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Imaginative Creativity

Active imagination is not the same.......

By gabrielPublished 2 years ago 4 min read

Active imagination is not the same as creative imagination. It is a valuable skill to be able to actively imagine things, to see and hear things in one’s head. But it doesn’t have to be particularly inventive, does it? Daydreaming, for example, is an imaginative activity. It can take the form of a complex fantasy world, yet one that has all of the elements that many people consider.

As a result, creative imagination must involve the ability to not just envision things, but to conceive things that are unique. It’s noticing things that others don’t and coming up with novel ideas. So, how do you go about cultivating this?

101 in Creative Imagination

To begin, use your fundamental imagination. It might be as easy as thinking more in visuals or mentally listening to music. Play little mental “movies” until you can see them on command. This is a basic technique, but it takes a lot of work for those of us who don’t do it instinctively. Fortunately, it isn’t a really painful task.

The second step in strengthening your creative imagination is to think and imagine more creatively. Begin by focusing on your own creativity. What we pay attention to is amplified by our subconscious thoughts. You’re teaching your subconscious that creative areas of your life are unimportant if you ignore them. If you keep track of when you’re being creative, your subconscious mind will begin to feed you more creative ideas.

Different environments might also help you to be more creative. Do you want to be more creative in your love life? Hike with your buddy up a mountain. Do you have any writing skills? Try writing while sitting on a roof. Do you need fresh business ideas? Bring a journal and sit beside the duck pond in the park. A change of scenery might help you break out of ruts in your thoughts.

You may play games that allow you to use your creativity. A method known as “idea combining” is used in one of these games. You mix random thoughts or items in unique ways, either alone or with other players, to discover who has the greatest idea. For example, a thermometer and a billboard may inspire a sign that monitors the weather and updates the message appropriately (“Come in out of the heat for a cool beverage,” or “Come in out of the rain and warm yourself with our gourmet coffee.”)

Don’t Put Off Using Your Creative Imagination

While creative inspiration can strike at any moment, it is more likely to happen when there is work to be done than than waiting. Start mentally recreating what you observe if you want to come up with new innovations. Consider a better bicycle, faster postal delivery, or a more comfortable chair. If you do this for three weeks, it will become second nature.

Of all, creative imagination entails more than just fixing problems or developing new things. Not only can really creative brains come up with answers, but they also come up with questions. Focus on three things if you want to be more creative all of the time:

Changing your point of view. Working solely to not work (retirement) may seem foolish to a youngster. From that standpoint, you might be able to come up with new ways to generate money doing activities you like. Seeing the world through the eyes of a bear might inspire a painter to come up with fresh and innovative ideas. Looking at things through the eyes of a consumer is a certain method to identify innovative ways to enhance a business. Consider things from a variety of angles.

Putting your assumptions to the test. What if there were no staff at restaurants? Visitors pay at the door using a machine, eat from a buffet, and everything is as automated as possible, allowing one owner-operator to manage a huge restaurant on their own. For practice, challenge all of your assumptions. Is it true that you have to pay rent? Is water required in swimming pools? Is it possible that exercise is harmful?

Allow your imagination to go wild. Do you think a flying bed is ridiculous? It might pave the way for the development of a helium mattress. When you get off it in the morning, it floats up to the ceiling and out of the way. This is ideal for compact apartments. Don’t suffocate your imagination. Relax and let thoughts to flow. You can always throw them out afterwards.

Use these tactics on a daily basis to make them a routine aspect of your thinking. Because it takes many weeks to form a habit, make it a point to use them every day. Make a card with a handful of your favorite methods and keep it with you. Examine it throughout the day and use the skills to solve any problem. You’ll soon have a more imaginative imagination.

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