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How to Keep Spiders Out of Your Home this Autumn

It's Autumn! Leaves begin to fall, Pumpkin Spice fills the air and, like magic, Spiders begin to appear in every corner of our homes. Here are some tips on how to keep Spiders outside during their mating season.

By People! Just say Something!Published 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read

As the days get shorter and the weather starts to cool down, spiders start looking for a place to spend the winter. And often, that place is your house. Spiders are beneficial creatures that help keep insects in check. But if you're one of the many people who are afraid of spiders, or if you don't want them in your home, there are some things you can do to keep them out of your house this autumn.

Why do Spiders like to be inside?

Most spider species are more comfortable living outdoors, where they can find ample food and shelter. So why do so many spiders end up inside houses? There are a few reasons. For one, spiders are cold-blooded animals, which means they rely on external sources of heat to keep their bodies warm. In the autumn, when temperatures start to drop, spiders will often look for places to shelter from the cold. And since houses tend to be warmer than the outdoors, they provide an ideal refuge for spiders.

Additionally, most houses have plenty of corners and nooks for spiders to hide in, which helps them avoid being eaten by predators. Finally, homes offer an abundance of potential prey in the form of flies, moths, and other small insects. So while spiders may not be particularly welcome houseguests, it's easy to see why they so often end up indoors.

How to Keep Spiders out of your Home?

One way to keep spiders out of your house is to use mint, cinnamon, lavender, basil, or other strong-smelling herbs. Spiders are sensitive to smells and avoid areas heavily scented with these herbs. Another way to deter spiders is to keep your house clean and clutter-free. Spiders like to hide in dark, quiet places, so a tidy house will make it less attractive to them. Finally, you can seal any cracks or openings around your home that might give spiders a way to get inside. Caulking or weatherstripping is a way to seal up gaps around doors and windows, and you can use a brush or foam sealant to fill in any other small openings.

Spider-Repellant Plants

Basil, lavender, and mint are all excellent choices for plants that naturally repel spiders. When it comes to caring for your plants, these three herbs are relatively easy to take care of. They all prefer full sun and well-drained soil and should be watered regularly.

Basil is a great choice if you're looking for a plant that repels spiders and is also beautiful. This herb has fragrant leaves that can add a nice touch to any room. Basil is also an excellent choice for cooking so that you can enjoy its flavour as well as its spider-repelling properties.

Lavender is another excellent choice for a spider-repelling plant. This pretty purple flower not only looks nice but also has a strong scent that spiders don't like. Lavender is also relatively easy to take care of, so it's a great choice for those without a lot of gardening experience.

Mint also works as a spider-repelling plant because it has a robust and refreshing scent. Mint is also easy to take care of and can be used in many different ways. You can add mint leaves to your favourite recipes or use them to make a refreshing cup of tea.

How to get spiders outside once they're in?

Spiders may not be the most welcome houseguests, so if you find a spider inside your home, there are a few ways to get it back outside. One way is to scoop it up with a cup and release it outside. Another way is to use a piece of paper or cardboard to guide the spider towards an open door or window gently. You can also use a vacuum cleaner to suck up the spider and release it outside. Just be careful not to let the spider escape inside the vacuum. Finally, if you have a spider that you can't seem to get rid of, you can always call a professional pest control company for help.

Is it worth keeping a Spider inside the house?

Now for the question that nobody wanted to ask, and quite frankly goes against the whole nature of this post - Is it worth keeping a spider or two inside the house? While we have established that most spiders are more comfortable living outside, there are a few benefits to keeping a spider or two around the house. For one, as we mentioned earlier, spiders help keep the population of other pests in check. If you have a spider or two living in your house, they will help to keep the population of flies, moths, and other small insects down. Additionally, spiders are generally harmless to humans and pose no threat to our health.

So if you can get over your fear of these eight-legged creatures, you may find that having a spider or two around the house isn't so bad. Just remember to vacuum regularly and keep an eye out for any webs forming in the corners of your rooms.


So, while it is possible to keep spiders out of your house with some fragrant herbs and regular cleaning if you do find a spider inside, there are ways to get it back outside. Regardless of where you stand with your relationship with spiders, I think we can all take some measures to ensure that our homes stay under control and not get swarmed this autumn. On the other hand, remember that even though most people may not want them around, there can be benefits to having a spider or two living in your home. So, if you can get over your fear of these creatures, it may not be such a bad idea to let them stay - just one or two, don't end up turning your living room into a spider sanctuary.

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