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The Power of Perception in Sales

The world is a stage, but you are the actor. You are in control of how you perceive your own sales performance as well as how others perceive it.

By Deladem KumordziePublished about a year ago 8 min read
The Power of Perception in Sales
Photo by Brendan Church on Unsplash

The world is a stage, but you are the actor. You are in control of how you perceive your own sales performance as well as how others perceive it. Perception has been proven to be one of the most powerful tools in a salesperson's arsenal. When used correctly, it can generate leads, close deals and even create opportunities that would otherwise go unnoticed by the average prospect or customer.

The more you understand about yourself and your beliefs, the better equipped you are to influence others.

You have beliefs, and so do the people you’re trying to influence. The more you understand about yourself and your beliefs, the better equipped you are to influence others. Beliefs are the foundation of your self-image, self-esteem, values, morals and ethics. They determine which goals are important to you and how you will achieve them.

Your beliefs help define who you think you are as a person—as well as who others think they can expect from working with/for/being around (you).

Your ability to influence others is directly related to your

The ability to influence others is directly related to your perception of yourself and how you are perceived by others. If you don't understand how you are perceived by yourself and by others, then it's impossible for you to change the way people see you.

If someone doesn't see what's in front of their face, they're not going to go out of their way to change it or even acknowledge it. These types of people tend not only never learn from their mistakes but also repeat them over and over again because they haven't faced up their reality yet. This makes fixing problems much harder than if they were self-aware enough at least realize that there was something wrong with them so they could begin working on changing those habits right away instead of waiting until later when things get out control or worse yet ignored altogether!

Ability to use Self Talk.

Self talk is a powerful tool. It's the internal dialogue you have with yourself. It can help you manage your emotions and behavior, set goals and achieve them, make decisions and take action. One of the most important things about self talk is that it's personal; no one else can see what's going on in your mind except for you! Self talk can help us become more aware of our thoughts and feelings so we can act from a place of clarity.

When used correctly, self talk helps us create positive mental images that motivate us to take action toward our goals. This means using positive words like "I am" instead of "I'm not." For example:

- I am successful (instead of I'm not)

- I am confident (instead of I'm not)

Be honest with yourself about your strengths, weaknesses and

One of the most important things you can do when it comes to developing your selling skills is to be honest with yourself about what works and what doesn't. Be open to feedback from others, but also be willing to listen to yourself as well.

When you honestly consider your strengths (what parts of the sales process are you good at?), weaknesses (areas that need improvement?) and opportunities for growth (where can I focus my future efforts?), it will help you develop a plan for improving your overall sales performance.

opportunities for growth.

The more you know about yourself, the better equipped you are to sell. The more you know about others, the more effective you can be in selling to them. And the more you understand how people process information, the better equipped you are to influence others.

The art of selling is rooted in understanding how people think and behave — because this understanding can help salespeople uncover opportunities for growth and develop a deeper understanding of what makes a product or service successful in today’s world.

The more you understand the relationship between attitude

As you’ve probably gathered by now, attitude is the lens through which we see the world. And in business, we need to understand that it’s not just our own attitudes that matter; it’s also the attitude of our customers and clients. We need to listen carefully for what they are saying with their words and body language as well as read between the lines when it comes to interpreting their silence.

Attitude is a choice—it’s something we can learn how to control and use in ways that will help us reach our goals. With practice and intentionality, you can become more aware of your own attitude at any given moment, right now! This may sound like an abstract concept, but I promise it has real applications for anyone—and especially those who are involved professionally with sales or marketing...

emotions and behavior, the better equipped you are to influence others.

In this chapter, we’re going to explore how emotions and behavior relate to attitude. As you know by now, the more you understand about the relationship between attitude, emotions and behavior, the better equipped you are to influence others.

The next step is recognizing how different types of people in the world see things differently. It can be easy to get frustrated with someone who holds a different point of view than your own—but if you’re able to take a moment and put yourself in their shoes (or even just remind yourself that they have different perspectives), then perhaps there will be more room for understanding where each other is coming from—and maybe even bridging those gaps between us all!

The more you understand about the different types of people in

The more you understand about the different types of people in the world and how they see things, the better equipped you are to influence others. Attitude is a powerful factor that determines how people think and act. It's important to know this because your attitude will directly impact how easily you can persuade someone else. Your emotions and behaviors also play a huge role in influencing other people's behavior towards buying from or listening to you.

Let's look at an example: Let’s say there is a customer who is trying to decide between two products that are very similar except for one thing—one costs 5x less than the other! Now let’s say that customers aren't concerned with price as much as they'd like this product because it meets their needs perfectly! They just don't want something cheap looking when it comes down to what kind of impression it makes on others around them (or maybe even themselves). It doesn't matter whether or not this customer is willing or able financially; what matters most here is whether or not he/she wants something expensive looking instead despite having no real interest otherwise (even though both products perform equally well).

the world and how they see things, the better equipped you are to influence others.

The world is complex, and people are even more so. The number of ways in which you can view the same situation will always be greater than the number of people doing so. In other words, your perception of reality may be vastly different from someone else's—and that's okay!

As a salesperson, it helps to understand that most people have developed their own unique perspective of how things work and why they're important. Once you understand how others perceive the world around them, as well as who they are and what motivates them, then you'll be better equipped to influence them.

The more you understand about how people experience and process information, the better equipped you are to influence others.

- The more you understand about how people experience and process information, the better equipped you are to influence others.

- The fact that your prospects make decisions about buying products or services based on their perception of those products and services is useful in sales because it means that if you want to be successful at persuading them, then you need to understand how they think.

- When it comes to making decisions, we all have our own unique style. Some people are very thorough in their decision-making processes while others may not be as meticulous—and this can have a huge impact on how long it takes for someone to reach a conclusion about something new.

Understanding your own emotional intelligence will help your sales performance

There are many benefits to understanding your own emotional intelligence. You’ll be better able to communicate with others and understand them, which can improve your relationships with customers, friends and family.

It’s also a great tool in sales because it helps you gain more control over the way that you act in different situations. For example, if a potential customer has been hesitant about making a decision, but seems willing to do so after talking with you during an initial meeting (and has told you as much), then understanding how emotions affect people will help ensure that they don’t lose interest before making their purchase. This knowledge allows us to read between the lines when someone is unsure of what they want out of life or business—we know that this person probably isn’t ready yet! On top of being able to recognize these types of behaviors early on when speaking with clients/customers/clients (in any industry), recognizing our own emotions can help us make better decisions about things like pricing or product placements without having any previous experience selling anything whatsoever!


The power of perception is no joke. Whether you’re selling a product or a service, getting the customer to perceive it in the right way can make all the difference. The key is knowing what they need and giving them exactly that—and doing it in a way that makes them feel good about themselves while doing so!

how to

About the Creator

Deladem Kumordzie

Challenging everything I know, unlearning & relearning⚡️ A rare breed of business and technology. Business Planning || Branding || Front End developer || Graphics || Entrepreneur || Interested in Venture Studios

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