile and clean, some patients still end up with dangerous infections while in hospitals. In the USA alone, 100,000 people die each year from infections incurred during a hospital stay. Opening windows for fresh air was discouraged during the 1970s, when energy conservation became an important issue. Everything was sealed up, and this is when the era of “sick building syndrome” began.

Indoor air is dangerous

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, indoor air is twice as polluted as outdoor air. This is not good news for those who are in hospitals, nursing facilities or homebound. Another shocking reality is that Americans between the ages of 12 and up spend about 90 percent of their time indoors. Filtered indoor air, however, is dangerous because it "circulates pathogens to an unnatural, dangerous degree."

Research from Penn State indicates the following: “The ultraviolet component of sunlight is the main reason microbes die in outdoor air. The die-off rate in the outdoors varies from one pathogen to another, but can be anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes for a 90-99% kill of viruses or contagious bacteria.” Perhaps instead of chemical disinfectants that promise to kill 99% of germs, a walk. in fresh air and sunlight might be what is needed.

Light Therapy

Scientists are now acknowledging that there is a connection between our health and light. The studies found that natural light has a very significant positive effect on our immune system. Light is actually being currently used in order to treat diseases of the skin and blood. Light therapy is also beneficial for curing certain forms of nervous disorders and depression.

When direct sunlight shines on the skin, our nerve endings absorb energy that is sent throughout the entire body. A reasonable amount of exposure to the sun is beneficial for nourishing and energizing the human body. There is an old saying that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. Fresh air and sunlight are free, so why not indulge and let the healing begin.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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