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How to Maintain Peace in All Areas of Your Life

Identify Your Triggers

By Courtanae HeslopPublished 2 years ago 5 min read

Peace is a difficult thing to find, let alone maintain. In this fast-paced world filled with so much noise, it’s nearly impossible to find peace of mind. From the moment we wake up in the morning until the time we go to sleep at night, our lives are bombarded with various distractions and stressors that make it difficult to find peace in any given moment. But how is it possible to live a peaceful life while also dealing with all of these stressors and distractions? It starts by finding ways to bring peace into every area of your life. You need not spend hours reading peace quotes or listening to meditation audios in order to achieve peace; you just need some simple strategies that will help you rediscover peace no matter what circumstances you’re facing.

Identify Your Triggers

One of the first things you should do in order to maintain peace in all areas of your life is to identify your triggers. What are the specific situations in which you feel the most distracted or stressed? What are the circumstances and environments that cause your anxiety to skyrocket? For example, if you have a long commute to work, you may have noticed that you have a tendency to become easily distracted during this time. This is likely because you have too much time to think during this commute, which can cause stress as a result. Triggers will vary from person to person, so it’s important that you identify what yours are. Once you know what stresses you out, you can begin to take steps to avoid or lessen these triggers as much as possible.

Meditate Every Day

One of the best ways to maintain peace in all areas of your life is to meditate daily. This is the act of clearing your mind of all distractions in order to focus solely on your breath. It allows you to become present in the moment, which is a key component to finding peace. When you meditate, your brain enters a state of hyper-focus in which it’s able to fully comprehend and process its current state of being. By clearing your mind, you are able to make room for healing, creativity, and clarity. You can meditate in a number of different ways, including through the use of a guided audio, through visualization, or through mindfulness. Whichever method you choose, make sure to practice it daily in order to reap the benefits that come along with meditating.

Exercise Daily

Another key component to maintaining peace in all areas of your life is to make time for exercise each day. There are many benefits associated with daily exercise, one of which is the ability to help you achieve a sense of peace. While this is the case for many people, it’s important to note that the type of exercise you choose to engage in is important. If you engage in high-intensity workouts, you may experience a rush of endorphins that make you feel good in the moment, but these will wear off quickly. It’s best to engage in exercises that help you achieve a state of flow, such as yoga and tai chi. Both of these activities help you clear your mind, are non-competitive, and are great for beginners.

Establish Rituals

We all have daily rituals that we engage in, whether or not we’re aware of it. These are things that we do on a regular basis that help us feel at ease, such as drinking coffee in the morning or taking a walk outside at the end of the day. By establishing daily rituals, you help to create a sense of order in your life. You have a specific time of the day when you drink your coffee or take a walk, which helps you to achieve a sense of consistency. These types of activities help to balance your emotions, reduce your stress levels, and allow you to maintain a sense of peace in all areas of your life.

Create a Sanctuary in Your Home

The environment in which you live has a direct impact on your ability to find peace. If you live in an environment that is overly cluttered, noisy, and chaotic, you’re less likely to feel at ease than if you live in a quiet, clean, and organized space. By creating a sanctuary in your home, you are able to create the space you need in order to find peace. This means that you should strive to create a space that is clean, organized, and free of excessive noise. When possible, you should also try to create a physical space that is conducive to your daily rituals, such as a spot in your home where you can meditate or exercise.


There is no doubt that living a peaceful life is both challenging and rewarding. It is an ideal that many people aspire to, but few achieve. The good news is that you do not have to be perfect or have all the answers in order to live a peaceful life. You just need to be willing to work towards this goal each and every day. In order to maintain peace in all areas of your life, it’s important to identify your triggers, meditate daily, exercise daily, establish daily rituals, and create a sanctuary in your home. By taking these steps, you will be able to create a life that is full of peace and ease, even when times are tough.

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About the Creator

Courtanae Heslop

Courtanae Heslop is a multi-genre writer and business owner.

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