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Everyone loves to eat sugar orange, what is the nutritional value? What are the dangers of eating too much of it?

Everyone loves to eat sugar oranges, what are the dangers of eating too much?

By Egg LemmonPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Everyone loves to eat sugar orange, what is the nutritional value? What are the dangers of eating too much of it?
Photo by D A V I D S O N L U N A on Unsplash

Every year near the end of the year, the streets and even supermarkets in the sugar orange has become the new favorite fruit, not only small, but eating is also convenient, and sweet appetite, many people will buy a few boxes used to entertain guests, so delicious sugar orange nutrition how it? Will there be any adverse reactions if you eat too much? Let's talk about how to scientifically consume sugar oranges during the New Year.

Sugar orange


What is the nutritional value of the tangerine that everyone loves to eat? What are the dangers of eating too much of it? Hope to know

Sugar orange is a kind of citrus fruit, rich in vitamin C, calcium, fiber, a small amount of protein fat and rich glucose, fructose, sucrose, malic acid, citric acid and carotene, thionine, riboflavin, nicotinic acid, ascorbic acid and calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium and other essential elements.

It can help digestion, remove phlegm and cough, and prevent constipation. The water content of sugar orange is high, so it can be used reasonably to replenish water for the body.

The carotene content of sand sugar orange is high, if an excessive amount of carotene is consumed at one time or if too much blood is continuously consumed shortly

The efficacy and function of sassafras?

1, expectorant and asthma: sand sugar orange contains volatile oil, has a stimulating passive expectorant effect so that phlegm is easy to cough up, sand sugar orange decoction has a weak dilating effect on the bronchial tubes, and its alcoholic extracts have a high level of effectiveness.

2, regulate the spleen and stomach: strengthen the spleen and appetite is one of the important effects of sand sugar orange, sand sugar orange peel contains a large amount of volatile oil and some aromatic substances, these positions can be absorbed by the body to stimulate the gastrointestinal, can accelerate the secretion of digestive juices, can remove the waste gas accumulated in the intestines, but also improve digestive function, prevent the spleen and stomach.

3, protection of blood vessels: sugar orange contains a substance called lutein, this substance has a very good effect on blood vessels, but also can well maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, dense, eating more sugar orange can well reduce some brittleness and permeability of the blood vessel wall so that sugar orange can well prevent hypertensive patients from a cerebral hemorrhage, while for diabetic patients, can stop the role of omental bleeding.

4, improve the body's ability to resist disease: sugar orange is a particularly high nutritional value of the fruit, this fruit is rich in vitamin C and fiber, glucose and fruit acid and malic acid and citric acid and other substances, is also an important presence in this fruit, they can eliminate viruses and inflammation in the body, but also can promote the regeneration of immune cells, can make the human own resistance to disease significantly improved.

5, prevention of atherosclerosis: usually eating more sugar orange, can also prevent atherosclerosis, it contains natural pectin can accelerate the body's cholesterol, and fat metabolism and decomposition, containing flavonoids, which can improve the body's antioxidant capacity, prevent vascular aging, can increase the elasticity and toughness of blood vessels, which can also play an important role in preventing atherosclerosis.


What are the hazards of eating too much sugar orange?

Sugar tangerine can stimulate the stomach and intestines, causing dry mouth and elevated blood sugar, etc. Sugar tangerine is also known as October chrysanthemum, which has a delicate taste and is rich in vitamins and trace elements that can supplement the body's nutritional needs, but eating too much at once will burden the stomach and intestines, causing gastrointestinal discomfort, and if you suffer from digestive tract diseases, it will also stimulate the gastrointestinal mucosa and cause symptoms such as bloating, abdominal pain and nausea.

The sugar content of sugar oranges is relatively high, patients with diabetes eat sugar oranges, which also leads to increased blood sugar, usually pay attention to eat sugar oranges in moderation and can not eat too much at once, so as not to cause harm to the body, if the diabetic patients can not eat sugar oranges.


What foods should not be taken together with sugar oranges?

Sugar oranges should not be taken with protein-rich foods, foods that promote stomach acid secretion, foods with high sugar content, or antibiotic drugs.

1, protein-rich food: sugar orange generally can not be eaten with milk, sugar orange is rich in fruit acids, easy to milk protein coagulation, and not easily absorbed, serious patients, will also appear abdominal pain, diarrhea, and other situations.

2, promote the gastric acid secretion of food: sugar orange can promote gastric acid secretion, if eaten with food to promote gastric acid secretion, will make the stomach gastric acid secretion, more caused by digestive burden, life more common to promote the gastric acid secretion of food, there are hawthorn, fruit tannin, lemon, grapefruit, etc.

3, food with high sugar content: sugar orange is rich in fructose, sucrose, glucose, and other sugar substances, is one of the fruits with high sugar content, eat sugar orange, and then eating some food with high sugar content, may increase the sugar in blood sugar, which is not good for health, common food with high sugar content in life are milk sugar, candied fruit, chocolate, etc.

4, antibiotic drugs: sugar oranges contain organic acids, and antibiotic drugs eaten together, such as amoxicillin and other drugs, may reduce the efficacy of the drug, and not achieve the desired therapeutic effect.


About the Creator

Egg Lemmon

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