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Your mindset creates your reality

Is your mindset holding you back?

By Chutisa BowmanPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

Believe it or not, our mindset can make us wealthy and prosperous or can make us live in poverty.

Wherever you've been, and whatever you've done so far, your mindset has always determined your conditions and circumstances. This much is certain: your mind has a profound influence on how you see the world and on the way you live your life.

In other words, your mind creates the platform for the way you create your reality. Whatever you believe becomes real. If you believe that you cannot become wealthy and prosperous... you are right. If you believe you can ... you are also right.

Your mind influences your viewpoints and then you live your daily life looking for pieces of evidence to back your viewpoints up. Whatever you choose to believe you will always find evidence to support your point of view.

There are two main mindsets you can navigate life with: infinite mindset and finite mindset.

There are two directions you can choose, and they point in different ways. You can choose whether to navigate your life with an infinite mindset or a finite mindset.

If you function from a finite mindset, you will see life from a scarcity viewpoint. The thing about the scarcity frame of mind is that people who subscribe to that viewpoint totally believe that what they see as reality is real. It’s the point of view that lack is more real than abundance.

When your mind is given to a finite mindset, scarcity and lack become your reality. Your mindset imposes severe limitations on the prosperity you can experience.

When you function from an infinite mindset you are aware of everything and you know you have infinite choice. You function in that space of ongoing continuous abundance.

Having an infinite mindset is a choice and a practice. It's neither mysterious nor magical

An infinite mindset is no more than the natural development of consistently applying the fundamental of the infinite way of being to your life. It is something you choose. It is a choice you make. It's never just a given. It's a choice in every moment of every day.

The thing is you have to develop the practice of having an infinite mindset. You have to practice it, not assume that it is just going to show up. Start asking "What could I practice today that would give me the infinite reality and the life that I'd really like to have?"

What would be created in your life if you were able to function from an infinite mindset? What else can you create in the world that you haven't yet created?

By David Matos on Unsplash

Becoming a master of your mind can change your life

Our mindset is a combination of our points of view, beliefs, attitudes, assumptions, and habits that guide every move we make. It affects the way we work, the way we communicate, the way we walk, the way we behave, the way we talk, and especially the way we see the world.

Our mindset governs our choices, communications, actions, our successes, and our failures. An infinite mindset comes to those who deliberately choose to master their mind and expand their horizons.

Your ability to master your mind is the foundation on which infinite mindset is built. Lack of the willingness to master your mind inevitably leads to scarcity and lack.

Those who are able to master their mind often have an awareness of the amazing generative power of infinite mindset.

Are you functioning from a finite or infinite mindset?

So, if you are struggling financially, if you are unable to pay your bills, if you stay in a career that you hate for fear of not being able to get another job, and if you are fearful of losing what you have …. what would you have to believe about reality to have these experiences and to create these circumstances?

Take a moment throughout your day and ask yourself: “How are my thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions, in this moment, based on a scarcity mindset?”

Are your thoughts generally fearful, negative, focused on what you don’t have? Or are they generally optimistic, upbeat, focused on the things you do have?

This is not about sitting in judgment of yourself. It is about becoming aware of how you are creating your reality. If you could become aware of what you have chosen to create as your reality without judging yourself, you will have freedom, but as long as you have judgment, you have no freedom.

Would you be willing to recognize that if your consciousness is based on scarcity, it will prevent you from perceiving and experiencing the ongoing natural state of abundance?

If your life is created based on scarcity and lack, you will draw very limited amounts of money to you, or if you do have money, you will be unable to enjoy and celebrate it.

By Ben White on Unsplash

What are the lies of scarcity you have bought into?

1. The first lie is that of “not enough” .. but wait.. not only is it not enough..., “It will never be enough!” .......... There’s not enough money, time, projects, good staff, food etc.

2. The second lie is that it is hard. It is hard to make money, it is hard to find the time, it is hard to change, and so on.

3. The third lie is ‘that’s just the way it is, and there is nothing we can do about it’. This third lie can leave us feeling powerless, downhearted, and pessimistic.

The scarcity paradigm kills creativity. One commonality amongst people who are dominated by the scarcity paradigm is that they don't choose to go beyond their own perceived reality on what they think is possible. If you are influenced by the same point of view and program, you undermine your ability to create a thriving business.

The ability to create different possibilities disappears when you allow yourself to be overpowered by the scarcity mindset

Take a moment to reflect on how these three lies of scarcity are influencing your behaviour and outlook about money. What are the lies of scarcity you have bought into?

Take a moment throughout your day and ask yourself: 'How are my thoughts, feelings, emotions and actions, in this moment, based on a scarcity mindset?'

By Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

You are the creator source of your reality!

What you believe will be the perspective that you view the world, and will be the platform in which you live your life and create your reality. For example, if you have the point of view that it’s a struggle to create a successful business, you will always have a struggle in your reality regarding business, money and finance.

The scarcity mindset kills many dreams, long before any external factors can come into play.

Your state of Being is the way you perceive and feel about yourself at any point in time.

Your points of view are creating your reality and your life. In fact, you are creating your life this very moment by the points of view you are choosing to entertain and cling to. When you change your points of view, your reality will change.

An Infinite mindset is the master key. It unlocks the door to infinite choice and infinite possibilities, and prosperity and wealth. What does it take to embody and be the infinite mindset?

how to

About the Creator

Chutisa Bowman

Chutisa Bowman is a Pragmatic Futurist, author, creative director, producer and poet. She is best-known for her work in strategic awareness, benevolent capitalism, prosperity consciousness, and conscious leadership.

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