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Balance is the Key

How Geminis can show the way in this weird new world

By Mx. Stevie (or Stephen) ColePublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Tarot Temperance, by Pamela "Pixie" Colman Smith

Geminis are perceptive beyond surface appearances, so it's visible to us how the figures behind a lot of the world's issues - the politicians and lawmakers - are deliberately using polarising talk to divide their opposition. Talk in America right now, for example, such as "If you're an atheist or a leftist you're un-American", ignores, alienates and aggravates those atheists and leftists who care for and contribute to their country's good, while enabling and empowering any conservative Christians who might do it harm. How about judging the benefit of someone's political and religious beliefs to their country by putting aside those prejudices and actually looking honestly at the good or bad consequences of both sides' words and actions instead? No, that wouldn't stir up the cheering mob of voters, would it? So the divisive rhetoric continues.

Now don't get me wrong, Gemini; sometimes, as hard as it may be for us, sometimes we have to admit picking a side is a good thing - definitely DO respect medical science and healthcare workers, and definitely DON'T be a racist or a homophobe, for obvious examples - but as this upcoming time of having the Sun in our versatile sign marks the ending of pandemic restrictions for many people, divisive issues take a back seat as we all need to make it through this together.

And, as those of us whose sign blesses us with a natural talent for finding a flexible and adaptable approach to the middle ground and achieving a centred balance, our skills are needed to transcend what divides us and get everyone through this.

You can, for example, be a lover of complementary herbal medicine and a hater of big greedy corporations that profit from people's illnesses, and yet still be in favour of everyone getting the vaccine. All these things are guided by a balancing principle of wanting everyone to be healthy, and so need not be opposite sides of an argument - just different means to the same ends.

You can also, indeed, be against the idea of forced behaviour and against the idea of restricting people's access to places that are important parts of their lives like hotels or schools; and still be in favour of having to wear a mask if you're going out, and having to stay home if you don't. These seemingly divided ways are united by a desire to protect everyone - making sure they are both safe *and* free.

You can even, believe it or not, be filled with a burning desire for everyone to be able to huddle, cuddle, snuggle, couple up, muddle together or mingle with those they love, and still also understand the need for social distancing. Because they both mean finding the best way of being close to someone, spending time around them and in their company, that's beneficial for you both.

Are you finding people wanting to go back to work but unwilling to find new ways of doing that work? Wanting to go back to shopping but not willing to sympathise or empathise with the worries & stresses of the people who have to work in the shops? This is not the Gemini way.

Our ruler is Mercury; Mercury carries the Caduceus; the Caduceus is the symbol of healing and balance.

Mercury is Hermes, and Hermes is a bringer of knowledge, wisdom, communication and understanding. So here's the know how of healing and balancing wisdom we need to communicate, my fellow Geminis:

If we want society to go back to "normal", then we have to help it get there, by doing our bit to help our community heal from the pandemic and everything it has cost us.


About the Creator

Mx. Stevie (or Stephen) Cole




Tarot reader

Attracted to magic both practical & impractical

Writer of short stories and philosophical musings

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