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1. As Above So Below

“...there's no treatment for mistreating your body with bad food...” -Seu Juon

By John "Seu Juon" CarrPublished 6 years ago 4 min read

It wasn't me that changed my eating habits, it was my body.

When I was 16-years-old, after suffering from many symptoms of multiple sclerosis, I was officially diagnosed as having such.

Before I was diagnosed, I remember not being able to keep any "Real Food" down.

"Real Food" being; milk, eggs, poultry, seafood, meat, bread, etc.

I was only able to eat clementines and drink green tea, no sugar of course. Surprisingly this was the best I'd felt overall and the best I'd ever feel while having had MS.

There's something about feeding the body nutritiously. **

Five years prior to my old diagnosis, I suffered from kidney stones. That's 11 years old passing kidney stones. That's 11 years of milk, cheese, yogurt and plenty of meat. One thing I've learned in the past 11 years is that one single phrase is true in all variations of situations. That phrase is:

“As above so below” - Kemetic Proverb

If you feed your body dead things, so do you become.

I forgot to mention that I was also obese at the time, weighing 287 pounds at 5'5'.

Being "big" is something I find to be dangerous, especially when the reason is an unhealthy diet.

So I changed my diet and started only eating meats that aren't red, to no avail. I kept having different treatments for MS.

*It didn't make sense to me then, but I overstand now that on a biological level, meat is not for human consumption. The amount of mucus it takes to break flesh down would astound you. One phrase that almost everybody knows is,"You are what you eat"... yet we still eat dead beings and wonder why we contract diseases that damage our quality of life until we ultimately cease living.*

I had begun to lose weight, but I was still overweight. Being lighter, I was a little bit healthier, but with the same heavy mindset I slid back into eating unhealthy, eating "Real Food." When I was in high school, I couldn't overstand how much these words had packed in them. It's a small group of words, but the words, "You can't be that big and be happy," I now find to be beautifully layered with love and wisdom.

Upon hearing these words, I initially was upset. I now overstand because the group of words went against what I believed. Beliefs...they have nothing to do with fact or knowledge. Beliefs are mostly based off of people's feelings. As you read this, I urge you to let go of your beliefs and find the truth.

I believed that what I was eating was right. I had gone back to eating meat and dairy. Eating this way was primary nature to me, after all, it was what I was raised on.

Once I began eating meat again, my health worsened. My doctors changed treatments many times. I then remember being on numerous treatments at once.

I BELIEVED in Doctors!!

Doctors are PHYSICIANS



Not medicinal healers...Practicing Physicians.

Not good enough for me...I think it's pretty horrible for everybody.

During every treatment, I had time to think about many things concerning my health, not to mention throughout my whole ordeal I had just that, time to think. My most important thought and conclusion that I came to was that there were and are no treatments for MS, just MS symptoms.

Upon further studying and contemplating on that thought, I came to the overstanding that there's no treatment for mistreating your body with bad food and that disease is your body letting you know where you're out of balance.

The first step to treating yourself is to clean out your medicine cabinet. Your medicine cabinet is not the box in the bathroom mirror, it’s your kitchen. The body is both acidic and alkaline, therefore we should eat that which expels itself from the body. That is natural. “Real food” needs more acid to break down. Even though you think you’ve passed it, remnants still stay in your body (Intestines, colon, stomach, etc.). Things in nature have their ecosystem, so do our bodies. “As above so below”!! If you eat living food (Fruits and Vegetables), you live better and longer.


About the Creator

John "Seu Juon" Carr

My name is John, but i go by Seu, Juon or John. "What's in a name?"

[Bio will be completed later]

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