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7 Causes of Wrist Pain and How to Treat Them

Most people experience some amount of wrist pain at some point in their lives. The wrists are susceptible to strain because they’re used for so many different movements. You use your wrists when you write, type on a computer, or even drive a car. Hence, it’s no surprise that wrist pain is common among people who spend long hours working with their hands. Wrist pain can be frustrating and prevent you from performing activities you enjoy. Fortunately, there are many ways to treat wrist pain effectively.

By Amelia GrantPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
7 Causes of Wrist Pain and How to Treat Them

Keep reading to discover the eight most common causes of wrist pain and the ways they’re treated.

1. Sitting at a computer

One of the most common causes of wrist pain is typing. If you spend long hours typing on a computer or a keyboard, it can cause your wrists to be strained and feel sore. To avoid this, make sure that you’re taking regular breaks from typing. It’s recommended that you take a break every 20 minutes and stretch your wrists and hands before continuing. Taking breaks will help prevent carpal tunnel syndrome from developing because it gives your hands time to rest. Carpal tunnel syndrome is when the nerve in your hand becomes compressed and can cause finger tingling, numbness, pain, or weakness. To reduce pain in your wrists when you’re sitting at a computer all day, try using a wrist pad for support. A wrist pad relieves pressure on your wrists by supporting them fully, which may reduce inflammation from the repetitive motion of typing. You can also limit how much you move your wrists by adjusting the height of the keyboard so that you don’t have to lean forward or backward as much while typing.

2. Carpal tunnel syndrome

Carpal tunnel syndrome is one of the most common causes of wrist pain. It occurs when there’s an injury to the median nerve, which runs from your forearm to your palm. The median nerve provides feeling to your thumb and fingers, as well as sensation from your hand to your brain. When you have carpal tunnel syndrome, your symptoms may include numbness and tingling sensations in your arm, hands, or fingers.

Carpal tunnel syndrome can occur as a result of repetitive movements like typing at a computer all day long, or it could be related to arthritis in the wrist. The best way to treat carpal tunnel syndrome is by getting surgery done on the carpal tunnel that is pressing on the median nerve. Other ways to treat carpal tunnel syndrome are using anti-inflammatory medications or wearing splints when sleeping to keep them straight.

3. Repetitive motion injuries

One of the most common causes of wrist pain is repetitive motion injury. Repetitive motion injuries can occur when you use one hand over and over to perform the same task, like typing or playing a musical instrument. Here, the repeated movement can cause wear and tear on the tissue, leading to inflammation and pain. Treatment for repetitive motion injuries includes short-term use of anti-inflammatory medicines, cold therapy, and wearing elastic supports or a splint.

4. Wrist sprain

A wrist sprain is an injury to the ligaments in your wrist. This type of injury can happen when you put too much pressure on your wrist, such as if you fall or drop something heavy on your hand. The result is pain and swelling around the affected area, which may be difficult to move. In cases of severe sprains, you might even need surgery to stabilize the joint and stop chronic pain from occurring. To treat a wrist sprain, ice the injured area for 20 minutes at a time every 2-4 hours until the pain subsides. You can also take over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications like ibuprofen or naproxen to reduce inflammation and relieve pain. If the pain persists despite rest and medication, consult a wrist pain doctor who can recommend additional treatments.

5. Tendonitis

Tendonitis is the inflammation of a tendon, which is a connective tissue structure that attaches muscle to bone. One of the most common sites for tendonitis is the wrist. This condition is caused by repetitive motions and often worsens with age. The primary symptoms of tendonitis are pain along the inside of your wrist joint and swelling in your forearm. You may also experience stiffness or tightness in your hand, as well as an inability to grip items tightly. Your doctor will conduct a physical exam to assess the injury and will then provide you with a diagnosis. If it’s determined that you have tendonitis, they’ll recommend a treatment plan that includes ice, rest, taping your wrist, anti-inflammatory medication, and stretching exercises.

6. Muscle strain

Muscle strain is one of the most common causes of wrist pain. You experience muscle strain when you use your muscles beyond their capacity. When you lift something too heavy or use your hands to do something that requires a lot of force, your wrist will become painful as a result of the muscle strain. The best way to treat this type of wrist pain is to rest the hand and minimize any activity that may cause further strain.

7. Bursitis

Bursitis is a type of inflammation that occurs in your joints. It’s caused when the fluid in your bursae (a lubricant sac that reduces friction) becomes irritated or infected. This can happen if you’ve sustained an injury, overexerted yourself, or have arthritis. When you have bursitis, your skin may look red and swollen around the joint. You might also have pain and limited range of motion in the joint when you try to move it. If you suspect you might have bursitis, take acetaminophen to relieve some of the symptoms while waiting for a diagnosis from a doctor.


About the Creator

Amelia Grant

I am journalist, and blogger.

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