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10 Helpful Hygiene Tips During the Pandemic

Health tips everyone should follow

By Neil WhitePublished 4 years ago 7 min read

There is still so much uncertainty and questions regarding this new coronavirus. We’re all still struggling to make sure that everyone is safe and protected.

It took only a couple of months for our whole lives to change completely. Almost like something out of an SCI-FI movie. Most of our routines and habits changed and all of a sudden we started living under completely different circumstances. Has this become our new normal?

This is the one question no one has the answer to. But what we do know is how to try and keep safe.

Take a look at these 10 hygiene and health tips that can help you protect your loved ones and yourself during the pandemic.

Wear a mask

According to the experts, coronavirus can be inhaled into our lungs through our noses and mouths. This is precisely why wearing face masks is recommended – because the masks are supposed to protect you and everyone around you from getting infected.

Some people are carrying the virus even though they don’t show any symptoms. This only shows that they, just like you, can’t know whether or not they are infected and they can accidentally infect you too.

To avoid getting COVID-19, everyone should wear a mask in the public or around people who aren’t part of your household. Children under 2 years of age and people with respiratory problems and those who can’t remove the mask by themselves shouldn’t use the mask.

Wearing fabric masks and disposable procedural masks can guard you against the spread of coronavirus. Avoid using N95 respirators as they are designed for medical use and are necessary for health care workers and treating patients.

Going out? Don’t forget to put on your face mask!

Avoid crowds and crowded places

Avoiding crowds and crowded places is crucial if we don’t want COVID-19 to spread. If you absolutely must go out, make sure you have your mask on and also make sure you put the 6 feet distance between you and the people around you.

It’s important to reiterate that some people may be infected and have no symptoms. This is precisely why wearing masks and keeping distance is important. The best solution is to avoid at all costs crowded places.

Wash hands with soap

One of the best ways of keeping corona-free is by frequently washing your hands. You may be sick and tired of hearing it, but it’s the best way to protect yourself from the virus.

Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20-30 seconds. Using hand sanitizers isn’t as effective as actually washing your hands with soap. This is because a hand sanitizer can only neutralize the virus, while the soap neutralizes it and completely removes it from your hands.

You can wash your hands with any kind of soap – from bar to liquid and foam - any soap will do wonders for getting rid of coronavirus.

However, if we’re being honest, bar soap is a thing of the past. The liquid and foam soap have something that bar soap never had and that is the appropriate soap dispensers. Most of the establishments have soap dispensers with automatic sensors so there is no need to actually touch something others may have been touching. This type of soap dispenser is super convenient for the times we’re living in.

Disinfect and clean your home

Another precaution and way of fighting against COVID-19 are thoroughly cleaning and disinfecting our homes.

Clean tables, desks, floors, door handles, kitchen countertops, phones, light switches, anything that is often touched. You can simply use water and detergent to wipe down the surfaces or you can invest in cleaning products.

Before using cleaning products, make sure you read the instructions and apply them as recommended in the said instructions.

Wash clothes

There are many theories and stories about coronavirus sticking to surfaces and fabrics. However, it’s so far uncertain how long can the virus stick to surfaces. It is said that time depends on many different factors such as temperature, humidity, type of surface, and so on.

To prevent and lower the chances of getting infected we should be careful and follow the recommendations experts give.

One such recommendation includes taking off shoes once you enter your home and changing the clothes after you’ve been in public places. Make sure you wash the clothes immediately.

Similarly, wash towels and bedsheets often as well. If possible, wash the laundry in the washing machine to avoid the possibility of dispersing the virus. Also, don’t shake the dirty laundry too much for the same reason.

When washing the laundry just follow the manufacturer’s instructions as you usually would. After placing the laundry in the machine, make sure you wash your hands with soap and water.

Don’t touch your face and wear gloves

We unconsciously touch our faces and we do it frequently. This is one of the things that we should completely stop doing. All the bacteria and germs that we pick up when touching all kinds of surfaces end up on our face – especially in the most sensitive areas of our face such as the eyes, nose, and mouth. Disgusting, isn’t it?

If it feels like you can’t stop yourself from touching your face, start wearing gloves in public places. Any type of gloves will do and they will prevent you from touching your face.

Depending on the kind of gloves you settle on – plastic, wool, cotton - they can be either washed, reused, or disposed of if need be. Once you have the gloves, you are less likely to touch your face, plus you’re hands are protected by an extra layer. A win-win situation!

Coughs and sneezes should be covered

It goes without saying and it’s good manners to cover your mouth and nose when sneezing and coughing. However, in this day and age, it’s not only politeness but it’s absolutely necessary to cover your cough and sneeze.

As already mentioned, COVID-19 is spread and transferred through the air when respiratory droplets end up in the noses and mouths and then in the lungs of a person. This can most often happen when an infected person talks, coughs or sneezes.

It’s essential to always cover your mouth and nose with a tissue when you’re about to cough or sneeze. Then dispose of the used tissue and wash your hands with soap or use the hand sanitizer if the soap and water aren’t available. You can also cough and sneeze into your elbow, but never in your hands.

Stay active

During a pandemic, it’s important to stick to all the recommendations and rules experts give us, but it’s also important to try and stay healthy and active while doing this.

Practicing social distancing and avoiding crowded places means not being able to hit the gym. However, this shouldn’t stop you from staying active while you’re at home. Some exercises and workouts can be successfully done at home.

Plus, you can still cycle, jog, or skip through your neighborhood or nature – simply avoid the crowds. Do whatever you can to stay active and lead a healthy life through this pandemic.

Eat a balanced diet

Just like staying active is important so is eating a healthy and balanced diet. Yes, you’re mostly stuck at home, but that doesn't mean that you should eat nonstop. Stay away from fast foods, unhealthy snacks, and stress eating.

Staying healthy is important in this difficult time, so try to eat whole and nutritious foods that are full of vitamins, minerals, and fiber. And stay far away from processed foods.

Sleep enough

Sleep plays an important role in our physical and mental health. That is why getting enough sleep is crucial.

The lack of sleep can put us at risk of serious medical issues and during the COVID-19 pandemic, this is something that you don’t need. So, don’t play with your health and get enough sleep regularly.

By following all the above-mentioned tips, you are lowering the chances of getting infected by the coronavirus. All you really have to do is practice good hygiene, stay healthy, and keep away from crowds for a while.

Thankfully, it doesn’t take much to be safe and protected during this pandemic period.


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