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How to Make a Killer First Impression

Stand Out From The Crowd

By Elena AthonPublished 3 years ago 5 min read
How to Make a Killer First Impression
Photo by Jordan Whitfield on Unsplash

First impressions are important because you only get one chance to make a good one.

A first impression is how people will remember you.

But it's easier said than done.

This is something that we all strive for, but few of us actually achieve it regularly.

Unfortunately, not all of our ideas are good, and sometimes we may even come off as desperate or pathetic in the process.

Whether you're trying to impress your boss or just want to be a little more memorable when meeting new people, there are some things you can do right now that will drastically improve your chances of making an excellent first impression.

I've got some killer tips for making an unforgettable first impression on anyone!

1. Greet the person with a smile

You'll be surprised how a simple smile can make anyone feel at ease.

Most people will say that they prefer to meet new people with a positive attitude.

So when you're walking up to someone and thinking about what expression you should put on your face, the best thing will be an honest smile.

A killer first impression starts with good vibes!

S\miling while talking to someone makes them feel like they're worthy of your time and attention.

You can't go wrong here.

A smile is enough to keep things rolling smoothly for everyone involved.

A study found that people can tell if you're faking a smile, so it's essential to be mindful of your body language when communicating.

People are very good at recognizing if other peoples' smiles are true! How you feel on the inside will reflect on the outside.

What will give away a fake smile?

The easiest way to tell if someone is faking a smile is to look at the skin around the eyes. If it's not pulled in tightly, then they're faking it.

By Jake Nackos on Unsplash

2. Make eye contact and give them a firm handshake

You might be surprised by the number of people who make the wrong impression because they don't know how to introduce themselves.

Did you know that making eye contact and giving a firm handshake will help your first impression?

A firm handshake and eye contact are the keys to making a killer first impression.

You may think that seems obvious, but you would be surprised how many people don't do this when they meet someone for the first time!

So if you want people in your life (or at work) to like and respect you from day one, then make those small gestures as soon as possible!

When humans make direct eye contact during social interactions, both parties feel more welcome and less anxious.

By Chris Liverani on Unsplash

3. Introduce yourself, ask their name, and say it back to them

Do you know what people love hearing the most? The sound of their own name.

So make sure you introduce yourself and ask their name. Then, say it back to them, so they know you're paying attention.

By repeating the other person's name in a conversation, you'll make them feel more comfortable and valued.

It will make them think that your intent is genuine. People will feel more relaxed into the interaction without feeling nervous for any reason at all.

Subconsciously using the other person's name will make them believe that they are around someone who is their friend.

People usually meet new people, and in a few seconds, they forget their name.

A person will feel that when you always refer to them without using their name.

This thing creates a distance.

You certainly don't want that.

So you can make a difference by using their name.

This will make them feel that you are friendly and care about them.

By Christina @ on Unsplash

4. Ask about them, what they do for work or what they like to do in their free time

Meeting new people is always exciting!

But if you're like me, then there are some awkward moments where you can't seem to think of anything exciting or engaging to say.

I never found that I got much out of conversations where all the other person wanted was for me to listen while they talked endlessly about their own life and interests (or lack thereof).

It's just kind of boring when one side talks all the time with no back-and-forth interaction at all.

To start things off on the right foot, find out more about what makes this person tick, such as where they're from or even something that really bores or annoys them!

The best thing you can do is ask the right questions to break the ice and get them talking about themselves!

By Jon Tyson on Unsplash

5. Compliment something about them

When you meet someone for the first time, a great thing you can do is compliment them on something.

Giving compliments will make such an excellent first impression on everyone.

If you notice something you like about them, tell them.

It's a great way of showing people how observant and thoughtful you are.

You might think it sounds corny, but it isn't if it's done the right way.

You don't want to make a monologue about how great their dress or their watch is.

Just make it quick and simple.

Something like...

"You have a great sense of humor" or "I love the design on your shoes."

Just be honest and say it because you feel it.

Making a conversation more about them and less about you is always a good thing.

This will show them that you are interested in knowing more about them, which can help open up new doors for future friendships!

By Constantin Panagopoulos on Unsplash

The most important thing about making a good first impression is to show that you are genuine, polite, and interested in other people.

You can use the above tips, but if you fake, they will feel it.

Always remember to be confident in yourself, people will like you for who you are.

That's it!

You're now a pro at making killer first impressions.

Good luck and have lots of fun trying out these tips with everyone you meet.

how to

About the Creator

Elena Athon

Blogging has allowed me to explore my creativity and voice in ways that I never knew were possible - all while connecting with people who are passionate about the same things as myself. Check out my blog:

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