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Kitchen Products You Can Use As Natural Cleaners

Vinegar, olive oil, baking soda, and ammonia.

By Mike ReedPublished 2 years ago 4 min read
Kitchen Products You Can Use As Natural Cleaners
Photo by Roberta Sorge on Unsplash

If we were to follow the TV commercials, it would be impossible to keep the house clean without filling our basket at the supermarket with dozens of sanitation products.

We guarantee that you don't have to spend a fortune on chemicals to have an impeccably clean home, because you already have some natural cleaning products in the kitchen that do an equally good, if not better, job!

Discover how you can replace those expensive goods and how you can sanitize your home with just a few simple ingredients from the kitchen!

Natural cleaning products that you have in the kitchen

White vinegar

The moderate acidity of white vinegar makes it perfect for cleaning matte surfaces, and if you make a solution out of it, you can even clean a solid wood floor.

At the same time, white vinegar is a natural air freshener and absorbs unpleasant odors (for example, cigarette smoke), without leaving behind the specific aroma of vinegar, which goes away as soon as it dries.

It is advisable to use this type of vinegar because it has no coloring agents and does not leave stains on any surface.

Here are two recipes for natural cleansers based on white vinegar!

Homemade cleaning spray


  • 1 cup of white vinegar;
  • 1 cup of water.

Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and use this solution to clean the kitchen countertop, floors, fine surfaces, and even the toilet.

There are also more difficult surfaces, such as bathroom walls or shower doors, and for these, you can put the solution in the microwave for a while, until it becomes warm, then apply it on dirty areas, leave it to act for 10–15 minutes. then rub them with a cloth and rinse them.

With this natural cleaning product, you can remove hardened soap marks and even limescale deposited on taps.

Undiluted white vinegar

Undiluted vinegar is used for surfaces that require more rigorous cleaning. For example, if you have a shower head clogged with limescale, all you have to do is put half a cup of vinegar in a bag and leave it in this liquid for at least two hours or, better yet, overnight.

The toilet bowl can also be cleaned with undiluted vinegar and, if we are still in the bathroom, it is good to know that it also removes detergent residues from clothes, if you use it instead of a conditioner in the car wash program.

Baking soda

Baking soda is slightly abrasive and perfectly replaces chemical cleaning products in many situations. It can be used as a detergent if applied directly to a sponge and rubbed on dirty surfaces.

If you are dealing with an already hardened mess, create a paste of baking soda and a little water, apply it on the affected areas, and let it take effect for 10–20 minutes. You will find that any object will be much easier to clean, without you rubbing it for minutes.

If you have clogged holes in the tub or sink, pour about half a cup of baking soda over them, then pour enough hot water so that the solution penetrates the pipe.

Let it take effect overnight, and the next day, turn on the hot water to rinse the drain.

Careful! This method does not work for clogged pipes.


You will not be able to believe how effective ammonia can be as a natural cleaning product! Here are some ideas on how to use it to make your home look new:

Ammonia for cleaning the electric oven

Turn on the oven and let it reach 65 degrees Celsius, then turn it off. Put inside (at the highest level) a small pot in which you poured half a cup of ammonia. Then, on the lowest level of the oven, place a pot of boiled water, close the oven door and leave it like this overnight.

The next morning, take out the two dishes and wait at least half an hour for the oven to ventilate. Take a cloth and use ammonia and a little baking soda or very little liquid detergent diluted with water to clean the inside of the oven. You will see that even dry, crusty stains will clean up immediately.

Ammonia for crystal cleaning

Do you have crystal objects around the house that have lost their luster? Then mix a few drops of ammonia in two cups of water and use a soft cloth to apply the solution to the crystal surfaces. Then rinse them with water and dab them with another soft, dry cloth.

Ammonia for cleaning windows


  • 1 cup of alcohol;
  • 1 cup of water;
  • 1 tablespoon of ammonia.

Mix the ingredients in a spray bottle and replace the commercially available chemical sprays with this ingenious solution. This way, you will not only save a lot of money, but you will not inhale all kinds of harmful substances.

Olive oil

Anyone who has wooden furniture knows that it must be maintained with great care, and this even involves waxing it every few months. Did you know, however, that most commercial wax products contain silicone oil, which, after all, is not exactly good for furniture?

It can penetrate small cracks and damage wood, which could prevent you from reconditioning your furniture later. That's why we suggest you use two foods that you usually put in salads, this time to clean and polish the pretentious furniture: lemon and olive oil.

Mix a cup of olive oil and half a cup of lemon juice in a sprayed bowl. Shake the container very well and spray a small amount on a soft cloth, distributing the mixture evenly over the entire surface of the furniture. Turn the cloth over on the other side, the dry one, and polish the wood.

You have a lot of natural cleaning products at hand, and all you have to do is inform yourself, otherwise you risk throwing a cart of money on all those expensive goods full of harmful chemicals.

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