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COVID-19 has shut the mouths of false prophets

The year end promises of a bright new year have not yet appeared in 2020 and hopefully they won’t.

By Cheryl E PrestonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

The dictionary defines a false prophet as someone who claims to have the gift prophesy and or be divinely inspired to make a prediction of future events that do not come to pass. The fall turning into winter is a season where those who peddle fake news come out of the woodwork. Every year end for the past few decades there is one thing that could be counted upon until now. People pop up everywhere with promises of how great the coming year would be for them personally, their followers, or the world in general. Last year at this time on social media, YouTube videos, and in many houses of worship there were those who were saying that 2020 was going to be a year of double blessings because of the double numbers.

These individuals also said this year would be one of clear vision because 20/20 is considered to be ideal eyesight. My Facebook newsfeed was running over with people who from the end of November until mid February were saying that 2020 was their year, their due season and everything was going to line up in their favor. Men and women who dubbed themselves as seers, clairvoyant, psychics and prophets received hundreds and of likes and comments on their social media posts about how wonderful 2020 was going to be. Those who claimed to have a second sight, third eye, sixth sense and extra sensory perception all gave the same glowing predictions.

Some of the charlatans charged money on Facebook live or for teleconferences if you wanted to hear what they claimed to see in the future. They gave PayPal and CashAp info where you could donate. Every year sensible people shook their heads and wondered what it would take to stop the nonsense. Year after year, decade after decade the predictions continued yet never came to pass. Even so those looking into their tea leaves, crystal balls, tarot cards and or claiming divine inspiration continued. This is because they held a captive audience of people who desperately wanted to hear a positive message. For everyone who recognized the con, someone new bought into the lie.

The very terms, prophet, seer, clairvoyant, ESP, second sight, third eye, and sixth sense denote that the individuals who have these gifts possess a gift to know what others do not. I grew up around people who gave warnings or suggested something as a possibility that indeed came to pass. This is why I know the gift is real. Regular everyday people are known, because they have evidence of correctly foretelling the future. When, however, someone promises every November and December for years that a wonderful new year is in store but it does not manifest they don’t have credibility and clearly do not have the gift of prophesy. This is what makes it so difficult to understand why they have such large followings.

Be that as it may, the coronavirus has seemingly shut it all down. It’s already into the first week in December and no one is promising what will happen in 2021, to my knowledge. Time is however being utilized by many to trash 2020 and say they will be glad when it is gone. Be that as it may I will admit that a few people happy t it right regarding 2020. At least 3 people to my recollection posted on Facebook that they were seeing dark days and trouble ahead. One of them said she could not reveal what she was being shown, but it was bad. Naturally these posts only got a few likes because they were considered as negative.

We now live in a society where we are being programmed to think happy thoughts only, speak positive and invite positive energy and vibes into our lives.The truth is we live in a world where the choices of others affect us and we are not shielded by a bubble of protection because we only speak what is good. The coronavirus has shown no favoritism or mercy and defied all expectations. Young people in good health have succumbed to it, religious leaders perceived to be living righteous lives have died from it. Long married couples have passed away within minutes, hours, days or weeks of each other because of COVID-19.

On the flip side there are men and women aged 95-104 who survived the coronavirus. There are older black males with underlying health conditions who are said to be at the highest risk, yet they have left hospitals for other issues without even contracting the disease. Through all of this the propheliers have been silent and their followers should take note. COVID-19 brought about a situation that they did not see coming. It has caused worldwide death and destruction and left people jobless, homeless, and hungry. It took the devastation of a pandemic to silence those who were trying to profit from the hopes and dreams of others.

The 2020 predictions of a prosperous year continued until around mid-March. As the pandemic took hold there were still a few saying that it would soon be over and due season would follow. Instead we have heading toward 300,000 Americans who died from the coronavirus, millions out of work, and only a promise of a vaccine that might work. The experts are saying that if Americans don’t slow down, social distance and wear masks things will only get worse before they get better. How sad that such a tragic situations had to take place for people to pause and reflect. Nothing in 2020 has been predictable and the false soothsayers know this. There are still 3 weeks left in December so it’s still possible that a few false prophesies might be given. Even if that happens there has already been a great silence and I for one hope it continues.


About the Creator

Cheryl E Preston

Cheryl is a widow who enjoys writing about current events, soap spoilers and baby boomer nostalgia. Tips are greatly appreciated.

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